The Last Jedi is my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie of all time, a close second only to Empire Strikes Back...

The Last Jedi is my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie of all time, a close second only to Empire Strikes Back. It's a shame loreautists have become so wrapped up in quantifying and explaining every single detail of the Star Wars """""universe"""" that they've forgotten how to enjoy the series as FILMS. You know, the artistic expression of a writer/director auteur, using the fantastical setting of Star Wars to explore an idea about the core human condition.

This is all ignored and thrown out the window because "hurr durr I read on wookiepedia that hyperspace physics don't work that way, shit movie, fuck disney!"

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Other urls found in this thread: wars the annotated screenplays

>close second only to Empire Strikes Back
Nice trick.

I couldn't even finish this garbage. Everything about it is shit. I hope I don't really share this board with people tasteless enough to sincerely like it

I don't know how anyone can like this movie after the Leia scene.

I liked that the Last Jedi portrayed the Force as this amazing power beyond human understanding that allows people to perform miraculous works of faith in times of great need; it was better than the video game rulebook shit that the prequels and EU treat it as, where the powers are all limited and defined within skill trees, experience points, and cost a certain amount of force mana to cast

I mean if you think the spacewalk looked goofy from a visual standpoint, I won't contradict you, but if you hated it because HURR LEIA SHOUDLN'T BE ABLE TO DO THAT or HURRR THEY SHOULD HAVE KILLED LEIA THERE you have autism

Well how can you blame them? All we were ever told is that the Force needs intense months to years of training to use, they take kids and train them in how to use it for years but it turns out it's literally just jesus juice.

So how is the Force any different to a Marvel superpower now?

The idea that you needed decades of training at the official Yoda Training Academy from the time you were a baby is an invention of the prequels, which the new films are going out of their way to ignore.

Luke had 3 days of training, and all it entailed was Yoda telling him to stop thinking with logic and just have faith in the Force

>im never going to train another jedi
after 25 seconds in the same scene:
>tomorrow morning im giving you the first lesson


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Luke's """lessons""" are telling Rey how much the Jedi suck and why they need to end and then he kicks her off the island

>Luke had 3 days of training

What? Yoda trained him for months. This is why I hate Empire literally nobody has any understanding of how much time passed during it.

clearly 5d chess. checkmate libtarfs

Not to mention that Yoda was trying to get Luke to stay and complete his training since he thought Luke wasn't ready yet.

Show a citation that isn't a Pablo Hidalgo retcon tweeted 40 years after the fact

There is nothing to indicate there was any drastic passage of time in ESB

I'm so sorry for you and your fake values:


You forgot that Luke got his ass kicked by Vader after that short incomplete training?

>is an invention of the prequels, which the new films are going out of their way to ignore.

To their downfall.

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I completely agree. This film brings a marked freshness to the Star Wars saga. The evolution of the character of Kylo Ren (portrayed masterfully by Adam Driver) is the true heart of the film, firmly marking it as the next chapter in the Skywalker Saga. Hamill and Fisher provide the strongest portrayal of their iconic characters, while Daisy Ridley starts to break free from some of the more wooden elements of her performance in The Force Awakens.

This is something truly original in terms of plot, pacing, and character development. It takes the saga in bold new directions with brave choices, wonderful surprises, and shocking moments. It pushes the boundaries of Star Wars to its limit, while still remaining absolutely true to its roots in a galaxy far, far, away.

I'd venture to say that its the strongest cinematic entry in the franchise to date. It's an absolute must-see and deserves multiple viewings.

>0.05 disneybux have been put in your account

*sigh* ok i'll post it again

1. The plot was a modern corporate “set-piece” showcase that made up “cool scenes” and wrote a story around them instead of creating a plot that could generate excitement through it’s narrative.
2. Rey is bad not because she’s a powerful competent women, she’s boring because she is a generic paint by numbers “insert-here” protagonist meant to be as inoffensive as possible so no possible merchandising demographic would not like her.
3. Finn had a good arc in The Force Awakens. Shame then that he apparently forgot it all between movies and repeated it all this movie. That why he was so pointless, not cause he’s black.
4. Canto Bight is a thirty minute waste of time that does not effect the plot. It has no “anti-capitalist message” it has a toothless “hurr greed bad” message.
5. Holdo is a bad character because she is a walking plot device that makes decisions only so others have to take action. She was created backwards. Where they wanted Poe to learn a lesson about “not being a hot-head” but didn’t want him to actually do something wrong because then the audience wouldn’t like him (and buy his merchandise). therefore she makes contradictory and nonsensical moves because she isn’t a character, but a plot-object. None of this has to do with her purple hair (it’s space, some planets have weird hair) or being a woman.
6. Hyperspace ramming as elaborated in detail elsewhere invalidates the entire franchise.
7. Luke had all his character development from a whole trilogy wiped out. All so they could do a cliche “fed-up with life kung-fu master” cliche who then dies from thinking too hard.

8. The First Order are illogical, apparently they built a fleet and accompanying super weapons as big as the Galactic Empires without having a galaxy or empire to fund and build them. Somehow the entire galaxy is fine with them rolling up and taking charge without so much as a shrug because they blew up one system with a weapon they no longer have. The OT empire was well presented in how they ruled and operated the galaxy even in A New Hope. The First Order has no characterization beyond “remember the Empire?” Nothing the First Order does is even remotely related to the Republican party, their pretty generic space facists. They never rant about immigration or healthcare or really anything political other than the same "We hate Freedom" that the original Empire did, and they have a diverse multi-racial and gender equal approach to evil, more so even than the original. Unless you think being obvious pulp-Nazi stand-ins is an accurate depiction of the GOP they're pretty toothless when it comes to current political commentary.
9. Snoke is stupid, lots of critics claim “we knew nothing about the Emperor” but the viewer had no preconceived knowledge about the Star Wars universe in the original films. It stands to reason that powerful characters existed, unknown to the viewer.
In the new trilogy, the universe is established, The evil was the Empire, Vader and the Emperor. For a character of Snokes immense power to exist is contradictory. It requires an explanation. And for characters such as Luke and Leia to refer to him by name, on multiple occasions, and for others such as Rey to never question this, is disconcerting, unnatural and entirely immersion breaking.

Kylo Ren is not Darth Vader.

10. Bad costume design, In the OT and PT everyone has a unique look and silhouette that is both easy to pick out in a crowd and memorable. From the Rebels on the Tantive IV to the Tatooine/Jedi robe look, to the Naboo guard outfits, to the Troopers in the Hoth Trenches. None of the costumes in The Last Jedi do this. I couldn't tell you what most main characters wore much less the extras. Everything is so generic and uninspired you could use it in another movie and no one would notice they were reusing Star Wars costumes.
11. All the ships and vehicles are just the original trilogies with some extra lines painted on. Both the prequels and Rogue One managed to have designs that were simultaneously unique looking but still thematically similar to the original movies. everything save the salt-speeders is just a repainted original with some flaps.
12. Finally It's funny hearing people complain about "fanboys" wanting TLJ to be a retread when TLJ dedicates it's entire runtime to nullifying any changes to the story since ANH. It has been 35 years in-universe and everything is now at exactly the same point it was during ANH, Empire has uncontested rule of the galaxy, Scrappy rebels (They even change their name from Resistance to Rebels in the third act!), Dark Lord ruling the aforementioned Empire, One half-trained Jedi to keep on the Orders legacy (which has been otherwise wiped out), and so-on. The entire original trilogy might as well not have happened now because the universe has been reset to a merchandise friendly timeless limbo.

I know this is bait, but I love how it doesn't even mention Finn's entire pointless subplot or any of the new characters at all, because they're objectively terrible.

Based. It's my second favorite too.

i think that tfa and tlj were shit for other reasons except point 12 which is spot on and really brings home the point regarding merchandizing. they basically took the name of the franchise, lightsabers, some general themes and outlines of character and reframed them not to continue the story, but just make money.

i would much prefer to watch the ot or pt remade than to have them abuse copyrights and present these movies as a new episode in the franchise.

Its pure shit and so is your taste.

Sick post, bro

The Last Jedi is Age of Extinction-tier. It features some of the worst writing and comedy (in a film full of jokes only one works) I've ever seen in a blockbuster. It manages to retroactively make TFA worse and leave nothing interesting for the sequel to explore. An entire 30 minutes of screen time is filler and the chase subplot is built entirely on the characters making really stupid decision after stupid decision. It commits to none of its "fresh" concepts and borrows liberally from ESB and ROTJ. A terrible film.

I get viewing these films as forms of artistic expression, as a matter of fact many franchises that were taken over by new directors who had different visions have turned out to be really good (Blade runner is the most recent that comes to mind.) And when you are writing honestly that's perfectly okay, nothing wrong with that. The thing about this film in particular is that nothing about it is honest at all. It was a movie stuffed so full of references and commercialization that it treated the plot as a secondary objective to the main goal of making as much moolah off this cash cow as possible. Therefore; this movie is NOT art. and should not be viewed as artistic expression. So much of the plot itself is incoherent and you can tell that the characters in the film have little to absolutely no passion in the story they're trying to convey. It's bland, boring, and honestly flat out insulting to the main fanbase of the franchise that isn't full of hipster "le star wars!@!@!@!" fanboys who will gladly swallow anything disney shits out.

If the movie was written simply with the intention of making as much cash as possible, it would have had le ebin badass Luke Skywalker killing stormtroopers for 3 hours before he says REY I AM YOUR FATHER and they join forces to defeat Snoke, who is revealed as DARTH PLAGUEIS

Not true, as that only panders to original star wars fans. Remember, the way to make the most money off of films is to pander to as many different demographics as possible. The side effect of this is that the more demographics you pander to the less coherent your film becomes. They tried to get their token female lead mary sue, token male sidekick, interracial love interest sideplot, big bad guy big bad girl love interest sideplot, old wise karate kid sage turns out to not be so wise sideplot, Hoth reenactment salty boogaloo ending battle, epic old sage redemption hologram copout and much more into ONE movie. All to pander to as many people as possible.

So no, having luke killing a much of things would have only pandered to about 30% of the franchise's core fanbase. The other 70% only watch the films as a social calling card, not because they have any respect for the series.

>Sup Forums shit combined with "normies ruining muh star wars"


Better than yours you little shit

>but I LIKED IT so it's GOOD

Stop this. Either give reasons why it's good or admit that the majority opinion is right.

What did he mean by this

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>No actual retort

Yeah okay buddy nice bait.

Why didn't they kill Leia there though? Carrie Fisher is dead so having Leia still be alive is kind of in poor taste for the actress, although they did CGI a younger version of her so I guess the mouse has no bounds.

Yoda literally said Luke was too old for the training to Obi-Wan in ESB

Having Leia die there would have been good for Ren's arc

because it would have required drastic rewrites and reshoots and they'd have to make sweeping changes to the movie that really aren't worth it just because a few audience members might sperg out over Leia dying offscreen between movies

I liked that they didnt cop out and left Leia in as much of the movie as possible. It would have been better though if they just knocked her out with an explosion from a star destroyer blast or something, and then somehow shunted the scene with Leia being sucked into space to the last scene of the movie.

>because it would have required drastic rewrites and reshoots
Didn't stop Disney with Rogue One and would actually make sense this time around since they're going to have to kill her offscreen in Episode 9.

Wow, Disney actually managed to kill off the entire OT cast in 2 movies. There was no reason at all to kill off Luke over Leia especially when Carrie passed away while they were in Post-Production and still had a whole year before release.

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Rewrite what exactly? She appears in about 3 scenes in the movie and adds nothing besides quips. Would even explain why none of the rebel allied planets sent help.

Being that Luke was the Obi Wan of this trilogy it makes sense for him to sacrifice himself and then come back as a ghost to explain some shit. The idea I got from the final scene is that there is going to be a significant jump ahead in epIX so it's easy to explain with some flashbacks why an old lady isn't there any more.

>obiwan of this trilogy

Literally repeating the same plot points of the previous films isn't an excuse.

Luke changes a lot over the course of his training with Yoda, so it probably wasn't three days. There's an implied passage of time, and the way Luke behaves is just a part of it.

He goes from questioning Yoda and dismissing his guidance, to calling him Master, still dismissing his guidance, to making great bounds with his training (he starts seeing the future), acknowledging Yoda's guidance (when Yoda tells him to chill out on leaving, Luke is receptive at first), before ultimately giving in to his impulses, running off to fight Vader and getting beaten.

the movie was kino, the fight in the throne room was almost sublime though.

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>Given the extended universe canon, Hoth to Dagobah is probably a base duration of a few hours at most. They're nearly adjacent, according to the Essential Atlas maps.

>Far more important is the travel time to/from Dagobah by Luke.

>The X-Wing has a week of consumables according to Wookiepedia and a x1 Hyperdrive. Since Luke makes it from Hoth to Dagobah and back to Bespin with under a week of endurance, this puts a much longer trip at 3 days each way or so. Moreover, Luke has the fuel to meet up with the fleet following this, reducing it further.

>We don't know exactly how much time it takes for them to make the trip, but we do se Leia change clothes between Hoth and Bespin, so most likely, it was over a day... but with a x10 hyperdrive, that means only at least a 2 hour base trip time. There are implications of a period of time working on the Falcon before Vader reveals himself - and then a period of being tortured. A period of torture implied in the novelization to be high single digit days before Lando works up the nerve to talk to them.

>We can see several levels of costume change on Luke, as well. The day he arrives, it's nightfall, and he eats with Yoda. We see portions of the next day. We see a change in costume indicating time passing. We then see Luke in the Tree. We see even more distress on the garments.

>We see Luke talking with Yoda about Han and Leia suffering. We see a change in outfit to a flight suit, and departure.

>We can take as implied that there is at least 2-3 days between costume distress levels in the training. That gives us a few weeks. It's more likely that it takes longer than that.

>We have also the Falcon's travel time. It's not much, tho' - even tho the Falcon has a maximum of two months consumables, it's travelling on a backup hyperdrive. Backup Hyperdrives are, according to several sources, limited to several hours range... so we can't even account for missing time that way.

>In any case, to make things match even a couple days per costume adjustment, the hyperdrives need to be pretty fast.

>Also, it is worth noting that anything past about 12 hours makes for pilots in cramped cockpits having various forms of distress - it's hard to sleep in a chair, and in flight relief units are generally only good for urine.

>I'd put my estimate between 7 and 21 days of training with Yoda, and about another 2 days of travel time for Luke

>It has been several years since I've read it, but I think it was in Star Wars: The Anotated Screenplays... wars the annotated screenplays

>...that Ivan Kirshner indicated that he regretted that he did not properly convey the passage of time. If I remember correctly, Luke's training and the Falcon's travel was supposed to take 6 months.

I get that. I just think that their logic was, that they wanted to send Luke to ghost mode one way or the other so at least this way the fans only had to deal with losing one character per movie. If Fisher hadn't died the Kennedy would have wanted to keep her around for a while, which is why they showed that she had learned to channel the force since the OT

>Let's try to figure out the time it took the Falcon to arrive at Cloud City without the hyperdrive.

>According to Wookiepedia, Hoth is at 50,250 light years from the core, and Bespin is at 49,100 from the core. It doesn't give the exact distance between them, but the lower bound is 50,250 - 49,100 = 1150 light years. I will stop any calculation here because the numbers are ridiculous, estimating the sub-light speed of the Millennium Falcon is pointless and any attempt to estimate the travel time this way is doomed, as it would take more than 1150 years to go there at sub light speed.

>All of this is caused by a bad understanding of distances in space by Lucas and other writers who made up these numbers. The numbers may have made sense if Bespin and Hoth had been in the same star system, but it looks like that's not the case.

>This was retcooned later by adding a backup class 10 Hyperdrive, witch is extraordinarily slow, to the technical specifications of the millennium falcon. But still, we have no idea of how long it took to the Millennium Falcon to go to Cloud City with a class 10 Hyperdrive.

>However, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back starts in 3 ABY and Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi starts in 4 ABY, and there are other events between the movies, which are placed around 3,5 ABY.

>So all we can say for sure is that Luke's training time with Yoda could have been anything between about 30+ minutes (i.e. the amount of time it takes on screen) and six months.

shouldn't you be working on your next trilogy, Rian?

Age of Extinction, to me, felt like one of the better Transformers films.

And even if you disagree, that's a really unfair comparison. Comparing The Last Jedi to The Last Knight is a lot more apt.

But Star Wars isn't fantasy its science fiction.


nu-star wars aren't canon

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lol what

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Here user so you don't have to do so much work.

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that "fight" had some of the worst choreography in the entire franchise

>star wars VIII

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So now the shills are trying to get people to buy the bluray? Give it up

whats wrong with it ?
Looks awesome, and its a single wideshot cut. Thats impressive, minimal cuts, flowing clear action.

Thats good direction.

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most of the bts stuff is leaked online, and people are posting caps from the pirated rips you paranoid mong.

>*it's a hologram*

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I refuse to believe anyone who thinks TLJ is good or great isn't a shill.

you do share it, I like it. OP maybe a troll, but he hit the spot saying it's a fucking "movie", a product using the Star Wars universe, it's the way the director interpretates shit that's going on there. Even more... it's a movie made in the era of souless entertainment media, everything entertainment/succesful suffers from the same problems: soulless products, you have to learn to appreciate them for what they are, made in a shitty era, this isn't the 80s or 90s when creators were doing things with the love for the craft factor really high and weren't working with a gun on their forehead obligated to oversell the last "successful" moneypot. The amount of butthurt and trolling this movie has caused on this board is just a reflection of the type of poster that comes here.



The actress fucking died in real life. Her character played no relevant role in the rest of the film. She can't be in the next film unless they Paul Walker her ass.

Leia should have died there.

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t. paid (((Disney))) shill

don't fight it user

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what's going on with her teath?

Not all are shills most just have SWSS.

>Star Wars Stockholm syndrome.

She could bite through a tennis racket with those teeth.

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or maybe your so butthurt about it that you can't stand other people enjoying it

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it's a bit ironic that the man who voiced the joker is in the same movie as a woman who looks like him

Could you imagine unironically liking star wars still after age 15?

It's a kids movie. If your favorite movie has an entire toy isle of it's own at the nearest shartmart, you fucked up and women don't like you.

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fuck you Rian you faggot mutherfucker.

TLJ better than ANH? Fook off

I think you call me 'butthurt' is a sign that you are butthurt.

>You have to learn to appreciate them for what they are

No you do not.

>that dent in the guards helmet after he hits him


>I don't want to talk to people who have different opinions than me!
maybe you should just talk to yourself then m8

Or, and stay with me on this, or we can start demanding that quality movies start getting made again. We can stop settling for McDonalds and start demanding Grade A, perfectly seasoned, supremely cooked steak for kino. Just saying.

I love Daisy!!!!!!!!

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>he says this in the Marvel age
Way to mark yourself as a virgin.

the whole fucking garbage thing could've redeemed itself if rey turned to the dark side in the end after snokes death (also wtf was the point of having an emperor type if you're gonna kill him half into the second movie without any struggle at all?)

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They’ll probably Sopranos her
>General Leia, they have found out our base again!
>... you’re right.
then her glorified cameo will be over as she sacrifices himself in another awkward scene

Killing Leia offscreen is just going to be salt in the wound after the fucking embarassing final scenes she got in TLJ.

the video-game way or shonen way or "rulebook shit" as you call is much better than the blockbuster way/hollywood way ("let everything be vogue, so everyone can be able to do whatever the plot requires him/her to do and unable to do anything they shouldn't be able to do for the plot to make sense")

So magical and creative...

>action ass
I'd give that ass some action etc

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Luke's reaction to Rey turning would have been great to watch.

That. Also, there are just people who legitimately do not care about things like a coherent story or interesting characters.

>they've forgotten how to enjoy the series as FILMS
No, I haven't forgotten that I like my films to have at least a cohesive story and well developed characters. None of which TLJ has.