Quantum of Sorbet

>Quantum of Sorbet

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>The Buffet Is Not Enough



>Casino Royale wit Chez

>The spy who fed me
>tomorrow I'll eat fries
>licence to grill

>got to fuck her when she was skinny and sexy
>still gets to fuck a 7/10 bbw
He’s living the dream

>For your pies only

>These threads are back

Fuck yeah. I missed you guys.

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Bacon, not stirred

Four your pies only*

so close


>diet another day


Based Pierce

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>from kasha with love

>Diabetes are forever

They do look very happy together though. Good for pierce

Dr. Now

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based brosnan

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>Bond Burgered

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>A wiew to a meal

my gf is getting too thick (aka fat), how do I encourage her to get in shape?

inb4 "there's no such thing as too thick"

>Live and get pie

ask her to go to gym together with you
if she refuses then just dump her. ask her rhetorically if she really expects that someone remains with her if she intentionally doesn't want to do her best to remain physically attractive to you?

Honestly, just tell her she's getting a bit big. Tell her you'll work out with her.

They look so in love and happy together. It's cute

>The spy who fed me


>Not Dr. No Surgery Until You Lose 40 lbs.

Cmon user, youre better than that


Never Say Never (to dessert) Again

>You Only Eat Twice (with second breakfast)

Pierce brosnan is gay anyway

Alright, I'll do that. She's the one who brought up that she's getting big so maybe that's her way of saying "I wouldn't be mad if you wanted to work out with me"

>Be a white nigger
>Be into homely fat chicks
Are you really suprised

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>Tomorrow never diets

Newfags get out


How can one man be so based?

yes it is fair enough to be concerned about your partner's health, but then again she could also get BIGGER

Stunning. What a masterpiece!



>Strectchmarks Are Forever

goodbye my sides

>the fatter she gets the happier he becomes


The Woman with the Golden Gunt

Pierce is a true alpha male

>For Your Size Only

Now who says there aren't fat acceptance threads on Sup Forums?

>License To Kill The Entire Sandwhich

holy shit

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Looks like blubber is back on the menu!

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real talk, does she have some kind of disorder or something?


Whatever it is, I think my wife has it too desu senpai

>Fried Octopussy

From Russia with Caviar

Is Pierce Brosnan, dare I say, the ultimate male?

>Dine again today.

>licence to grill
kek, missed this one, nice

>a beaut to be filled

You will never look at your wife and be as happy as Pierce is

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What's up with those creepy smiles?

The pie who loved me

>The Living Daylights Not A Time For Exercise


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Diet another day

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No you fag, pierce suffered through watching both his wife and daughter in law die of ovarian cancer (a few years apart but at almost the exact same age), during which time he had to watch them wither away physically. We believe this is what has caused him to enjoy the thicc. He even threatened to divorce her if she got liposuction.

>From McDonalds With Love

For your thighs only

Can you imagine how loud those cheeks would be clapping? This man is a genius

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A View to a Grill

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Tomorrow Give Her Pies

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Casino Royale with Cheese

This cheeky fucker knew what he was doing, and he knew that we knew that he knew, and he did it anyway.

>The Cake Who Loved Me
>A View to a Grill
>Tomorrow Never Diets
>The Diner Is Not Enough
>Frie Another Day

it finally makes sense


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>quantity of sausage

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You can literally see him gazing into his THICC AS FUCC future, plotting, scheming, planning.

Piers Brosnan is an architect and his medium is the female form.

He can see the light of the future, and it is blocked, by the giant waist of his wife.

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If this fails feed her enough diet pills so she'll get a heart attack and then the doctor will tell her to start losing weight.

>Diet Another Day

>ice cream's peak
Or is just for Bond's movies?


Mrs. Goutfire

>The Tim Hortons Affair

>license to refill
>the dining delights
>the ham with the golden crust


>those arms

He knew what was coming.