Who else got traumatised by this shit as a kid?

Who else got traumatised by this shit as a kid?

Attached: Animals_of_farthing.jpg (398x234, 61K)

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I had bad dreams about Watership Down for a week or so, but farthing wood was simply somewhat realistic.

Just how weak of a kid would you have been? Never been outside the city perhaps?

Have you forgotten pic related? That shit was significantly worse than any part of Watership Down.

Attached: butcherbird.png (551x427, 405K)

why user...
All these memories.

Attached: 1516475929677.jpg (768x1024, 65K)

This the one where it's all idyllic in the beginning and then da hoomens burn/cut down the forest and shit

yea me too

Nope, I liked it. Most of the apparent bad stuff went over my head I guess.
I grew up with access to English woodland, I was used to seeing animals die in nature and stumbling upon their remains when I went out to play.

Holy shit I'd forgotten the name of this one, I still remember that scene with the hedgehogs being hit by a car traumatising me.

I forget, is that scene with the barbed wire from Farthing Wood or Watership Down?

Also what the fuck was up in the 70s-90s with so many gruesome kids' franchises about talking animals in books/TV/film?

If you think this is worse than watership down something is really wrong with you.

Oh and watch Plague dogs for some light hearted fun :^)

Wow haven't been reminded of this show in years. How did it traumatise you? This was comfy af

Just the music gives me flashbacks

>Also what the fuck was up in the 70s-90s with so many gruesome kids' franchises about talking animals in books/TV/film?

Because the books were written by people who had been through the war so they knew what life was really about, and the kids the movies were made for weren't the soy enriched pussies they are today.

>lots of animals dont make the initial journey
>butcher bird scene
>one of the foxes is murdered by rival foxes or wolves
>mr Heron finds his wife dead
Damn this show was heavy

I remember my mom rented the VHS of this for me when I was around 8 and she thought it was just a silly cartoon. Thanks mom.

When Adder's mate gets killed by rats. That's what hit me hardest.

I was like 2 years old when it first aired

I've seen both multiple times, homo.
Neither of them features a heartbroken mother screaming in terror and agony as her children are impaled before her eyes.

There was another cartoon called Plague Dogs that traumatised me for like, a year. Made by the same dude who made watership down. Shit was horrible, it was insanely dark for an animated movie.

Bold's death fucked me up the most. I don't think any other character suffered as much as him. It just felt so unnecessary after all he'd been through.

God, Plague Dogs fucked with Mr and I saw it as an adult. I cried at the end, such bitter-sweet tears because after all the shit they'd been through death was probably a good thing

Reminder that in the book the two dogs get rescued in the nick of time by a literal author self insert who takes them to live with Snitter's master (who actually isn't dead and looked for him this whole time) for the rest of their lives.