General Hux

Has he ever made one good military decision that doesn't end in disaster?

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Surely embarrassing your fleet commander in front of EVERYONE isn't a viable tactic.
Vader only did that in private to seed fear not cause dissent.

Ginger Hitler literally did nothing wrong. Debate me.

He made my ears hurt during his speech

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I remember watching that and cringing. Apparently Hollyjew thinks the louder you scream something the better it sounds.
Honestly it was doomed from the beginning, a speech is only as good as the content, and the First Order doesn't really have any cause of interest.
Imagine a new Star Wars trilogy where the villains were all non force sensitive, with the explicit goal to rid the galaxy of force users, blaming the force users for every conflict in galactic history, manipulating events from the shadows, believing themselves superior to normal men, and then as the speech ends state with fervor, "We shall destroy the Sith, AND THE JEDI!"

Holy shit.
Poor Domhnall

the last jedi is the ultimate proof that there is no cringier thing that badly executed slapstick.

If you are powerful enough to force slam people across space i don't think you're going to have much problems with dissent.

This character is the biggest waste of a fucking fantastic actor.

This is now a kylux thread

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The movie is unwatachable

>Holdo was a person who rarely answered questions. She gave very direct orders and expected her crew to follow it without question. Holdo, no matter how arrogant, was a determined and patriotic woman.

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How did this happen. How have these silly looking people taken over shit i liked. Why would someone let this happen?

>fantastic actor

because the force is female now, male protaganists are BANNED.

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Kylo should have killed this guy to vent his frustration at the end of TLJ. Because if Hux comes back in the next movie, nobody is going to be able to take him seriously as a villain after he fucked up so badly.

I do not think so.

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>I'll take it in my chambers.

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>Luke - Dead
>Han - Dead
>Snoke - Dead
>Admiral Acbar - Dead
>Chrome dome - Dead
>2 qt rebel pilots - Dead

>MaRey Sue - Alive
>Kylo Ren (AKA: Emo Hitler) - Alive
>Finn - Alive
>Fat asian girl who's name i cant even remember - Alive
>Leia - Alive (not irl tho)
>Hux - Alive

Jesus christ all the good characters are dead and all the forced shitty ones are left alive for Ep 9, how did they fuck up this bad?

I identify with General Hux on a deep and primal level, and I can't even properly explain why.
Perhaps it's because he fucks up every time and yet he still keeps pushing on to fuck up another day. There's something about it that's almost inspiring in a somewhat sick way.

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Because you like wiener?

try your absolute best to impress your boss, fuck everything up anyway and get absolutely roasted on a daily basis for it

Is Hux a virgin? if he is he's basically exactly like me.

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Reylo = trashy undeveloped flick
Kylux = complex well-developed KINO

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>Reylo = Straight
>Kylux = Faggotry

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Did you direct the movie?

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The only woman he's ever interacted with, whether in the movie or in extended canon, is Phasma and I can't see her getting it on with some ginger twink. So yeah

He at least has a wife, right? What about Kylo or Snoke?

Don't tell me the entire first order is run by a bunch of angry incels, is that what tempts people to the dark side?

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Wait for the inevitable "The First Order, run by a group of pathetic men who can't even get laid in a universe filled with sentient slugs, continue their attack on the women of the resistance, and their allies." in the opening crawl

No wife, confirmed virgin unless his father sexually abused him which seems to be at least somewhat implied
confirmed virgin

Why is this character even alive? Is it because everyone expected him to die and have Kylo Ren take over. Rian is a fucking retard. Hux, Rose, Finn and even Leia are alive yet he killed Luke and Snoke, chinku hot sister, hot female pilot but killed the fucking uggo females on the bridge. Absolute madman

Retards, Hux is there to overthrow Kylo and take over the First Order so Kylo has an excuse to join Rey

No one is going to take you seriously if you get bitchslapped like that.
Imagine being in army and seeing your general beating the shit out of your beta captain. Would you really respect your captain more?

So that weak buffon is gonna be the main antagonist? KEK

>implying they don't all run a rape train on Hux on a daily basis

Who the fuck is even the antagonist?
Snoke was lame nu-Emperor copy
Kylo Ren is an edgy emo fuck who got beaten by Mary Sue and some redshirt guards.
Hux is a joke.
Even Prequels had intimidating lesser villains, minus the Palpatine (because he's the best villain in Star Wars)
For fuck's sake, Maul killed Qui Gon, who was a Jedi Master and Count Dooku destroyed Obi-Wan and maimed Anakin and held his own against Yoda himself.

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>episode IX reveals Bigger Luke, Luuke and Luuuke have formed a triumvirate to destroy the galaxy

>ends with them leaving to the find Biggest Luke, the eternal thread lurking beyond the outer rim

JJ can bring back his Knights of Ren. Since the first two movies took place over 48 hours at best, you can say the other Rens were off being enforcers in other parts of the galaxy, and now they come back after Snoke's death for a power struggle with Kylo.

>some literally who faggots show up in the last movie, that are barely mentioned before and are the big bad guys of the trilogy
woah, so subversive

I've been wondering, is the woman's role supposed to be a cameo or is she just not famous enough for a bigger part?

Because she's pretty based and has been having a good few years.

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Episode 9 should introduce a lot of new shit after the first two movies canceled each other out, so we're past the point of caring about them barely being mentioned before.

Star Wars Episode IX subverts your expectations. Here's why that's a good thing.

>Fat asian girl who's name i cant even remember - Alive
Didn't she die, sacrificing herself?

Rian used Hux for comic relief because he knows how to play to an actor's strengths. Based Rian

>Bigger Luke, Luuke and Luuuke
I know thats a joke, but Hamill could pull it off.
Ones' Joker, one's Ozai and Cock Knocker

Who smokes like that?

Following of the rebel fleet was a good idea
the funny thing is that her plan still being retarded and going absolutely nowhere was better than Poe''s

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I'M ACTING: the person

What the fuck? How does someone with zero talent like this guy or Rey's actress get hired to be the focal characters in a production that costs hundreds of millions?

There isn't a good hero there isn't a good villain. Of course people are uninterested. The only way to save this is to make the main characters good hero's and bring in a knew villain. Which is cheap and insulting, but its all they have left.

>How does someone with zero talent like this guy
Him and Driver are the only actors there my nigger friend

Gleeson knows he's in a shit movie and puts in the performance it deserves.
He's /ourguy/

See Gleeson is first and foremost a comedic actor and he's having fun with the garbage he's been given. If you could be paid millions to goof around and act like a retard, wouldn't you do it?

>he's just pretending to be awful and everyone on the set treats it as a little in-joke ha ha :)

Gay homosexuals

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>Kylo Ren is a bad villain because he isn't a two dimensional generic stoic badass like the prequel villains

Yeah god forbid they focus on ONE specific antagonist for the whole trilogy instead of bringing in a new bad guy in every movie to sell a new toy every time

>two dimensional generic stoic badass

It's hard for me to take your villain seriously if he gets his ass kicked all the time

Sheev is only openly antagonistic in the last third of RotS, most of that movie is wasted fucking around with Grievous, an entirely useless plotline that goes nowhere

Vader would have force choked all these retards for their constant mistakes and the Emperor would have been cool with it because Vader was the perfect HR rep for the Empire.
Hux is like Admiral Ozzell times a hundred and should have been choked for Starkiller Base's destruction, hell there's no reason for Kylo Ren to keep him around either.

Where the fuck are the Shakespeare actors playing these officers?

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Well if they really wanted a pseudoHitler, they could have atleast tried to imitate his speech patterns. If nothing else he was good on delivery of his speeches.

trips of truth

I have to admit that that would be 10/10 kino. But I'd absolutely root for the villains all the way

Much like the SW merch brand, she is on life support

Aww gross who even likes freckles?

>dubs confirm trips

most of the First Order is comprised of younger but more fanatical officers

Captain Canady is an example of old guard Imperial Navy chafing under the inexperience of his superiors

Snoke can forcepull through a projector? What?

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Grievous was bait. That's all he ever was. a Useful idiot in a grand scheme. Disposable. He played his part perfectly because they decided to send ole Obi Chad Kenobi to slap his shit leaving Ani 'I hate sand' Skywalker to get seduced by Sheev's impressive girth of knowledge.

Name me one (1) thing objectively wrong with freckles.

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I'm siding with kylux here, just because reylofags are getting extremely annoying

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they ruin perfectly fine, smooth pale skin

>hux topping in any way whatsoever

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Holy shit, based antiReylo user


I wonder if the actors that play these characters know about this shit? That has got to be disturbing.

should made him black and called him general huxtable

>tfw lost my entire Kylux collection and can only repost shit from /cm/ and /y/ now
Keep posting user

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So anti reylos are faggots nothing new

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I bet you haven't heard of Church of Han vs Cathedral of Luke

Oh get the fuck out of here. Gleeson made the absolute best out of the shitty script they gave him with that scene. Anything less would just make it seem even more retarded, just going full blast and channeling the ghost of Hitler was the best case scenario.

Rian Johnson was the sole screenwriter of The Last Jedi. Try again.

I remember when that hack of a director JJ kept saying his film was empty because he was setting this up for the next movie to set them in motion. Rian trolled him good and threw the boomerang bacK. Now JJ is back to square one. All he has to do is find a way to market this turd as something interesting only for people to realize it's another turd once they paid their ticket

My first gf was a ginger with freckles and she loved it when I kissed them. The experience conditioned me into being turned on by freckles to this day.



he sort of reminds me of Raul Julia as Bison

I Voted for General I.N. Competence but that may have been too on the nose, even for Didney.

i gotchu senpai

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>TFW no Pax Bisonica

I get it. I have nothing against freckles, I just don't like them on characters that canonically don't have them, because I preferer "perfect" skin myself


hhmmmm sweetie black people can't be bad, duh, only white male have this privilege

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Never seen that one before. Thanks user.

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I haven't, and I won't look it up.


Can he make it?

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I don't know shit about these movies, by why is he a general at like 35 years old, and why is he commanding a fleet with that title?