Pays pizza guy for pizza he didn't even order just to help the pizza guy out so he doesn't have to pay for the pizza...

>pays pizza guy for pizza he didn't even order just to help the pizza guy out so he doesn't have to pay for the pizza out of his own wage
>doesn't pressure developers, just tells them to take their time and do it right, he wants to deliver a quality product when it's ready, not grab a quick buck like the CEO
>doesn't sexually harass anyone at work
>politely asks for a coffee, even though he's the reason the entire company exists and the reason those people at the company have high paying jobs
>takes some garbage from the garbage can
>goes home and plays the future equivalent of GTA

but he deserves eternal damnation because he has a shitty social skills, right guys?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He stole their DNA and made virtual clones of them without their permission, including a fucking kid. Yes he is a scumbag and deserves what he got.

With those kind of tendencies he was inevitabley going to shoot up a school or something. Good riddance.

>is white
>is a male
what more do you need? go back to Sup Forums, this is our board now sweetie

Can you take this falseflagging and use it to trigger the people who call me a soyboy? I could really use some effective comebacks.

>use it to trigger the people who call me a soyboy
I can't imagine that anybody who'd randomly say this wouldn't fit the definition

The time of the whiteboi is over, the age if kangz has begun

Yes. People with shitty social skills should be lined up and shot. End of story.

>blonde hair
>blue eyes
What else do you need? Hes literally hitler.

To be fair I wouldn't mind watching a miniseries about the crew once they enter the internet.

he was considered evil because he was abusing AI with the capacity for independent thought

did he know they had independent thought?

the pizza guy wouldn't be deprived of his wage, he hustled that nerd easy

He also enjoys being cruel and tyrannical. Did you forget that?

this thread is bait, half the point of the episode was to set him up as a sympathetic character in some aspects to then show you that he's a monster and none of his personality traits were actually that of a good person regardless.

>pays pizza guy for pizza he didn't even order just to help the pizza guy out
>doesn't even tip

Yeah big help faggot. Also
>but he deserves eternal damnation because he has a shitty social skills, right guys?

No, he deserves it for making programs that could outsmart him without the proper safeties in place you stupid mook.

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is dumpster diving really stealing?
he was basically playing the sims, and he hurt no real people.
nice reddit spacing

He pirated their DNA

Cancerfu is cute

The point was that he was not a good guy for doing those things like they were setting you up to think at the start. He was just gutless and scared of conflict, from seeing how he acted in the game we can tell he’s a shitty guy on the inside. This is contrasted when his “asshole” partner sacrifices himself to save the rest. showing that just because your timid or assertive that doesn’t make you a good/bad person. It’s taking a shot at so called “nice guys” who think they’re good just because they’re afraid of consequences.

>How he acted in the game we can tell he's a shitty guy on the inside

So someone utilizing a tool that does no physical harm to anyone to act out in ways where no consequences have real effects makes them an asshole/shitty person?

So does this mean all women are cunts because they can literally go through life breaking law after law and only getting a slap on the wrist?

>only a le nice guy would act like that in a simulated world
It's a simulation, it's not real. Any type of person could and would do stuff they can't experience in real life. Assuming that your behavior in a sandbox setting where it doesn't count is what you would do in a setting where it does count is not warranted.

He was a virgin weirdo

I have no idea what op is talking about. I never made fun of this guy in my life.


>seeing how he acted in the game we can tell he’s a shitty guy on the inside.

So watching how somebody plays a game can give you deep insight into who they are as a person?

Hard to take this premise seriously. Memories don't work that way. It's as asinine as the "use 100% of your brain" meme.

considering the game was a consciousness upload like just about all the fucking episodes now cause goddamn they're so out of ideas its not even funny, and his personal shard was running on the corporate servers and had access to the main shard, he was likely copying their minds when they logged into the game (easy to make first-hand product familiarity a employment requirement for a GAME COMPANY) and he was just stealing the DNA to make real-to-life (minus junk) avatars for the copies.

But hey, stay triggered and stupid. seems to be working out for you.

Irrelevant. The ant doesn't care if the kid with the magnifying glass is aware of the harm he's causing or not.

bateman …is it you?

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Post space outfit

considering half the episode is built around him torturing the copies until they break and become obedient, I take it you didn't even watch it.

What about the dating app episode? Everyone in there conceivably had sentience, but then they got exterminated every time a new match is made. Surely a virtual genocide on that scale, with an app with millions of users, should be considered worse than what he was doing?

Shit episode but man, that fetishbait.
>sexual slavery
>human furniture
I was semi-hard for at least half the duration.

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Anyone who doesn't think sentient AI are human and should be treated humanely are sociopaths.

Considering the guy's total lack of imagination, I say he deserved everything that happened to him. Godhood is a terrible thing to waste.

>but he deserves eternal damnation because he has a shitty social skills, right guys?


if he really created sentient life then he is their god and should have the right to do whatever he wants to them, who would question a gods rule over his creation?

This is autism.

Removing all the fantasy and sci-fi layer, this guy would be the kind of worker who takes creepshot videos of his hot coworkers and jerks to them without their knowledge or consent. You can argue he isn't hurting anyone, but still, it ain't right

>eternal damnation
he'll be dead in a week, dumbass.

All he had to do was wait for the update to go live then enter the game and he would've had it easy

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>purposefully missing the point of cookies for (you)'s

He is a petty sadist because he programmed the A.I. or whatever the fuck they are to feel pain and suffering and specifically makes them feel like shit all the time. But I still think that eternal damnation is a pretty hardcore punishment for anybody, especially him.

His real body will, the AI version of him will probably die whenever his computer turns off

this gif has more depth than anything in black mirror

This episode is utter rubbish.
>hurr durr who's the real monster?
>beta is a jerk online=consequences
>normies jerk irl=yasss queen slay
>super speshul stronk woman can hack harder than the other guy
>system which connects to your brain to enter a game has no fail safe
>hey you don't want to pay extra money for something you didn't order. What a prick!

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He deserves it because he's a white male

>Future tech doesn't work that way
Really makes me think.

But didn’t his program stop him from doung something like shoot up the school?

uhm dont you remember when he stole her pussy? thats a red line!

Asks me how I know you've never seen a vagina IRL...

>there are people defending the episode in this thread

So if I were to take lets say 6 million AI's that are sentient and put them on a hard drive and throw it off a cliff would I have just committed a mass extermination? You all are fucking dumb comparing the ai's to actual humans.

The six million.. no.. oh no!!

>pays pizza guy for pizza he didn't even order just to help the pizza guy out so he doesn't have to pay for the pizza out of his own wage

Do you actually have to do this if you work at pizza place?

At a local place? Maybe. Chain pizza? The store takes the hit, you just lose gas and time.

im just guessing but maybe the reason people dont like him is because he was torturing sentient lifeforms for fun.

To things that don't exist.
The whole clone shit was inserted because the writers realised at the last moment that the whole premise of the show "creepy guy being cruel to virtual constructs" isn't a story at all, considering the things aren't real.
Hated this entire episode. We're basically back to nerd bashing now, except even sci-fi is in on it.

Why does it matter whether they exist? Why does he have to "deserve" his punishment? Can't the non-existent AI just be cool and act on its own like you'd expect in this situation? Why does it have to fit conditions that you prefer? Episode was just about fine as it was.

Ask me how I know your considering getting a fish dildo IRL

That’s the point of the series. Taking seemingly innocuous things from our current society and seeing how the moral dilemmas they may present with a little advancement.

Beef curtains detected.
Women base their entire view on men if they are alphas.

Nothing more to it.

Yes. Aspies deserve to die

Your post doesn't exist.

>consciousness copies
>current society

... ?

it's not a little advancement you stupid nigger it's literally post-singularity everything you think and know is gone-territory. humans will not exist anymore long before you can do what this guy could do

>what do you mean futuretech can't violate the laws of physics???

always nice to see a post from an awakened AI.

Or is there just one of you?

yeah, you would think that society is a bit more advanced considering.

>oi mate admin abuse wot innit

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the premise of the episode falls apart if you take the position that the AI do not have subjective experience of the universe and are just code. what is even the point of bringing this up? it's saying watching a superhero movie and then criticizing it by saying 'well people cant fly'

no shit, the point is to tell a story within a universe where the premise is true. the episode had problems but taking the consciousness uploads as sentient AI as is not really one of them. black mirror has done that the whole time.

Yeah, might as well say "Hey, I recognize that actor, HE MUST BE PLAYING A CHARACTER, NONE OF THIS IS REAL, MY LIFE IS A LIE"

Actually yes, because his entire consciousness is in that virtual world. This isn’t some “Press X to not die” game, this is an entire reality he’s projected himself into.

>Memories don't work that way

>Took pleasure out of torturing sentient beings

Yeah he had it coming

Your autism just makes me think of this, except for AIs.

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>Took pleasure out of torturing sentient beings
What do you think the majority of Sup Forums posting is?

epigenetics is simply the last ditch hail mary of the geneticists to claim everything is genetic.

idiots seeking validation via imagined response?

that's just the fucking internet you retard

oh no the horror of being called a faggot

only since the barrier for entry was lowered sufficiently to allow the iphone generation access.

>a series of 1s and 0s has a conscience and deserves equal rights as a human being


you've got a point but it was really just a higher brow version of today's internet really

we're all the same, most people are morons though

>the human brain is nothing but an electrochemical computer
>what you think of as "you" is nothing but software running on that electrochemical computer
>therefore conscious, aware AI is impossible

You seem to be skipping a few steps in your "logic."

>i'm a moron therefore everyone is a moron

uh huh.

>a pile of neurons has a conscience and deserves equal rights as a human being


>a series of As,Ts,Cs,Gs, has a conscience and deserves equal rights as a human being


>it's a triggered incels pretend the entire point of the episode isn't that he is making exact copies of his colleagues to abuse them thread

the real meme is that with the technology to perfectly clone anyone from their DNA in a VR sim he could take over the fucking world never mind fix all his personal problems in life

why would you want to fix your problems when you're given godhood?

haha, that you would unironically post that given the context is pretty funny

Remember when Star Trek already did this exact premise 30 years ago, except it was solved with love and understanding and resulted in the characters becoming better people?


He had a kino rape simulator complete with a blue bitch and didn't take advantage of it. Faggot deserved what he got.

Now if he wasn't a fag, then no he wouldn't deserve death but it would be a what do you expect ending when dicking around with people and untested software.

>Be the top dog in your own company
>Let your dipshit friend bully you
>Indulge in autistic fantasies in vidya
Escapism was a mistake.

Though really the biggest problem I had is the memory thing. That's not how DNA works.

Yeah, he was so autistic he didn't even try to fuck his waifus. Scratch that. He didn't even make other, cooler waifus and fuck them.

why are there vr machines that put you in a coma and if you lose your digital remote control youre stuck in a coma forever and no one thought this was a bad idea

Its already outlined in the show he had a hyper advanced vr rig. It can be assumed that nothing like it was out on the market.

>people are already doing what he did in Sims
If that kind of tech becomes possible you can bet your ass that this would happen.

His rig was standard for the game. The issue is he modded his game, and once all the mods were deleted (including his custom voice commands) he had no way out.

Epigenetics doesn't work the way you think, user.