Everyone on Sup Forums hated this and realizes how bad nu-star wars is

>everyone on Sup Forums hated this and realizes how bad nu-star wars is
>still all paid for a ticket and will probably see the next one

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right because torrents don't exist.

The old Star Wars movies aren't as good as you think and the new ones aren't as bad as you think.

I still haven't seen it desu, got a torrent on standby tho

I didn't see it and I hate it. I haven't seen FA or Rogue One either

i didn't hate the movie until after i had seen it, retard

but no, i won't be buying tickets for the next one

>still all paid for a ticket and will probably see the next one
I only watched the torrent
Imagine actually wasting your time going to cinema and paying for this shit

>>still all paid for a ticket and will probably see the next one
No way, my normie friends hated this piece of shit so I'm fucking free

No, If you see the next one, you're gay.

It's 2018. Just with the multiple teasers and trailers and wikipedia/reddit/Sup Forums you have a clear view of the movie. Since 2012 I've been able to piece movies together that way and found out when finally watching them on tv that I was 95% right about everything.

maybe you are right
but I will not give them a fucking dollar

Never paid for TFA, Rogue One or TLJ tickets. And now I'm for sure won't pay for Solo or ep9 ticket. Beyond that shitty trilogy? Maybe, who knows.

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I hope you don't really believe it, virgin boy

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>may 1999, Episode I comes out
>banks like motherfucker
>fanboy backlash is off the charts
>DVD comes out two full years later
>biggest-selling double-disc box set of all time

>"The Complete Saga" is released on blu ray
>fanboy backlash over the alterations is off the charts
>Biggest selling blu ray box set of all time

You have stuff to deal with, family.

Lol i actually liked it. Certainly not my fav movie of the year let alone my fav sw movie, but i thought it was much better than tfa

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>see the next one
Of course, watching someone trying to unfuck star wars after TLJ will be entertaining.
No fuckin way.

>still all paid for a ticket and will probably see the next one

I almost didn't because of how shit TFA was, but my dad really wanted to go.

I skipped RO and will skip han solo and as of now I am 50/50 on whether I want to see 9. After 9 Im entirely done with star wars

I hated TFA so much I still havent watched TLJ.

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Didn't see it. Paid to see TFA, waited for strong word of mouth on R1, and since that didn't happen, I ended up watching it on a Netflix account I don't pay for months later. Therefore, I wasn't going to pay for TLJ, and still have not seen it. With seeing all of the clips/plot threads, I have no interest to. Won't be paying to see Ep9 no matter what, but I do understand the sentiment OP - ~95%+ of people hated it on here, but still paid to see it. Things are never going to change if that happens with Ep9.

its so much worse than you guys can imagine. seriously

>still talking about star wars
Shut the fuck up shill.


>still all paid for a ticket and will probably see the next one
Paid to see Jumanji and walked into Star Wars. A few weeks later I watched Jumanji for reals.

Why wouldnt I? Its an excuse to go out with friends and I get material to bitch on the internet with for at least 4 months

Its a high value proposition

Old ones were still miles better than nuwars

its much better than TFA

he wants to give that faggy little zoom thing he does a miss

They've got me by the balls when it comes to Hamill/Luke, if he has a major role in the next one I'll be paying for that ticket, if it's just one scene like obi in rotj then I'll be free

the last bucks im gonna spend in the entertainment jew is avengers.
No more sw, no more marvel shit.
fuck them.

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I liked it, but I never went full defense force here, because I knew that I would never get into a real discussion but most responses would just be about
>hurrrrr Disney paid you
>durrrrr plotholes
>bla bla plotholes and muh Luke is not a hero anymore

>will probably see the next one
damn right. i gotta see how our girl Rey helps save the galaxy.

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