If the ever make a movie about her

What should the title be?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Whore frog

Eternal Torment of the Retortless Mind

No Country for Fat Men

Le Gros Journal

Combating Obesity: The Ornella Fleury Story

Jonah Hill Is a Fatty

We Need More Time

The Frog and the Hollywood Princess

Canyon Out of a Hill

Attached: 40years.jpg (632x637, 75K)

The girl who destroyed a fattie

Fat Runner 2049 Subway Sandwiches

Jewish Money Can't Buy Everything.


There Will Be Fat

Heartless Harpy

The VVhore


The Untouchables 2

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Attached: 2.png (1313x202, 48K)

But the french woman is actually the virgins as well.

>leaves room
>go to Subway

sup roastie

The closest Subway is two streets over.

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We Need More Time

sup Jonah

A Serious Actor in Paris

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What did she ask Jonah?

Jonah... the Whale

That's what a man would say. She wouldn't.

>leaves room
>door closes behind him
>moments later a gun shot is heard coming from the other side
>the echo rings for what seems like minutes

>Ornelia and the crew rush to the door and open it
>it's Jonah, or what's left of him
>still in his hands a .44 magnum


Oh no. He must've mistaken it for an ice cream.

So this whole thing is about the joke that the perfect date with Jonathan mountain is a normal date and then he invites his friends Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio and leaves? Or am I missing something? Is there more to it then that joke?


nah that's it. very emasculating for that to be said to your face on national television by a qt, no?

>A french woman whose lines are written for her by a man

thats a good shop, I need 2 step up my game.

the funny part is when he gets butthurt over it user
but yeah, this is more savage

Yes, the joke being that Jonah seems like a fun guy who would be charming and good on a date, but there'd be no chance in hell you'd fuck him because he's morbidly obese and hideously ugly.

As far as the anecdote goes, that's it.

But it made Jonah show his butthurt by cancelling every remaining press event in France, so the joke is that it cut him deep that he didn't have a good comeback, like George Constanza

A Serious Man

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*chuckles* no

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why is she so cute, bros?

We focus on the Ornella joke but this definitely hurt him far worse.

Ornella v Jonah: Dawn of JUST