Ah, gaijin-kun. I hope you're ready for un unforgettable sushi

>Ah, gaijin-kun. I hope you're ready for un unforgettable sushi.

Attached: jiro-dreams-of-sushi-1920x830.jpg (1920x830, 203K)

>/ck/ memes on Sup Forums
stupid gaijin


You mean Sup Forums.

Hentai banzai, Gyro-kun ! ! !

I can eat the same shit he cooks for 20 euros at my local sushi place

*mixes the wasabi directly into the saucer of soy sauce*

what are you going to do now, you wrinkled old monkey?? make my damn sushi

Did you rike it?

You called them steamed despite the fact that they are obviously raw

he will just try to get you to leave passive aggressively by making your sushi extra fast so you finish faster

>Bring 100 packs of ketchup
>put ketchup on everything
>even the green tea
>eat it all while making loud incoherent noises
That's what you get for Nanking you bastard

well he'd still be a few hundred dollars richer, so I doubt he'd give a shit

to feed billions...

You know, this sushi tastes remarkably like the fish they have down at the pier market for twenty dollars

>eat it all while making loud incoherent noises
This is how gooks like to eat though.

anyone care to explain the meme with this guy?


Well I'm from Fukuoka I've never heard anyone use the phrase "gaijin-kun".

Would this suffice? Keep the change

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

it honestly would, I had an old coworker back when I was in college saying it tastes exactly like fish heads and rice, somthing his poor family would eat in the 40s. its literally some rice and fish.

Is a Sushi autist, charges the equivalent of about $600 or so for a 30 minute meal

Let's just say he dreams of sushi

To expand, He also gives shocking service especially to americans if you dont follow his ridiculous set of standards

Example or didnt happen