The Americans thread

>yfw 16 days until final season

Attached: the-americans.jpg (590x332, 40K)

Why would you watch a show that's 75% sex scenes by length?

>601 "Dead Hand" March28
>602 "Tchaikovsky" April 4
>603 "The General" April 11
>604 "Mr. and Mrs. Teacup" April 18
>605 "The Great Patriotic War" April 25
>606 "Rififi" May 2
>607 "Harvest" May 9
>608 "The Summit" May 16
>609 "Jennings, Elizabeth” May 23
>610 "START” May 30

>Best Gril

Attached: the-americans-matthew-rhys-julia-garner.jpg (1000x750, 127K)

She was QT'er as white trash in Ozark.

What was the point of Season 5? Literally nothing happened.

setting the base for season 6 emotional crash
I agree, s5 lacked tension

I didn't enjoy S5.

Attached: Keri Russell The Americans S03E06 1.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

Attached: The Americans S3E04 Kimmy.webm (1500x1080, 2.97M)

why is keri so pretty it should be illegal to be that pretty

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Attached: Keri Russell ass 1.webm (1080x1080, 2.99M)

Attached: Keri Russell ass 2.webm (600x1080, 2.98M)

Did they bang?

that jiggle never fails to give me a boner

Attached: keri russell shower.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Attached: 1520956675555.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>philip in bed

No, but they bonded together

610 "START” May 30
STrategic Arms Reduction Treaty,
signed in 1991
Does this mean time skip?

Remember when Henry got a lewd picture of Mrs.Beeman and how it didn't make a lick of difference on overall story? Was it a dropped plotline or does it carry over to why Henry hangs out with Stan more than his own parents?

Would be very clumsy, even if they made the skip all over the season which can hardly be done. If they wanted to do a decade-long period drama they'd have started around season 4 at least

my parents watch this show

Is Marthafu coming back to kamasutra anyone?

Yes? Do they fuck?

>when oleg's dad invites three russian qts
Why didn't he fuck one? It would have relieved him from all the pressure

i would lick all their butts

in soviet russia...

Most gay development.

Because he's still salty about Nina.

Paige is looking really good in that trailer

Should I watch it? I usually never watch trailers.

No big spoilers, just some snippets of conversations. Reveals some of what you can expect from the plot though, so if you want to keep everything a surprise you might as well wait.


Best plot line by a mile. For a second I thought the show was really going to become great, then it went back to being a nice time killer

> show called the americans
> actors aren't even fat
this show already seems like shit

Reminder than Tuan did nothing wrong.

tuan was an amateur

She was busy with Sneaky Pete.

this guy was really impressive when speaking Russian, would never guess he wasn't a native speaker

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Attached: Nina The Americans S1E07.webm (1920x1076, 2.36M)

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Attached: Keri Russell tooth extraction.webm (1280x720, 3M)

jesus that sound

She's in whore heaven.

Anybody watching this shit?

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I stopped watching this. IDK why

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Attached: Nina Death.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

I cry

Yes. It's getting better.

How's the last episode?

Attached: Keri Russell pounded.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Imagine how rough her vagine is

Same reason as me, it's good but it has a very slow pace. I've missed the last few seasons.

t. brainlet

Literally never watched 1 second of this garbage show. And never will.

I'm not ready lads

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literally noone cares

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This show is ass kino. Also notice how her underpussy made the cut. They know exactly what they're doing.

she had it coming and she knew what to expect and if i remember correctly wasn't she already excused once prior to this?

so hot when she's killing

wtf user. shush

greetings from the salt mines komrade

What's their couple name? Stillip? Phlan?

Attached: stan-phillip.jpg (1024x513, 77K)

I hope they die. People watching the show forget that they are completely evil and work for an evil government. Innocent people have died because of them. They deserve what is coming to them.

Can somebody help a brainlet out and do a brief synopsis of season 5, I watched it but can’t remember much of it or how it ended. I remember a lot of uninteresting stuff with Oleg in Moscow

I thought I read somewhere the final season takes place 3 years after the last season?

something about grain
or something

Oh yeah the grain shit. That was stupid. And the son wants to go to that school presumably so the writers don’t have to bother including him in the final season.

Attached: Keri Russell.webm (1280x1080, 3M)

I think the actor just got tired of being an afterthought character and wanted himself written out.

Did someone say beer?

Attached: beeman.png (720x404, 195K)

Beeman? More like Beerman!

Attached: stanbeerman3.jpg (1920x1080, 866K)

>the virgin fbi agent

>the chad kgb secret operative

What is it about this that looks unnatural? Were they suspended on wires which were digitally erased? Is the "floor and wall" at a weird angle? Can't quite put my finger on it.

Like the show a lot btw, way more than I expected to, and am pretty stoked.

It looks like both parts were taken apart, cropped, pasted, and mirrorred. Idk


Will Stan the Man kill Philip?


Philip is going to use his super Soviet spy strength and skills to decimate sam and then go into a “Ive seen things you people wouldn’t believe” kind of speech

kinda hoping Felicity kills B-Man

Plot twist: Philip and Stan bromance in London after both defecate to the MI5


I meant defect

Attached: Keri Russell skirt.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Imagine how blue-balled this guy must get after a few scenes. I'd bust a nut in my pants if I were him.

He's screwing her in the real life, don't worry about him.

I'm pretty sure they're married

So what would a Bingo card for this season look like?

Clearly Beeman is finally going to figure it out who his neighbors are.

I'm mainly curious if we're going to get a fast-forward to present day as an epilogue, and if they will link it to present day issues.

Attached: milkshake.gif (350x280, 2.59M)

Lucky bastard

>"During the 2016 election, Paige Jennings leaked the encryted data from the Democratic National Convention"

>he got to impregnate that