Dr. ventress, im annihilation

dr. ventress, im annihilation

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Are these people turned into plants or plants turned into people?


genetic hybrids so technically both

They're plants with the genetic code responsible for the human shape, to put it easy. It's even explained in the movie right there. Are you dumb?


Yes, he's dumb. Everyone who bitches about this movie not being good is dumb.

As a bio major I just thought I add that the fact that them explain that using hox genes was a fairly scientifically accurate moment. If you don't know what they are you should look them up. They control the structure of the body in pretty marvelous ways. a mutation in a hox gene can cause your entire torso to be backwards or rotated 90 degrees. Most people think of mutations as basically just tumors or everything being broken and fucked up. Hox genes are the real world equivalent of how movies portray evolution happening. A reptiles spine is laterally flexible like a fish, hox mutation and its horizontally flexible like a mammal. Its cool shit.

>literally not possible

creepy, thank you for sharing!! =)

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heeeeeelp heeeeeeeeeeelp

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That's it shill

>They're plants with the genetic code responsible for the human shape, to put it easy.
>As a bio major I just thought I add that the fact that them explain that using hox genes was a fairly scientifically accurate moment.


The seedling is coding to create a human shape when it needs to create a shoot to get to the surface. A plant with human hox genes is dead on arrival.

The closest you could get is probably something like the mandrake root which is arguably creepier. The fundamental problem is that the genes won't try to build a human bit by bit from the bottom down. It'd try to create the shape from the start which would kill the plant.

But then this isn't science it's just treknobabble.

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Of course its all techno babble. But techno babble with a foundation in reality is appreciated. If all scifi had to be 100% grounded in fact it wouldnt be science fiction it would just be mundane modern day currently achievable technology.

>Padme and Ventress
Was this a Star Wars movie?

>If all scifi had to be 100% grounded in fact it wouldnt be science fiction it would just be mundane modern day currently achievable technology.

Hard sci fi is a genre that has existed a long time.

I'm not saying it was shit, you (or other poster) just flexed bio major credentials (lol) and that's retarded, to suggest it's realistic. Adding hox genes to explain this is like saying "he said quantum" explains a time and space portal on another show.

>helllllllp meeeeeyyyy

kill yourself

Ventress was played by Jennifer Jason Leigh, user. i don't know who you think that is in Star Wars, but i'm officially diagnosing you with autistic face blindness.

I shat bricks at first because thought it was a predator that had human vocal chords and mimicked our voice to attract prey but then later the black science lady says ”part of her soul was trapped in the bear” or some shit. That kind of killed it for me

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There’s a character in Star Wars called Asaj ventress

>my face when you are ALL wrong and this movie is not actually about any of that. It's just about a movie where Alex Garland tries to deal with a fucking break up. That's it. That is this movie. The shimmer is simply that "dream or nightmare" where you remember all the things from the relationship. That is why when they meet in the end, they are two different people. They have both changed and the people who broke up died over there in the shimmer.


my error. diagnosis withdrawn.

>This is bait

Also this fucking book


obviously its not actually real world realistic, it was just "realistic" enough of a handwave in the context of the setting to satisfy me. it allows me to suspend disbelief while appealing to my desire for believability.

>uh, you don't get to bring eyes.

The subtext is obviously about relationships, yes

>about a movie where Alex Garland tries to deal with a fucking break up.
Never Let Me Go all over again?

I honestly think it is more literal. He tries to dress it in sci-fi and say that is sci-fi but it isnt. Anyway it just make entering the shimmer make sense. Your memories are never chronological, so there can never be a start, you just end up somewhere with no actual recollection how you got there. Just a start somewhere. This journey is not about 4 women. It's about the husband remembering 4 women and those women remembering that man.

u fkn wot m8

Did anyone else think it was weird when her husband showed up, literally, as she was doing that scene where she's supposed to be all sad about remembering her husband? I thought it was going to be a dream sequence. I kept wondering when she was going to wake up

I'd be willing to bet you think the word existentialism is a sexual orientation

Just rewatch it, and think about it. The shimmer is a manifestation of the mans memories of the relationship. He got lost in the dreams of his view on their relationship, so he got lost died - metaphorically. For her there were no longer a way to communicate with him because they werent sharing the same reality. When Lena enters the shimmer she becomes his memory of her.

I liked the book and was pretty stoked for this. I was dissapointed and somewhat baffled with the most glaring omissions and alterations. A shame.

But why are they standing up?

Say no to drugs.

Damn you are so smart with that quip, bro. Did I offend you by criticizing the shitty writing in your 2deep4u movie?

Because Hox genes. Fucking pay attention to what you watch.

So what genes are responsible for fire? Why did it copy fire?

The shimmer refracts everything, not just genes.

>the tired as fuck shill meme

Exactly who hired these magic shills to talk up Annihilation on Sup Forums? Annihilation, the movie that the executive producer specifically chose not to promote. Is shill the most complicated word and/or concept your smooth brain can comprehend? That's sad.


I'm a massive fan of the southern reach trilogy and most of vandermeers work

I avoided this cos its reviews were shit.

Is it worth it for a fan of the original work?
Does it do justice to the sheer levels of spookiness that is Area X?