Oh, back again so soon, user? Without a girlfriend? It's No-Singles Tuesday. Ah, no worries...

>Oh, back again so soon, user? Without a girlfriend? It's No-Singles Tuesday. Ah, no worries. I'll speak the manager and he'll let you in. Here's your large, crab-flavoured popcorn and soda. Enjoy Blade Runner!

Attached: PkrvU7N.jpg (300x400, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off nigger

You take that back, buster!

no (You)'s for you

the fuck kind of autistic copy pasta is this? you fags dont even know what your making fun of at this point

I apologize for my son Robert, he's been having a bad time lately

>crab-flavoured popcorn
I know this is memery but they are both great with butter. Perhaps you are onto something and it is crazy enough to work.

>"Are you that user fella my son Robert Jr. is always talking about? He's awfully fond of you, ya know"

Attached: EYYpnuL.jpg (1269x833, 319K)

Nigga pizza and scrambled eggs are both great with tabasco but I aint gonna put that shit together

*grabs you by the throat*

Attached: 1487323965269.jpg (386x250, 23K)

I would seriously watch and enjoy a movie about the Roberts.

>Hollywood is rich as fuck
>they are trying to cast more black people
>the Roberts are absolutely based
>it would be meta and about movie theaters
if somebody in the industry is here please fucking fund it

>For me? It's watching the flavor of the week kino with a nice bucket of crab legs.

Attached: 78722708.jpg (661x1024, 351K)

>restaurant serves "crab fries"
>sounds awesome
>it's just fries covered in old bay

I bet Robert Sr. makes some amazing gumbo.

My local ticket taker is actually starting to remember me, he kinda looks like Robert lol. I was going 5 days out of the week for like all of February. The only reason I go such is because of MoviePass and my college is right next to a theater pretty much. He even made a jab at me for seeing The Shape of Water twice, and asked if I was excited to see Black Panther. I lied and said yeah, even though fuck capeshit.

Probably going to go today, should I see Red Sparrow, Hurricane Heist, Peter Rabbit, or The Strangers?

thanks Tyrone. Enjoy my wife

ill never understand this absolutely EPIC meme

eggs on pizza is good


once you get to know Robert you will absolutely love him

Only old fags will understand kek

Red Sparrow
But for real, all those movies are trash

>Sorry Mr. Johnson.. We haven't played one of you films in a long long time..

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That would be $20 plus Jizya infidel.

Attached: JAMAL muslim.png (800x1067, 1.01M)

Go watch Death of Stalin, he'll respect you more if you have good taste

Robert is pleb filter

."H-hey man... do you... do you want to see a film with me?"

Your crab legs sir.

Attached: Robert crab fishing.jpg (1554x1080, 361K)

is there anything he can't do?

>Your wife's kids are fitting in at Kinoplex very good, user.

Attached: 1468989075207.jpg (1024x687, 375K)

He can't break my heart

damn Robert is moving up in the world. Thank you affirmative action.


Attached: popcorn.jpg (415x325, 164K)

Soyboys trying to push the "based black man" narrative

>"Thanks, man."

>The Kinoplex

Attached: 1520362453566.png (749x903, 312K)


>haha good one Robert! Just a heads up, the theater laundry machine seems to be clogged up with crab shells so I wasn't able to wash my poncho after the flick

>all the work put into that pic
tl;dr dude


Excuse me?

Attached: 1502642036484.png (1004x718, 1.11M)

>h-he's fast

>Sup Forumstards have the attention span of a goldfish

"heh, you're strong. You made me use 10% of my power."


Here's your Robert sir.

Attached: and your other robert.png (484x706, 341K)

Yep, I'm alright with dumb fun entertainment.

I would if it was playing. All theaters around me play real mainstream stuff.

>Alright user, that comes to $187.87. Enjoy the Jennifer Lawrence film!

Attached: 1469697774457.jpg (1044x1076, 213K)

>/left/tards have autism

>The Kinoplex Kinomatic Universe

deepest lore

Why robert sr. I do declare

Thanks, Popert.

Just hand over the cash for your popcorn and enjoy your movie, user.

Attached: 1498449794791.jpg (1024x718, 628K)

I can tell this is fake because there is no line to add a tip

>not being a newfag who's never heard of Robert makes you a leftist

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>Pretending to mug me so I can act like a hero in front of my date
based Robert

>We'll be right back after these messages from our sponsors. Volveremos después de estos mensajes de nuestros patrocinadores.
>Remember you can buy a Premium ticket or enroll in our KinoKlub for uninterrupted viewings. Recuerde que puede comprar un boleto Premium o inscribirse en nuestro KinoKlub para visitas ininterrumpidas.

Attached: paused.jpg (800x533, 213K)


We're not making fun of anything. We are just role-playing our cinema experiences but on this board we can be whoever we want to be. :)

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Newfag go back to /r/the_donald

Don't you dare bring Robert into this

>that title
did you get possessed by aliens or something?

My nigga

Based Robert.

the funny part is that the theater is full in blade runner.

holy fucking shit I'm just buzzed and sleep deprived enough to be cackling in tears

>it aint me starts playing

I'm not the one calling him a nigger user :^)

This. Based oldfags itt xD

no shitposting on my very serious cinema discussion imageboard!

Holy kek my sides! XD

>tfw Robert will never post a timestamped pic and make the entire board implode


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>I'm so happy when I'm with you

Attached: 1517054155019.jpg (1024x718, 238K)

>Oh, Robert's not working today. I'll be happy to perform the mandatory penis inspection however.

Attached: 6a00e5529414a0883401b8d24d8f71970c-800wi.jpg (655x325, 42K)

>Some kino korn for me falcon robby robert!

>Kek off i go to the cinema showers for penis inspection xD

>Someone get some butter for this mans crab legs!

*unsheathes MASSIVE six-incher*

>I'll speak to the manager
Robert is the manager, r*ddit.

>You're a big guy.

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>f-for you hehe....

oh my lucky stars, a negro

Attached: fraser.jpg (480x360, 15K)

My sides!

He isn't, but OP is a fag for implying Robert wouldn't just let you slide because he's a relaxed dude who only throws the book at shitters and does it because he knows what's best for the theater.

Sorry.. That is Roberts job.. I'll return tomorrow.

>people can meme Trump into office
>people aren't meming Robert into kino

wtf guys?

Can someone explain this joke to me? I don't get it.


You don't have to say that, Robert.

lurk 2 years before posting new fag

How is your brother Thomas doing?

Robert I..
You are the best thing to happen to me, Robert.

Robert, the toilet's clogged. Can I use the women's restroom?

I've been going to Sup Forums for almost 10. Years, and Sup Forums for probably 3-4. Years. It's just that no one ever explains this joke.

You'll understand Robert threads the next time your theater gets shut down by the health department for not taking penis inspection calls seriously.