Interesting movie with 5 female protags

>interesting movie with 5 female protags
>no one watched it
What's the point of all the bitching and moaning about women in films if you don't even support it in theaters?

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>What's the point of all the bitching and moaning about women in films
Because it's not legitimate criticism, it's a marketing strategy to sell specific movies.

Ghostbusters 2016 was the YES QUEEN SLAAAAY movie while this was too much for brainlets to handle, so no points for being all-female and somewhat intelligent.

>send in team of military experts
>one severely hurt and the rest dead
>oh well lets send in a bunch of biologists/scientists with no combat experience next what could go wrong lol

Women don't support their own kind.

Just watched it last night. Thought it was ok, except for a few things.
Like that one bitch acting all hysterical and irrational, despite apparently knowing that's exactly what's gonna kill them all. Then again they don't have any special training, so you can't really blame them to not be able to handle such a situation.
Oh, and the cgi greenscreen shitfest that gets praised as "visually stunning" by everyone. I'll never get my head around how anyone can think this looks good. My guess is millenials watch it on their iPhones anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

They were strong intersectional women though! My only gripe with it was that there wasn't a strong wheelchair bound woman included. Just imagine how much representation could have inspired young differently abled girls?

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Several teams were sent and they all failed
Stop being a brainlet
They were experimenting to see what would work

>They were experimenting to see what would work
Strong, intersectional women of diverse backgrounds of course, everyone knows straight white CIS-males can't get anything done.

women are known to support mental stress better than men, who are instead more likely to go mentally insane. (statistically)

So in this view it makes sense, they thought that maybe it wasn't physical force that was required since weird alien shit was going on in there, but mental force and will

>Oh, and the cgi greenscreen shitfest that gets praised as "visually stunning" by everyone. I'll never get my head around how anyone can think this looks good. My guess is millenials watch it on their iPhones anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
its actual shills on here

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Why would I watch this? It's not a super hero or a star wars film.

It's not capeshit or artsy oscarbait so neither your average "nerd" that's obsessed with pop culture to the point of mental illness nor woke bloggers give a fuck about it

They were several groups that failed
They were experimenting
Don't be a brainlet


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>watching meme films
come on now

the fact is that those "mental problems" women have is normal shit and they tend to exaggerate in order to act like victims, typical women. Just look at suicide rates, men actually do it to really kill themselves (insanity), while women do it to get attention (cunning, but not insane)

What did the shill mean by this?

>don't be a brainlet!

What's there not to get? It's the fedora tippers equivalent to "just turn off your brain, bro".

But how does this tie into Infinity War or the next Star Wars film?

are you fucking retarded?

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>being frustrated about women all the time because they dont want you

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>Suicide attempts are between two and four times more frequent among females.[8][9][10] Researchers have attributed the difference between attempted and completed suicides among the sexes to males using more lethal means to end their lives.[7][11][12

Men are just better at killing themselves, is the only conclusion I'm left with.

That's right, Jay!

it's biological
But I'm not in the mood to explain

>researchers have attributed
more like they've interpreted their findings in a way that don't make women look bad. I've known "suicidal" bitches and they've all been either emotionally damaged and asking for help in their own inept way, or they've been extremely emotionally manipulative monsters who try to use self-harm as a weapon against you.
women do it so people will have to deal with them whether they want to or not. men do it so people won't have to anymore.

Even if the case is that women do it to manipulate and not actually kill themselves, you are still arguing that that's not more insane than just being depressed(reason for most suicides.)

The last section of the movie kinda sucked. Loses that feeling of dread.

>having to use your brain while watching a movie is a bad thing
The average capeshitter

I mean, fear of the unknown usually goes away when it stops being unknown. I’m glad they went for something other than a horror shit ending where the big bad is some evil monster

>don't even support it in theaters

It didn't run in my countries kino. Also this is the superior fem cast movie

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>empowered womyn slays the evil white cavemen at the end
Based queen

Did you really experience fear? I don't experience fear from movies. I guess movies that are going with instilling fear in the audience are more for children and early teens.

No I didn’t I was just using the phrase “fear of te unknown” because it sounds better than “dread of the unknown”

>empowered womyn slays the evil white cavemen at the end

Lel he watched the american cut

So did you experience dread?

I experienced Dredd.

I suppose I was creeped out...I experienced some secondhand dread in anticipation of what the characters were about to experience. The build-up to entering the shimmer was very eerie. Do you have something against movies that invoke negative emotions?

No, I just wish I could feel those emotions. I don't really experience any profound emotions while watching movies, it must depression or something.

This movie felt like it was written an Marvel SJW comic author. It had all the elements. All women were instantly friends, all were just the smartest and most talented, all complimented and validated each other and there was the obligatory lesbian.

Sounds like autism

I really hated how incompetent the Authorities were in the movie, like holy fucking shit we're they retarded.

>unexplained phenomenon appears, starts expanding and fucking shit up
>3 years pass, the Authorities have no idea what it is or how it affects the environment, they say that they have sent multiple teams and none return from the journey to the lighthouse
>if no one returns and we have no info, how about we don't send them to the fucking lighthouse and just send expeditionary teams that have to return after a set time period, 12/24/36... hours and have them return with samples or you know any fucking information
>apparently this is too hard and they go 3 years without fucking knowing anything when it would have been enough to check any biological sample inside to figure what was happening

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thanks for saving me the trouble

>holy fucking shit we're they retarded.

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Her voice is so fucking sexy hnnnnng

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Blatant cherrypicking. This was by far the only bad CGI in the movie.
I didn't see anyone have anything but praise for the visuals until the webrip dropped so I'm going to blame you faggots downloading the 540p rip and watching it on your laptop.

If you actually think this way you have serious insecurities and need to get off the internet for a while.

We live in a day and age where ironic shit posting is taken seriously. Come on man...

did you even watch the movie? as soon as they went in they all lost time and ended up way deeper in the zone without any bearings. it's not like you could step over the line and immediately turn around, that was probably the first thing they tried

the actually retarded thing is the idea that the government would choose suicidal / 'damaged' people just because it's a dangerous mission. Why would you send a bunch of people who don't give a fuck if they die before accomplishing their goal to go do something important?

Because I’m sure there’d be normal sane people lining up to volunteer to kill themselves

The book:
>None of them know each other's names
>They're all highly suspicious of each other and are instructed to take note of each other's behavior
>The psychologist is constantly manipulating them
The movie:
>"Ayy guurl come 'ere my soul sista" attitudes
>Psychologist, the team leader is just as fucking inept as the rest of them
>The biologist is also a fucking soldier for some reason

The team dynamic was the most interesting part of the book.

Nope, i saw it opening day and that screenshot is basically the template for the entire movie save for the night scene in the middle
if you ever wanted a good example of sterile digital capeshit-tier visuals it would be this

So far the movies which have gotten the "Dude girl power lmao" treatment were Ghostbusters 2016 and Wonder Woman. Ghostbusters was a remake of an iconic film, which was bound to get a lot of attention. Wonder Woman was highly visible because it's part of the DCEU and capeshit is at the forefront of American cinema. Ghostbusters was a gender swap remake, And Wonder Woman was the first big-budget female-lead capeshit since Iron Man ushered in the current capeshit era. As highly visible films in male-dominated genres, women had a vested interest in seeing them succeed.

Annihilation is a "really makes you think" sci-fi/horror with both body horror and psychological horror aspects. Sci-Fi horror is already at the margins of American film in the first place; very few people care about it, especially women. In addition, the genre is already known for having female leads. Alien, Aliens, and The Terminator are some of the most famous examples of the genre in history and all were female-led already. So in that way, seeing Annihilation doesn't make a woman think she's making any kind of "progress."

Spoiler alert: Why was the husband clone dying if it was actually part of the alien? Why did it come back to her when it left the zone? Why did it get healed when she killed the alien? I understand the symbolism of how she “gave the alien her self-destructive impulse” but it seems weird that a part of the alien (husband clone) survived for no reason

>what could go wrong lol

Less, apparently

Braps your path.

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>let’s keep trying the same thing over and over even though it clearly isn’t working

Do you work for the state, by any chance?

there is no way the government, after 3-4 teams fail to return with no info, would not have sent a team to collect any samples and take readings and return immediately

the movie tells you the effects of the prism are more powerful near the center, so at the edges, they would have been less affected allowing possible return with any INFO

Even the female team ultimately failed and made things even worse. In the end we have a confirmed clone and another possible clone or shimmer corrupted woman wandering the planet incognito, about to make shimmer babies.

I finished the first book today, should I bother with the other two?

Is it as good as the original though?

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this movie doesnt have "YAS QUEEN" thing going on, its literally have women going insane and getting mauled by mutated bear, obviously this isnt a movie that is on feminist agenda.

So it didn't seem extremely forced to you? The filmmakers weren't trying to achieve/say something by writing and casting all female main characters?

I'm saying they should have guards with them at the very least, why would you send in a bunch of scientists to a place that is dangerous without protection? the only one that was fit for it wasn't even supposed to come with them.

The 2nd one focuses on the company's political intrigue, it's ok if you like that sort of thing Don't know anything about the 3rd one.

the book is better

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Good point

see all-female casts are nothing new
its like the blogosphere only gives a shit whenever "the alt right" attacks

Yeah how hard can it be to find a couple of suicidal grunts who want to see some crazy shit before they die?

bruh capeshit mania didnt start with Iron Man, it started with Batman Begins. You could even argue it started with Spiderman, although the films released between that and Batman Begins werent nearly as succesful. Between Spiderman and Iron Man there were 4 X men movies, two fantastic four movies, a superman movie, a batman movie, two more spiderman movies, Daredevil, Electra, Catwoman the list goes on and on.

Book was trash

>Um, I don't do horror or sci-fi, and this one is both so um, how about no?

sounds like the book is the superior pleb filter

You have to remember they know basically nothing about what happens in the shimmer. They're assuming everyone gets killed but they don't know how or why.

Besides, they did send a soldier on this one, Lena.

>dud lovecraftian lmao
>dude it's so scary I can't even describe it lmao
>dude space monster lmao

>All women were instantly friends,
>all complimented and validated each other

didn't watch the movie


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Nobody thought about it that much. The difference is that Ghostbusters 2016 and Wonder Woman had huge marketing budgets which shoved them in women's faces and they used the "girl power" angle to sell the films, like how they use it to sell exercise clothes and makeup. Annihilation just wasn't sold the same way.

>t. pleb


It's okay to have poor taste, but you should come to terms with it instead of building a wall around yourself and accusing others. But mostly you should go back to r*ddit you worthless nigger

Nigger detected. Butthurt that Lovecraft wrote a poem about your worthless race

If that was not a metaphor for women being raped by Harvey then I don’t know what it was.


wrong movie
wrong book

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Watched it

Had great potential for its cool idea but the movie was pretty meh. Everything went too fast, there were no build up, not enough mutants, you didnt give a fuck about the characters, pretty bad acting too
And that ending... I mean what? The movie was all about trying to be and look like some art project. They didnt give a fuck about the suspense

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it's nothing like Solaris retard
Stalker was the only film in their reference library when making Annihilation, do the math

you just proved him right, you're a pleb and probably a shill


Feminists just really hate men. That's why they're more interested in making all-female remakes of movies men like, it's just out of spite.

i watch redlettermedia as well!

Do Rifters next. Feminists would love it.

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>don't buy this

We live in a post-language world where words have lost their meaning and serve only to convey personal allegiance. Your post doesn't read like a sentence, it's ochre facepaint on the cheeks of a savage, or the shrill squawking of a territorial bird. You've disposed of your own humanity in favor of a lie.


All of that is categorically wrong

Why didn't they just give them bikes to use to get to the lighthouse?
Why would you even want to send suicidal people into that place? the leader hand picked the paramedic that was obviously unstable

>5 female protags
there was 1 female protag. the rest were just supporting character ranging from literally who to who

>They're assuming everyone gets killed but they don't know how or why.
what better way to find out, than going in themselves and dying too