Sup Forums has gone to shit


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Other urls found in this thread: ikfgtjsdrhywryyyyy.jpg/

You're shit

Sup Forums was never good
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>board went to shit 4 years ago because of bane cancer making it mainstream
>now that's attacking my favorite thing it just went to shit

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Is it just me or is the board acting kinda slow for anyone else?

2009 "newfag" here. It was always shit, the only difference is that it shifted its shitposting spectrum from retarded Sup Forums tier threads to Sup Forums tier arguing and whining about media having a liberal bias.

I had a central role in this


>Most accessible board is the worst board on Sup Forums
Wow what a coincidence

I blame Sup Forumstards

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Check this 5

Sup Forums and tripfags fucked this place up

And thats a good thing.


Seems to literally be any film with a non-white character or female lead. You can't even post any decent criticism about a film because it's drowned out by Sup Forums.

That would be Sup Forums

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>early 00's internet will never ever come back
what now lads? do i need to find an IRL hobby instead

That's what you get when you allow star wars and capeshit on a board that isn't Sup Forums.

Why weren't you here before 2012?

fappening was the catalyst for that massive spike, phone posters also ruined Sup Forums, and Sup Forumss raid on the Tom hardy ama brought a mass influx of redditards here. /got/ generals also.

I was

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It's gamergate all over again. Few retarded leftist extremists and clickbait articles poked the proverbial hornet nest and the people upset about normies attacking their hobbies went full autismo behaving much worse than the actual SJWs starting it.

>after 2016 there's a massive increase of new IP's

I blame the mods and jannies for allowing reylo/sw/dc/marvel shit. They need to do their goddamn jobs.

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you clearly weren’t if you think bitching about politics in tv and film is new to this board

But you weren't. Just like almost every other Sup Forums poster you joined Sup Forums after bane and star wars 7 made it mainstream ikfgtjsdrhywryyyyy.jpg/

Sup Forums isn't shit but Sup Forums has found an enemy it cannot defeats.

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normies don’t keep rules one and two and have shared this place with their friends in the meatspace

Bitchs please, I have been here since 2008
Not on Sup Forums though

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but they get no monetary compensation

they deserve to be executed for their incompetence and negligence.

Rule 1 and 2 never applied outside of Sup Forums newfriend.

the actors that used to be normal and not talk about politics every 5 seconds are gone , now we are left with a shallow pit of nonpol actors to talk about

Fucking newfags

How can you even comment about the state of Sup Forums when you weren’t here

oh look, it's the autistic faggot detective again showing off his skills at looking through people's "post history" he learned from reddit

Because it's impossible for anything to be worse than reddit and Sup Forumstards crying about black people 24/7 and posting social media shit everyday
Hell, some of the social media shit are just aussies baiting brainlets from Sup Forums
Even Sup Forums, which is just porn, sounds better than that


What did he mean by this?

thats not what makes Sup Forums bad. its you fags whining about it. instead of whining about it, make good threads. you uncreative fags

The same shit I say in any 25+ thread on /r9k/:
If you're under 25 find a hobby, find the appropriate board that has IRL meetups and leave (the shit part of) Sup Forums.

If you're over 25-27, well...there's nothing.
All your favourite hobbies have been taken over by the cool kids.

Face it peoples lives online and irl have become increasingly intertwined with the rise of internet population. once Sup Forums was a place you would never talk about irl, now it’s extremely well known. 1 and 2 were used as a way to keep the community what it was without outside corruption, people here today still bitch about reddit and tell them to go back showing that at its core any community doesn’t wasn’t to be invaded by outsiders.
I sure was, but at least I wasn’t cancer

Actress worship, Sup Forums, and capeshitters

There, I just saved you the whole thread

>newfag thinks he is not cancer
Fucking newfags

It's either arguing about comic book movies or arguing about black actors in movies. Nobody wants to discuss actual movies anymore.

> once Sup Forums was a place you would never talk about irl
no shit it all started coming down when things in society changed making Sup Forums seem like a meme to most over the degenerate place that it is

>it's impossible for anything to be worse
you still haven’t figured out that it can ALWAYS get worse
if you don’t like it here move on, I know a ton of us already have. we tried to keep the cancer at bay in 2012 and 2013 and it didn’t work.

Does it bother anyone else that discussions here won't amount to anything? Sup Forums and /r9k/ are just lost causes.

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>once Sup Forums was a place you would never talk about irl, now it’s extremely well known.

Never fails to weird me out to hear normal people talking about far-out (old) memes. Like last year, when IRL normies were recommend boku no pico as a joke.

Sup Forums has gone to shit, It has been overrun by the reddit/normalfag horde. Sup Forums warned us about this.

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Nah, I will keep shitposting to trigger Sup Forumstards from reddit

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He's the pedo poster right?

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Are you saying the pedos that use to post actual cp are better?

Yeah, he is a Sup Forumstard

Sup Forums is like dead right? Like when Sup Forums finally stops drawing in the crowd, jmoots going to abandon it?

Just delete anything disney and this board is 70% better. Just make /disney/. All these fags spamming disney trash

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You fucking nigger, Sup Forums is the absolute worst thing to happen to this website. Every edgy teenager and his brother gravitate toward it and shit up the website. You are the cancer


that's about it. over the course a year it really turned from "LoL so RanDuMb!" bullshit into "nice thread you have here, but from now on we only discuss DA JOOOOS with the occasional intermission to discuss BBC."

sure, just don’t continue to lie about how Sup Forums was never politicised
It was the Sup Forumsacks that in agreement with almost all the fa/tv/virgins that convinced me to check out Sup Forums in 2011

>once Sup Forums was a place you would never talk about irl, now it’s extremely well known
Because it always was, and still is, full blown cringe to feel superior only because you browse a certain website a bit longer than others, especially with membership rules equal to the "refugees welcome, abolish all borders" mentality. Not to mention this place literally used to have full blown cp spammers and while pedophilia is a terrible thing you gotta admit that those anons acted as big red stop sign preventing you from telling everyone about your "super fun secret club" - because normies who don't understand chans would think you're a fucking pedo so you were keeping your mouth shut.

> 1 and 2 were used as a way to keep the community what it was without outside corruption
Again those rules never ever applied outside of Sup Forums, I'm literally saying it as it is, Sup Forumstards were always frowned upon by other boards and their "secret club rules" were cringy at best.

It was never as cancerous as it is now :')
The whole site went to shit because of it

This was before Sup Forums was a board

Again, ape that claims he was here
Are you saying the pedos that use to post actual cp are better?

No wonder

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I would argue reddit is more to blame than Sup Forums, those mouth breathers couldn’t stick to their own website

>Just delete anything disney and this board is 70% better.

I don't think you understand the issue with Sup Forums here.

Sup Forums was amazing when the The Last Jedi came out.

When the next Star Wars movie comes out, I'll be here, spamming memes. Cannot wait desu.

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He wasn't here
Just look at his deflection

And the reason for that is because Sup Forums invited them over

Usually I'd believe you, but what Star Wars has degraded into has me at least partially believing otherwise.

anyone else prefer Sup Forums as a cesspool? it keeps the board moving quick and it's funny

Is the reylo shit still guarded by mods all day?

You are a Sup Forumstard though, brazil monkey
Changing your FN isn't going to hide you :

>when you make Sup Forumstards so butthurt that one of them starts stalking you

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Please take crybaby meta threads to /qa/

/r/Sup Forums and cancerous generals were the catalyst of reddit invasion

>digging out post history to ad hom
can you get more reddit than this?

This. It never had anything to do with the following:
>Paulsons 2011 survey
>Game of Thrones stream beggers
>Game of Thrones lazer eyes bringing in even more of them making this a "hub"
>Big Bang Theory comics
>/q/ lying to moot
>Breaking Bad becoming huge with everyone for some reason and then bringing them all here for some reason
>For You turning into baneposting
This is the point where the majority of you joined
>The Fappening
>Star Wars episode 7 ""leaks""

All of it only happened because of Sup Forums and the election

Never change Sup Forums.

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USA is politically more divided than ever, that division only enforces extremism related to things like race relations and those opinions are especially showcased on an anonymous website, last mainstream one at that, which allows you to spew your edgy opinions about killing whites and shipping back blacks. It's only going to get worse as the USA undergoes the ethnic shift towards becoming a white minority so deal with it. Good threads about actual movies just don't stand a chance.

don’t you fucking dare get this thread moved you rotting cuntpustule

Why weren't you here before 2012?

And Sup Forums becaming the fastest board after 2016

>no capeshit under movies
please fucking die

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Dumbass, Sup Forums is what brought in the reddit fags

>reddit is more to blame than Sup Forums
Sup Forums is reddit friendo.

Sup Forums was always shit. Most of you probably weren't around when every other thread was either a BSG or Lost thread. Those were terrible times. But things really got shitty when Bane posting started.

No it didn’t why do you continue to lie?
it already was the fastest moving only just edging out Sup Forums

This!! it has nothing to do with the ones listed here I was totally here before the reddit /q/ take over!!

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I always thought the Trump thing was purely for the lulz. Everything after the election is like flat warm "fizzy pop" (soda for you americunts).

Yeah the board was not bad at all 1-2 month ago.BP fucked the board up with the muh they destroyed star bors tourist popluation.


You didn't answer the question
Why weren't you here before 2012

>/q/ lying to moot

>When the baneposting newfags call racists newfags
The irony is pathetic.


It was Sup Forums with their disgusting racism, sexism and homophobia.