Write it

Attached: oliolioli.jpg (1920x1080, 205K)

he'd never do a segment on Sup Forums. this place isn't nearly as influential as people like to pretend it is, especially concerning American issues.
Lot of euros bringing their euro baggage over here.

Why would we listen to a britcuck about freedom?

Bin that knife.

It'd be entertaining watching current year man fall down the rabbit hole of trying to explain obscure Sup Forums memes to normies, but that'd just be a precursor to some soliloquy about how /po/ is the right wing internet equivalent of an ISIS training camp.

Go away, John Oliver. Your show is never funny and scrapping here for ideas is not going to work.

>this place isn't nearly as influential as people like to pretend it is

It's not pretend, innumerable memes have made it into pop culture. Stop acting like you're above this place.

Sup Forums is like that kid in your school, Timmy

I'm not above this place. Memes aren't changing shit, they're just memes.

>starts by ridiculing how often boards cry about him
>triggers boards into crying about crying about him
>cue the intro to psych, Sup Forums greentext
>cue the same "muh 2016" meme
It would be autistic pottery.

>how /po/ is the right wing internet equivalent of an ISIS training camp.
You act like that's never happened...

our topic today is the website Sup Forums...

i don't watch this guy because the this whole format of show has gotten stale. can i get a quick rundown on r/pol's obsession with him?

Attached: very good reaction.gif (175x185, 1.87M)

Objectively false. While I agree it's not as influential as a lot of Sup Forumsfags think it is but it is responsible for a lot of things in internet culture which is increasingly becoming a part of daily normie lives.

Something about basements and cheetos and being overweight.

he's british, liberal, and his jokes are bad. nothing else much to say really

I'm not familiar with the college-aged and younger crowd. Just the working adult age and above. So maybe it'll change in a number of years.
For most people "memes" dont' leave the sites they occasionally post on.

>*canned laughter from audience*

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He'd probably do a whole section on the benefits of soy milk, since every time someone agrees with his mindset, they are called a "soyboy"

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>Now, look! Look! The words 'her dick' shouldn't even go together, it's like saying 'big white penis'!

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"their biggest meme is girls farting"

>his jokes are bad because they hurt my feefees wahhhh

Well considering there is medically nothing wrong with soymilk besides Alex-Jones tier schizo nonsense, that would be funny.

>/po/ is the right wing internet equivalent of an ISIS training camp.

Sup Forums and more specifically, r/the_Donald newfags hate literally everything Oliver says because they automatically tow their own autistic line of defense, no matter what the subject matter. They post on here minutes after a segment airs on YT in an effort to "debunk" him poorly, because they think all liberals are wrong by design. It's really just a strange form of confirmation bias and bargaining.

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Sure is funny how more than half of those people aren't even Jewish or wouldn't even pass Nazi lineage tests for registration.

>t. mantits

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>half those people aren't even jewish
You're very welcome to show us your evidence.

Sup Forums is irrelevant

Sup Forums: It's like the locker full of cocaine and knives in your high school, and now with Nazi literature and a red Trump hat

Do you mean the actual papercraft and origami board or Sup Forums?

I bet you don't even know what the Nazis even constituted a "full Jew", they'd be honestly embarrassed by all the American neo-larpers who don't even read up on their own ideology. Nazis knew they couldn't implement some autistic "one drop" rule on every German Jew, as it would even compromise members of the Party. Despite all that horseshit, you don't prove a negative user.

Fuck off with this 70 year old meme you fell for.

This joke's too god for his show

>doesn't provide evidence of "half of the people there not being jewish" after I politely ask for it
>instead decides to shame me

Because burden of proof isn't on me, user. Half of these people are barely even Jewish, with one or two great-grandfathers as Jews. Mat Lauer is one such example, he has what..ma grandfather that's Jewish? And an uncle? I really do wonder why people like you never bother to look up this shit. Pic related, since I save this for occasions such as this.

Or perhaps you want to repeat the meme that Jews ran the Communist Party? Want all the members? Or maybe you will spam that "all instances of Jews fleeing countries", which some retard edited in Excel from an actual Jewish website dedicated to a list of Jewish persecution but he forgot to edit the sources?

Fuck off, brainlet.

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>A bastion of hate

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>posts a different infographic
bolsheviks were jewish, its not a "meme"
Fuck off, brainlet

>posts a different infographic
All the info from the CNN one, just gets regurgitated into the same three other graphs, newfriend.
>bolsheviks were jewish, its not a "meme"
Except not really, kiddo. But nice goalposts move.

>half jew
hmm i wonder who made that rebuttal image

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he would never risk doing a show on Sup Forums or lookism because it'd red pill far too many people. especially the incel forum, literally everything they say is a blackpill.

its still much larger than many other things he has done pieces on though

>if you disagree with me, u a jooo
You live in a bubble, faggot.

That is so perfect I'm surprised he has never uttered those words.

prove the images are the same or debunk the original like you have still failed to do
you brought up communists in a vague fashion, when referring to the jewishness of them it is usually bolsheviks that are in question so maybe you could just tell me more specifically what you were referring to, or i wasnt shifting any goalposts

>Oliver would redpill the "normies" into crypto-fascist kekistanies if he did a segment mocking Sup Forums
Imagine believing this.

It's not for me to disprove you, it's for you to prove that they are all in fact Jews. Use your fucking brain, you underage faggot. Have you ever looked up the people on the CNN graph? You probably didn't even know that all the infographs come from the same stormfront forum post, and the format just gets changed around...with the same info.

You're a brainlet, simple as that.

>Except not really

>prove the images are the same
This is how new you are.

It takes three seconds to look up, user. I really do get baffled by how these memes persist in the age of the internet.

ok so you can't prove the image is false and like to resort to namecalling
good luck changing people's views

Imagine being autistic enough to ask someone to research 160 people because someone posted a jpeg on Sup Forums

It's very sad to say, but with today's younger generations all the cultures and history they'll ever
have is probably almost exclusively memes, and a shitty memes too might I add.

If you want to know how bad things really are just imagine that the most popular person on this earth right now is that faggot Pewdiepie, most youngster today know him better than the president of their own country.

Attached: things are bad.jpg (577x537, 65K)

what did he mean by this
is calling somebody newfag supposed to disprove facts

>it's up to other people to change my obviously unchangeable belief about the Jooish conspiracy
You won't listen to anything I offer, so mockery is the only tool left. I can mention how quick Wiki searches prove how most aren't even Jews or barely Jewish, which only then matters if you subscribe to the "one drop" faggotry, which not even Nazis believed.

You're more gullible than Nazis, user. You should be mocked, not taken seriously. Just as I don't take holohoaxers and flat eathers seriously. I don't know which bizarre timeline this is where we can't openly mock stupid ideas in public forums anymore, I don't know how that ended up validating your types of people, but it's sad.

Trump is bad man, 4 chan is silly, Oi guvna ram me up the shitter.

Fuck man that was actually pretty scathing

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>imagine being autistic enough to believe that hundreds of Jews work at CNN as part of a nefarious plot I need to remind strangers about anonymously

>a bunch of overweight alt-right trolls living in their parents basements!
>*audience laughs*

ok at least you admit you can only mock and not disprove or argue

I hate when he starts screaming about an imaginary situation and then keeps referring to it as if the joke was funny

Oh, did you post facts somewhere?

whether you believe there is a nefarious plot, the important thing is that they are jewish

>this place isn't nearly as influential as people like to pretend it is
if it was the jews woudln't let it exist

I did disprove you, as usual you ignore me
Because you have to. Quick Wiki searches show you have vaguely Jewish most of those people are, so then what...do you actually subscribe to a "one drop" law of Jewdom? Do you need that explained to you why that logic is equally autistic?

I'm left wing as hell and while I find he covers important topics well he's absolutely unfunny


Except they aren't, that's the funny part.

i said the images are not the same
somebody was arguing by posting a different infographic and dismissing it instead of the actual one in question

i said they were different and the rebuttal was that im new

Just keep gradually increasing his volume and Americans will find his accent funny eventually.

do not insult Dar-Al-Islam like that, we will conquer america when Allah wills it

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That's important to you, though. You kids have trouble explaining the "why" without sperging.


he does not need you, the guy is litteraly a genius. He could write anything and it would be more fun that everything that exist.

source for what you are talking about

Every "da joos" infograph comes from the same stormfaggot macro, and when it gets shit on (almost daily) by either false-flaggers or Sup Forumsniggers, they take the same info and change the graph. Rinse and repeat.

You not knowing that, is why you are being called a newfag.

Bin that egg

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prove it

this HAS to be fake

you are comparing 2 absolutely different things.

centrism is worse than cancer honestly.

it's called jealousy because the guy is just the best intellectual in our current world

You dont prove a negative.

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>Sup Forums is different than r/the_Donald

>objectively false

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you are putting words in my mouth and telling me what i believe

the one in question was CNN and you replied with one about CEOs of other companies

>no u

>oi cheeky wanker wheres ur food license?

Attached: Cant+buy+caffeine_edb860_6542851.jpg (1200x802, 128K)

Because there are CEOs on that CNN list, as well as names that get repeated on other macros. Lurk moar.

so the graph says they are jewish and you can't prove otherwise

on the last day of secondary school all the kids who are leaving go round throwing eggs and flour at each other/younger kids.

so sometimes in the last week of school shops wont sell them to kids so they wont get blamed

What it really lead to is the few kids with the foresight to stock up on ammo vastly outgunned the rest of us

user....you see what I'm talking about? You don't want me to prove you wrong, you won't listen. You hage access to Wikipedia.

as an addition ive never seen it happen in conjunction with the police though but its definitely not illegal

>a finnish cuck making fun of brits
we also have tv licences and high caffeine drinks (energy drinks) are usually not sold for children

>you can't prove otherwise.
Why do you literally take it on faith that the image is correct and not lying to you? Are you seriously that easy to manipulate?

I just gave you Mat Laurer as an example...surely you can go from there? If the graph is dishonest once, then how can you trust it at all?

not coca cola though..?


Attached: 21.jpg (640x405, 34K)

The CEO part in the unrelated graph says N/A for CNN