Actress has a 10/10 face but 4/10 body because she never exercises

>actress has a 10/10 face but 4/10 body because she never exercises

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What are some examples of this?

>Actress has 10/10 body but 4/10 face

Post examples pls

Gillian Jacobs

Attached: 619fca3b-a2ce-4323-aeec-0f60bdabd9fc..jpg (560x784, 57K)

emma watson. 7/10 face. 2/10 body

Attached: livejupiter_1515061898_4901s.jpg (650x866, 58K)

>acquired a 9/10 face 5/10 body gf
>kind of a bookworm/house cat type
>fucked her hard every day and took her on walks, ice skating, swimming, hiking, riding bike, etc.
>thought her how to prepare some food, and forced her to change diet from junkg food and vegan trash to a more ehalthy traditional one
>after a few years she was a 9.5/10 face and 8/10 body
>she leaves me and says I don't deserve her

I don't see the problem. All a girl has to do to look decent is have a nice face and not be fat or skeleton.

imagine being this picky and delusional

>this is what standardlets think

But I guess you're not the type to put any effort in your appearance or your body either ?

>woman goes through an intense gymnastics routine for the movie
>you can't even tell by looking at her
Do women just suck?

pretty much every actress

that's a sad story, user

women like Gal Gadot that only go to an intense routine for a movie, yes.
women like Kate from Lost when preparing for Antman you can tell she is muscular as fuck and would fuck your shit up in a fight

Imagine thinking Emma Watson's body is anything above mediocre

It's harder for women to put on enough muscles for it to be noticeable.
And outside of lifting, they barely get any muscle.
Add to that that they have wrong preconceived notions about weights and lifting hard, and most of the training they do doesn't really change their physique.
But when they do it right you can definetely tell.

Attached: bestone.webm (972x1080, 504K)

>vegan trash
She was probably waiting for a plantchad to come by and once one did she jumped ship. You should've went vegan.

Also I didn't mention eating.
Most women don't like the idea of gaining weight at all, and it's hard for them to eat more to get the most out of their potential muscle gains.
If they're exercising and eating right, women can actually have a really good progress. Just look at any decent trainer's testimonial page and you'll see dozen of women with excellent results.

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It's slightly above, It suits her and she's not flabby like most women her age.

face: 9

What a cunt, if true.

>Gillian Jacobs
>10/10 face


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LOL did they say any of this to her or were you just a pushover?

What is "a few years"?
What is your income? Are you infertile?
How would you rate your face?


>mfw the median woman is a fat sack of shit now
>mfw skinnyfats like Watson look great in comparision
Standards are fucking dead

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Imagine being that paddle

>OP posts on Sup Forums using Reddit Gosling

Who dis?

Best one

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This post only belongs to Sup Forums if she left you for a black man.

yeah cause she's a cunt and not because she got sick of you obviously pushing her to change up her shit to look better for you. I know the backlash this post will get, but it's true. If this post was from a chick:

>acquired a 9/10 face 5/10 body bf
>kind of a bookworm/videogame nerd
>decided to go out with him anyway cause he had such a nice face. Fucked him hard everyday and took him on walks, boxing classes, swimming, hiking, riding bike, etc.
>thought him how to prepare some food, and forced him to change diet from junk food to a more healthy traditional one
>after a few years he was a 9.5/10 face and 8/10 body
>He leaves me and says I don't deserve him

Say what you want, you fucking know how different your responses would be.

Looks like Danay Garcia

Face looks like it was assembled with pieces like mr potato head

i have the same response tb h

This is a kino body type.

>if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best
I'll say you're a woman

her body looks better than her face

This body shouldnt be bad at all, yet this photo somewhat turns me off

She looks good for 35. She probably stays away from drugs and sunbathing.

Personally I never thought richard dawkins was that attractive.

It's 10/10 not 1010

>yfw women don't have to do anything but not be fat to attract men
>a lot of them can't even do that
>meanwhile men have to workout 5 days a week and have good facial genetics to even get the time of day

Post tits rostie

So are you implying working out gives you tits? Because the opposite is true

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>fucked her hard every day

Boo boo

>fucked her hard every day

Boo boo, she could have BRENDAN'D you so shut up

>junkg food and vegan trash

I honestly can't believe how vegans can even become fat, I know a massively obese vegan chick and it boogles my mind

Omg, What happened to JLaw

you increased her market value and increased her options. women always take the best option they have available


>men have to workout 5 days a week and have good facial genetics to even get the time of day