Is this the best Black Mirror episode?

Is this the best Black Mirror episode?

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For me its a toss up between san junipero and be right back. Both have some kino acting scenes in them. Be right back has one of the most believably emotional women ive ever seen.

Wow i can't even

Person of Color mirror*

I dont remember this scene in shut up and dance

I don't think there was a black dude in The Entire History of You

ops correct and not a faggot for once


>fatties are worthless slaves
>gold-digging roast gets sentenced to life of porn
>hero gets to complain for a living and be rich
it’s certainly the most satisfying

it is the only black mirror episode worth watching. the rest (especially netflix seasons) belong in the trash


God tier episode, but not my personal favorite desu. I really loved Shut Up and Dance and Men Against Fire


its one of three tolerable episodes of the show. The other two are white christmas and the rating app one

The Entire History of you and White Christmas were better.

Good opinions

Nosedive was kino

>a black guy gets cucked by a white guy and has to watch it
How very un-current year!

t. reddit

reddit thinks hysterically emotional women are an evil sexist stereotype, miss me with your gay opinions

you forgot
>black guy gets cucked to the point of wanting to kill himself

Where's the babewraiths webm

remember when the
meme was about people being butthurt and not just some random retard putting t._____ to call someone that?

like for my post now posting t. reddit would be the way it was actually used before

t. newfag

Some of the worst taste imaginable.


entire history of you is the best episode

The best one is White Christmas.


Is Charlie... Dare I say it?


imo it is


Compared to the 3rd and 4th season, all the 7 first episodes are better.

The only good one in 3 or 4 is Black Museum because it did 3 bits in a single episode. The problem with the Netflix seasons is that they go on and on and on. They show us the wacky sci-fi premise early on. And then just draaaag on. Yeah, we get it. She's in a digital old folks home. Or yeah, she's losing her popularity points. Get on with it.

>muh VR lesbians

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Those two and the one in the OP are the only ones I haven't seen. Are any of them worth watching?

t. turbo newfag

jesus user

it depends on what you like
San junipero is the only black mirror episode with a "happy" ending (which i personally think is misdirection for you to figure out on your own.
be right back is miserably sad from beginning to end but the female lead does some of my favorite acting.
15 million merits is pretty standard black mirror but with some good music and flashier visuals than usual.

>Doesn't know Finnish
T._______ is an abbreviation for "sincerely" and you put it at the end of a letter

Easily the best acting in the show

How do they even get fat?
They peddle all fucking day long and if they eat shit they still need to peddle more to have afford to buy everything they eat

The bike thing is like prison. If you get too fat on the outside, you get sent to the bikes.
That's not the whole world, just the punishment part of it

I thought it was the worst of the original series

It's hilarious, that every time I mention this episode is my favourite - because I relate to the guy, who is doing only virtual stuff and lusts for something real - while talking to some girl, they tend to instantly lose interest about me.

I can't figure out why. Any help?

>san junipero
Literally mediocre.

>hurr durr modern society amirite xD
so profound

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1. Shut up and dance
2. 15 million merits
3. White christmas

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you accidentally typed 'best' instead of 'most horrifying'

So why are they fat if they get sent to the bikes?

African American mirror, you goddamn racist.

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it ia now because the girl's nudes got leaked and she ended up being portrayed just like the show after the brain washing.

that's why it's dystopic

The only two I didn't shut off because of how stupid they was
>White Christmas
>the one where the guy rewinds his memories and catches his wife having an affair because he notices little details
All the others were complete garbage!

Nudes you say?
sauce for my breadstick please!

>interracial couples in every episode
I'm so sick of this...
I cannot enjoy this show without profound feelings of despair and anguish

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but the black guy got cucked in this episode