Dude, what if Christians were the way Muslims actually are in their home countries, and that's a good thing

Dude, what if Christians were the way Muslims actually are in their home countries, and that's a good thing.

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Don't post again, Ahmed.

>what are the crusades
>what are christians persecuting jews, "witches" and "heretics"
>what are christians persectuing gays
>what are christians using black slaves
>what are christians beating their wives and starting pointless wars due to their religion

Christians have always treated non-christians in the same shitty way muslims treat non-muslims. In fact, through all the history, christians have behaved like muslims. The western world isn't a muslim-like dystopia thanks to atheism

t. Per te

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Stop being triggered over every little fucking thing. Jesus.

Undergrads in the house

It was an awful show to be honest famalamadingdong anti Christian bullshit

it was unironically anti radical islam.
only brainlets, soyboys, and tumblrqueens misread the fucking show and won olympic gold medals in mental gymnastics trying to interpret it as an anti-trump show

The only reason Muslims behave that way is because of western imperialism. But even then most Muslim women are treated with more respect by Muslim men than Christian women are by Christian men.

>burning heretics
You can blame Catholics for that
>persecuting gays
This isn’t bad
>Black slaves
And? Were slaves used because the Bible commands to?
>starting pointless wars
Like what? Afghanistan doesn’t count

>Were slaves used because the Bible commands to?
Yes, actually.

Lol ive never even seen the show m8 just wanted to get in on the conversation
Whats the show about exactly

Is and it's a good thing the new current year?


>this isn't bad
The world would be a much better place without faggots tainting society
>for getting entire books of the bible which are about freeing and traveling with former slaves
Thats redit for you though. Muslims and faggots good christians evil

Every problem in the world is inexplicably the white devil's fault.

i know this is bait, but you should still consider playing in traffic.

>The western world isn't a muslim-like dystopia thanks to atheism
No. What is Soviet Union and eastern block. Actually, Jesus taught compassion and liberal theology that has been one of the building blocks in why western world so successful. Now fuck off to to r/atheism.

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>most Muslim women are treated with more respect by Muslim men

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Who then practice and condone slavery in their homeland and practice gendercide on locals.

>Yes, actually.
The Bible doesn't condemn slavery but it doesn't command it either.

>You can blame Catholics for that
Blame them for what? The heretics back then were what today would be afrocentrists, Wiccans, marxists etc.
For the most part that's who they were, the "different religion" guys weren't that much.

To be fair there’s heresy like that and cats killing innocent Protestants before the reformation and during the inquisition

Thats wrong tho bud. You might be getting confused when paul repeats what john said and calls us all slaves to sin

The West would unironically be better if we did this with women, just without the Puritan clothing.

How's grad school going?

>Like what? Afghanistan doesn’t count


Daily reminder that it would've been GOAT if ugly Moss had been replaced by beautiful Sarah Gadon

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>what are the crusades
How about you answer that question yourself first, buddy?

It's anti-religious extremism. Which universally applies to all religions.