ITT: memes that need to die

>DC Chads

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fyi 'inclusion riders' is the new euphemism for diversity quotas


They're two of the fakest guys in Hollywood


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this. Ben literally plays a character when he makes public appearances. He's as phoney as they come.

Hahahah what the fuck is this real? Shit well i guess it's time for my brown ass to get into acting im bound to get a role now

What are some examples of out of place forced diversity being profitable?

Did Matt Damon voice Darkseid? Fuck I knew it sounded like him

it's only for the cast right? There's no way you could find a single crew in the world that has more than 25% of women. Women don't want to be grips or build sets.

it's not "meme" it's just based on letters used
DChads and MCUcks
now MCUcks were cucked by bunch of niiggers so it makes perfect sense

>it's just based on letters used

Then it should be DCEUnuchs

so are movies based on the Russian mafia going to have a random Hispanic in the gang?

desu it's good too, thx. now gonna use
MCUcks and DCEUnuchs

and Putin will be played by nigger

good on them, I don't see the problem

only the prestigious roles, yeah, nobody cares about the other ones.

They just pad it out by having every admin and office job be staffed by black women.

Make Catwoman latina

What has their production company done recently?

Hey Matt and Ben,
Just thought I'd pop in and say hi since I'll be in every movie you guys make from here on out.

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More like BARFtard award