Why doenst Hollywood have anymore legit 10/10 actresses...

Why doenst Hollywood have anymore legit 10/10 actresses? All the "hot" actresses they try to push out are either ugly jews, or fat goyims

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Name 3 women you consider 10/10

>they try to push out are either ugly jews, or fat goyims

Harvey Weinstein always "discovered" some classical beauties. But we won't see those anymore.

neither of those girls is a 10/10

Celeste Bonin

That's the entire list.

>that man jaw
It's like you're TRYING to have shit taste. At least OP isn't a fag

Excellent taste.

>looking at her face
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board. /lgbt/'s two clicks down.

ok retard

if you're legit hot can't you just open an instagram and a patreon and make your own money?

10/10 with make up, 6/10 without

Elizabeth Turner
Helen Owen
Alexis Ren

outside of Ana, there isnt a QT in Hollywood

>Why does Hollywood hire trained actresses instead of chicks I jerk off to on Instagram?

I guess we'll never know.



true 10/10's do nothing but sun bathe and marry extremely rich or just make their own money through modeling and marry the cute pool guy from Florida with full prenups

OP is suggesting they're all no talent retards so why not at least hire hot no talent retards rather than waste millions trying to convince us JLaw is hot.

I should just listen to the fags and women on Sup Forums telling me that women are ugly

She's actually even cuter without makeup and still has the body of a literal goddess.

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t. JLaw

Susan Sarandon
Eva Green
Gillian Anderson

Because the hot ones do thngs that are worthwile

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Because the most any woman can ever be is a 9. The only time they can potentially become 10s is when they fit your personal tastes. If you aren't into Asian chicks, an Asian chick will never be a 10. If you're into slapping a girl's ass while you fuck her, but you're 9 refuses to let you do it, she will never be a 10. So why aren't there more 9s in Hollywood? Simple, it's a free market with more connectivity than ever before. A 9 can now be some multi-millionaire's 10. A 9 can now be an instagram model or high grade escort. They can pursue higher probability and less effort means of attaining wealth.

Women will generally always choose the path of least resistance as will most men (except in men's case it means building new technologies, while in women's case it means dropping to their knees and opening their mouth). If she can spread her legs for a multi-millionaire, have some kids, and get her payday rather than learn a skill or navigate the entertainment landscape, most of them will do it. Despicable, but rational and understandable. That's the truth if you really wanted it. Modern technology combined with society's priorities and the greater disproportionate distribution of wealth allowed women to market their sexuality more efficiently than in the past.

Goyim is the plural of Goy, there's no need for the s at the end

more like the hottest women just don't know how to act (at all)

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Some of my girl friends actually started like this with some shots, you can find them in @elhartista, and somehow they now are influencers, not like a youtuber or simething, but they get a lot of free stuff... I mean it's better than nothing

Worthwhile like what? Posing in front of a camera and then getting fucked by rich kikes? Sounds exactly like what an actress does.

How do those hoes make money? They advertise products?

what's her name?


Taylor Hill

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Elizabeth Debicki
Cate Blanchett
Taylor Swift

Advertisements and prostitution. Most of the Instagram "influencer" girls are prostitutes.

>tricia helfer
>monica belucci
>grace kelly
>racquel welch
>ann margret
this is ann margret at 38

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monica belucci
grace kelly
audrey hepburn

10/10s can make all of their money being instagram whores.

You can see the fat kike she's fucking on the left.

Do you hate capitalism? Rapid moral decay and degeneracy is directly attributable to capitalism.

Plot twist: Hollywood has always done this, you just thought the mediocre jews were the pinnacle of hotness because you were a stupid kid.

Nope Taylor is pure.

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looks like a 50 year old crack whore

The main problem is that 10s are so retarded (from never having to work for anything ever) that they can't act

>50 year old crack whore
you must be thinking of your mother.

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Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Eva Green
January Jones

>no upper lip

I would say because talent matters more than looks but all these ugly kike whores are untalented too so obviously that's not the correct answer and it's more about tribal nepotism.

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kookie kutter

Amber Heard
Ninga Agdal
Olga Katysheva


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and then this

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lol Nina Agdal?

she's got a 20/10 body and a 7/10 face buddy

she's like Myla Dalbesio, which I didn't include on the list because despite all that tiddy and azz her face isn't special

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my nigga

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nina agdal's face isn't nearly as ayylmao as that freak

what is it about tanned white women that makes my pee pee hard?

Is it actually possible to be THIS gay?

The current Hollywood leading women can't act either though. Might as well have them be 10s that can't act. Women don't really have the passion or drive to ever be comparable to great actors.

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Who ?

We already live in the timeline where the most beautiful woman to ever exist actually exists.

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not a fan of the lower part of her body.
especially her abdomen looks kinda weird

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Dumb slut tattoo on her calf

I'll give you 30 seconds and then your post better be deleted.

it's still not in the same tier as her body

dunno if portuguese women are white but...

are you white? if you're white it's just nature

if you're not white it's you trying to trade up

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There are no young whites in california

>living in the ghetto

jesus dude, go to a beach and check out all that sweet white tender young ass

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I miss the big boobed, tan skinned, blonde bimbos of the early 00s

like this user?

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She's up there to me

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Looks like that model who sometimes wear one blue contact lense.

this is a 10 to me, eat my dick if you dont agree faggots

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>giant nose had to be filtered out with light

it's a free country man but that's a rude looking bitch

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she's got no mons pubis and her legs aren't proportional to her body (too small), takes her from 10/10 to 8/10.

Eiza Gonzalez
Kathryn Winnick
Ana of Weapons

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>fucks niggers in your path

why do we have this thread every day?

hollywood is trying to wring money from the female audience. Women despise attractive women. The value of attractive women to men has been destroyed by porn, as an 8 who gets naked is worth two 10s who don't. An 8 that plays to your fetishes is worth two vanilla-only 10s and a hundred non-nude 10s, etc.

Thus, no attractive women in hollywood.

Or maybe you make these moronic threads every day because you can't just go to fucking /s/.

a slut is equivalent of a 10

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she's objectively ugly. I don't get it.

Great, innit?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

>*mocks you for being non-white*

lmao at that head shape

Remove your bird from your hand and you'll think otherwise

Ana de armas

Just looked up her IG and it's pretty disappointing

what were you expecting?

I see your mind has been broken in response to being in the presence of truth, thus reducing your to spouting total gibberish.

Also please note I did not go into the comparative values of people you can actually fuck

a slut witch she is not thank god

>Fucking a pornstar is more realistic

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>B A I T
This entire /thread

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Unironically none.
10/10 is reserved for perfection only
Katie fey is a 9.8/10 though

Work on your cognitive dissonance and/or reading comprehension, friend.

And before you mention she is only 10/10 on screen: they only have to be 10/10 there.

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