Did he deserve it?

Did he deserve it?

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he dindonuffin

The overall happiness in the world went up.

havent seent it in a decade but werent they breaking into his car or something? thieves deserve bullets

I already did it irl.
t. third world ex-bully

yes. Anyone who violates the NAP deserves everything that happens to them.

he taught him a real lesson motherfucker

this is sincerely the correct opinion

what did you do it for, did the guy deserve it?

He talked a lot of shit about me while we were at a bar. So yes, then I broke a glass on the table and made him swallow the glass.

And if he didn't swallow what happens?


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I remember when I first saw this movie this scene disturbed me.
Now I hate niggers so much, I rewind it again and again.

No lol
He could have just shot them, they probably would have survived and then rotted in jail
Instead he went and got himself raped for murder

I remember watching this scene and thinking Edward Norton was ripped. Now he looks DYEL.

Whats morally right and whats tactically right are not the same thing

He choked, but he didn't die, police appeared later, but no one ever testified against me. Anyway, the neckbeards here will not believe it and reddit will call me edgy anyway.

I'm just wandering how you incentivise someone to eat broken glass in a public bar

When you say you made him swallow glass how the fuck did you do that? Why would anyone swallow glass.

Yes they where trying to steal a car, but the punishment hardly fits the crime. Unless you happen to be Judge Death

Hold up, you are from peru?

Shit small bar in Brazil, lazy sunday.

bro i made him lol it was just like in my animes

After breaking his teeth, I put his mouth open on the table and pushed the glass into his mouth

punishment 100% fits the crime

post your body with face blocked out you lying soyboy

Then carry on with your genocidal crusade Judge Death

>force someone to eat glass for talking shit to you
>upset that people call you edgy
How are you not edgy?

third worlders are actually subhuman animals confirmed

killing thieves is only genocide if you think all negroes are criminal you fucking racist

Aham tá bom fera

I already posted me using a mask here and people called me a big guy.
Edgy is a reddit word.

You're the one who wants to kill people for car theft

his words hurt you so much you had to hurt him physically? what a snowflake

>implying soyboys can't be fat

repost it gaywad

Why didn't he fight back, thats gotta be better right?

>You're the one who wants to kill people for car theft
Correct. I see nothing immoral about this at all.

And people still wonder why 3rd world countries are shitholes


Manlet magrelinho ou skinnyfat que joga "lolzinho" o dia todo?
>It is a neckbeard that does not understand concept of honor.
Search 4plebs, I have nothing to gain by posting this now.

The punishment does not fit the crime
What if user is from a first world nation and went on vacation in a 3world country?

what you call honor is just you fragile ego, you fucking faggot

>I have nothing to gain by posting this now.

Yeah shut the fuck up and drink your soy latte you fat faggot fuck.

>What if user is from a first world nation and went on vacation in a 3world country?
since he's calling everyone a redneck, he's probably a nigger, american or south american doesn't matter, still a nigger

You don‘t mow another man‘s lawn

It's not about justice, the victim isn't a judge. It's about provoking a perfectly normal violent reaction out of someone and dealing with the consequences.

You should seriously be able to do this without any repercussions whatsoever. World would be a better place, you're just being a faggot about it.

Horse thieves were hung too you dumb fairy faggot. You should probably be strung up next.

Few things make me as queasy as curbstomping. Teeth and skull injuries both really get to me so the combination is rough to see
The dude was already pretty much detained and not a threat at all, so no he didn't deserve it. If he was in the act of stealing in that moment or was an active threat to Derek, then sure there'd be more of an argument that that level of violence was justified.

Go watch some old movie instead of capeshit. Maybe The Godfather.
Sure user, if you can find pics of me in at least 3 boards.

Justification isn't even really a question here. Guy was a worthless thief and it was not only pointless but actually harmful for him to continue living anyway.

He did deserve to die for breaking into another mans house and trying to rob the place, but the MC could've avoided going to jail simply by shooting him. It was on his property after all.

The second I close this thread you're basically non-existent to me. Not searching shit. What I'm going to do is call you a fat faggot soyboy shitskin who gets off on fantasies of being tough when the situation just makes you look like an easily triggered dumb nigger. Watch your ass in the favela next time, might be a cartel leader looking to flay another worthless monkey alive.

I think there was some case where a guy tied a robber up and had to deal with unlawful confinement charges while if he just shot him it would've been fine.

Meanwhile if you stole a cow you wouldn't get hanged, despite cow being a lot more useful then a horse. Why is that?

Sure user, no problem.

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>Go watch some old movie instead of capeshit. Maybe The Godfather.
>he gets his morals from movies
what a joke

>justification isn't even really a question here
>here's my justification for why he should have died

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If you did that to me I would fucking revenge rape/kill your entire family before I would rape you to death with a broken stick.

Yeah, the whole laws with justified murder in America can be odd, but the general rule is "Killing intruders/violent people is fine as long as it is on your property/your life is threatened, but torture is not"

most basedest post I've read all month

Not gonna waste many words, just want to say that you are scum either way. Just scum.

Your retarded, fat faggot monkey ass wouldn't do shit, you gay little pussy. Absolutely pathetic

Why you can even kill someone and get away with it if you make it look like the other person was the violent one.

>Guy was a worthless thief and it was not only pointless but actually harmful for him to continue living anyway.
And who are you to judge that?

A cow is a simple commodity. A horse was the equivalent of a car, a means of transport which would most likely have been necessary for a persons livelihood.

yeah its much better to send him to jail where the entourage will mess him up beyond return and turn him into an even more scummy human being

And a cow wasn't necessary for a persons livelihood? So am to value a horse because I can go fast with it over a cow that can give me so many things essential to humans?

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If you don't understand a herd of cows being a commodity and a persons horse being required for transport I'm not sure I can help you. Regardless, thieves should be killed on the spot as far as I'm concerned.


If you don't understand how screwed up it is to get hanged for stealing a horse but not stealing a cow then keep on sucking the fat aristocrat cock you have down your throat.

that would only turn thieves to murderers to better their chance of getting away with it user
use your imagination next time you fill out the captcha

source for this?

>all these white bois feelings angry about the based alpha.

one of the libertarian candidate debates

t. Chad Big Brazilian Cock
This is why women and sissys rather it instead of these others anons.