Why did the show change so much/

Why did the show change so much/

game of thrones thread

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D&D are hacks

The first one ia retarded as fuck.
You aren't gonna be making any love while heavily injured and dosed on opiates.

cannot blame him. Oona Chaplin is a babe.

>t. virgin

Sorry m8 but if a girls down to fuck most men on their deathbeds would die happy

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He doesn't really remember what happened. He could've been raped by her, or the Westerlings could've just fed a lie to Robb so one of their kin gets to marry the king in the north and the status their shitty house gets elevated. In the books, Robb is just a kid (13 years old), they could've just told him that he defiled their daughter and he would take their word for it.

some of it is the inherent reality that books and TV shows are fundamentally different mediums

some of it is DnD genuinely believing they could do better, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

others is the fact that GRRM is a fat hack fraud who can't finish his series

If you've just lost 3 pints of blood and you are in an opiate stupor your blood pressure would be too low to get a boner. If you even could get aroused through the fog and pain.
But in any case she definitely rode him. Fucking takes physical effort. So she rides him while he is passed out on opium and because of this he feels so bad he throws his whole life and chance of victory away?
Totally fucking stupid and retard.

>he's 13
Damn the books sound retarded as fuck. But George RR is a fat douchbag so thats little surprise.

What's retarded about that?

Robb is like 14/15 when he takes the crag and marries jeyne. he's 13 at the start of the books.

You've never seen one irl do you?

I'm ok with that

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The original plan was act 1 (the war of the five kings) would take place five years before acts 2 and 3 (dany's invasion of westeros and fighting the others). He "couldn't make it work" so he is instead writing what is happening during the now smaller gap with books four and five. The problem is all these characters he expected to be young adults are now still children. You can see with the TV show they aged everyone up five years from the get go.

not gonna stop a chad like Robb

>the books sound retarded as fuck

Robb Stark was unable to give consent therefore you are all rape enablers and victim blaming

Implying something like injuries and being half unconcious will stop "Robb the Rod", infamous bane of all the whores in winterfell, rumored to have fathered 15 bastards in only 15 years of life.


>13 year old ruling
>13 year old leading armies
everything is wrong with that

anyone have webms of her getting demon fucked from Taboo

>he fell for the racemixing is bad meme

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more like

The Book
>Robb gets injured, drugged up, and a minor house loyal to the Lannisters seduces Robb to make him break his wedding vow to the Freys, resulting in the Red Wedding

The Show
>Robb throws away his kingdom for Oona Chaplin's fat ass

Both are acceptable reasons.

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no can do

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First off, the other guy is wrong and Robb is slightly older during the war, 15-16. Additionally, it's really not unrealistic. There are many instances of very young monarchs going on campaign. He's also steered along to a great degree by the nobility and the court, as would happen in history.

Some thicc foreign booty is a motivation I can fully understand. Even Frey said he would have broken the oath for dat ass.

okay, 15-16 years is acceptable, I agree

Boy did she have a great ass

Why is OP not mentioning the fact that Jeyne was a pawn of Tywin Lannister and that she carries Robb's son?

The ass was very nice though.

because i dont wanna spoil the books, ppl should read themselves.



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>large ass

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I thought her mother was secretly feeding her birth control

Both the show and books are fucking disease. Fuck HBO. Fuck D&D. And fuck that lazy cunt GRRM.


Diamonds dick is diamonds

I wanna fap but I'm at work.


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just need to fill it up first

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Poor Rudy, finds a girl who actually likes it up the bum and she ends up dying immediately.

>or the Westerlings could've just fed a lie to Robb
unlikely, as its revealed that the Westerlings were actually working with Tywin the whole time. There's the scene of Jane being very upset that she had to have an abortion (moon tea) and her mom tells her to shut up in front of Tywin. Think she actually got knocked up


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Jeyne as a character is much more tragic. Oona dies immediately, but Jeyne is a prisoner of her own parents. She got tricked by her mother plus her unborn son got killed by her mother. Her mother also stole the crown that Robb gave to her.
And most important of all she still loves Robb deeply and mourns him every day.


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Also she's constantly surrounded by a bunch of soldiers who answer directly to Jaime. They're ordered to kill her if she tries to escape.
And she can't marry for 2 years, so that no one thinks that a child of hers is the heir to the Kingdom of the North.

More BRRAAPPPSS, your grace?

>tfw you will never save Jeyne
>tfw you will never be Robb

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>you will never save Robb from the Red Wedding
It's not fair, he would have been the best king.

>tfw you will never be Janos Slynt
>tfw you will never help ned in his coup
>tfw you will never seat Eddard Stark as lord protector of the seven kingdoms

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