What movies do you love despite people trying to get you to hate it?

What movies do you love despite people trying to get you to hate it?

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I thought TLJ was pretty decent. Not great or anything, but decent

Dune, Inception and Paul Verhoeven films (the latter not because people try to put me off them as much their dumb as fuck misinterpretations of what they are about make me not want to join their ranks).

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>Inception is now considered bad

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It was never good.

The Last Jedi

Everyone except me seems to be under the impression that Oblivion's plot isn't good (or doesn't exist), I don't get why, it's very tight and engaging.

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Alien 4


not a movie, but i really liked marco polo on netflix despite it's obvious problems

Back to leftypol faggot


You sure showed him whom'st've is the dumb one here


What? Starship Troopers is an easy as fuck to understand anti facist movie.



Movie in OPs post. I love that movie

>Fascist world is a utopia
>Look, he's wearing an SS uniform!
Republicans blown the h*ck out!

Which one?

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Inside Job

I seem to be the only one who can appreciate this film.

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Looks like someone got triggered :^)

Are you the guy with the folder?

Almost 20 years now

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First season was definitely enjoyable. They tried to turn it into Eastern GoT later on and it went to shit after that

i thought s2 was better, they fixed a decent amount of what i thought was shitty in s1

It's not that engaging.

Obviously, I'm basically the only person on Sup Forums who likes Mars Needs Moms.

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I really respect your autism

Bladerunner 2049. Seems like I'm the only one around here who actually enjoys it.
Also, I'm the only one who seems to enjoy the Dark Knight Rises in the entire world. No one else can understand Heath's Joker, apparently.

Still not sure if Sup Forums is being ironic about it, but BvS is genuinely my second favorite film. I love everything about it and I've seen it countless times. I also made a cinegrid for it that I've seen posted on here a couple times, which is neat.

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Die Hard 2
Full Metal Jacket (included here because so many people seem to dislike the second half)
Ghostbusters II
Independence Day
Last Action Hero
Return of the Jedi
Starship Troopers
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

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I still unironically believe to this day that the only good film Kubrick ever made was 2001

I enjoyed it when I saw it in theaters

2 and 3 are good.
90s Independence day?

Only on sites like this.

The ending gave me goosebumps.

Let's be honest, Inception was pretty bad.

The Passion of the Christ

>this is what fascists believe

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TLJ was pretty good.

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TDK is on my top shelf.
Also, Oblivion for the eye candy cgi.
Also, redhead waifu's red pubes in see thru pool.

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I was just pretending to be a faggot, but no one took the bait.

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Lmao their society sucked you idiot

I disagree.

What's the difference between Ki face 52, 53, and 54?

>Let's be honest
if theres one thing tv can agree on its that inception IS bad, faggot

People here seem to dislike the Nolan Batman films and The Departed but I still love them.

Here's a few others that usually get shit on(mostly by normies not Sup Forums) but I love

>Van Helsing
>Batman Forever
>Star Wars Prequels
>The Mummy
>Shanghai Knights

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it was always bad

blade runner, blade runner 2049

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Her tongue moves slightly differently in each of them.

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I dunno about bad, it was a beautiful and entertaining movie to watch. Once though, it has very little rewatch value because setting up the rules takes so bloody long. I'd put it in the same category as The Arrival: "That was good, guess I'll sell it / delete it now".

Haven't watched it but it will never beat the original(especially the 2nd one, 3rd was shite)....NEVER

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I would say just make a webm then but I'm guessing you've got that covered

The Master. I think it's one of the best movies ever made but none of my friends liked it. Do not understand.

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>Fascist world is a utopia
t. didn't watch the movie.

>loving interstellar
Kys you brainlet loser

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>t. civilian parasites

it is actually closer to "original" than any of Brendan flicks ever been

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your friends have better taste than you, its shite

Watched gravity in 3d when i was super super high. Probably the best movie going experience i ever had.
Tried to watch it at home a few years later and couldn't make it past 20 minutes

Interstellar is an amazing film and the people who think it's stupid always turn out to have not understood it themselves. Prove me wrong.

Dude the 1932 film looks like kino

Yep, but the stills are nice to have too.

Your friends are plebs

People hate this movie for being hipster even though the whole point is making fun of hipsters.

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Don't care for the black and white one, Steven Summers's mummies are the best

What's there to understand? Beyond the plot, don't get me started on
>le infinite power of LOVE
>explaining what a wormhole is to mr.science man right before he flies into one
>muh non-linear storytelling aka hackstopher Nolan propping up his atrocious dialogue and characters so poor it's clear that Nolan is autistic
>irregular physics
>ignoring everything that made 2001 great: constant quick cuts instead of letting shots linger
>only good thing was soundtrack my zimmer, and a few shots... oh shit, that's every Nolan film

I could go on but I need to sleep and I'm gonna get to angry to pass out

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Watched this when it came out at 15.
Really liked it back then.
I don't plan on rewatching it since it's probably actually garbage.

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not even mummy, just copy of Indiana Jones with "mummy" (bald brazzers guy) in background.
Hammer 50s movies were more of "mummy" than these

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>le infinite power of LOVE
I think this meme argument is the best proof nobody understood interstellar.

These. The very meaning of kino.

Only absolute fucking morons would think this is a bad film.

I made this mistake with Watchmen. It was mind-blowing when I was 16, then I tried to show it to my wife for our movie week last year (age 26) and by the end I was apologizing for wasting 3 hours of our life.

It's pretty much how you know you're talking to a teenager, they think Zack Snyder is a genius and all his films are the pinnacle of cinema. And they are....for high schoolers.

Everyone I know who didn't like this movie didn't see it in theatres. Some movies just demand it.

Not understanding =\= thinking it was fucking stupid

You must have autism if you liked that dialogue

the ultimate pleb filter.

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I think everyone hates on it because "Oh you just want to jack off to gurlz" when actually this movie has some depth to go with the visuals. I like it.

I like Snyder's shit up until after Watchmen.

the video essay about film and digital cameras is good and made a kino movie even better

truly exceptional movies... the scope, the composition, the harmony between picture and music, the action, the duels, the lore-building, the lack of filler, overly self-reflective moments, obsession with realism and other cancerous elements...

There's nothing like this trilogy...

Sommers is fucking hack and should be mummified alive for runing mummy forever.
His movies sucks and Mummy is only liked coz it's lazy copy of Indiana Jones, who was loved.
He's literally M.Bay tier level without Bay charm.

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don't worry user. It is one of my favourite films too.


this is my favorite movie of all time

who cares still a masterpiece on its own right

You can like anything you want. Taste is personal and subjective.
EXCEPT VAN HELSING. You dun goofed! That movie is Troma level.

Stilted "autism" dialogue is kino as fuck. Polar opposite of the winking quipshit you get in 99% of blockbusters these days. Nolan doesn't care if his dialogue is cool and trendy to the soy generation. He commits to what he does without a shred of irony and that alone puts him in the top percentage of directors. The dialogue is inhuman but its in the service of genuine awe and sincere emotion.

If you can't see why the love monologue is more artistically honest dialogue than "DUDE ANYBODY GOT ANY ORANGE PIECES, WHO GOES FIRST ME OR YOU" then you are an enemy of this medium.

only absolute morons defend this movie

It is OK to be gay, user. ... you faggot

>Sommers is a hack

you take that back. Sommers is a genius who has given us some of the greatest works in history(pic related). (((critics))) hate him because is movies are based on traditional morals and European history/values

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Oh shit

>Don't care for the black and white one
grow the fuck up reddit

>beat the original
>Don't care for the black and white one
if you are the same guy, please be more aware. talking about original, then saying you don't care about original. not my business, but doesn't it make you a bit of hypocrite?

Thats the best movie ever made, you TAKE THAT BACK!

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