I'll take two

Attached: downloadfile.png (1920x798, 1.63M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>2 guns
>0 tits

Attached: fight club remake.jpg (1600x900, 247K)

damn I used to think she was somewhat attractive.. not anymore

the Jews obviously like her

This trailer, and that line in particular, really reminded of the recent XXX movie with Vin Diesel.

she still looks cute

Attached: Alicia2.jpg (399x600, 60K)

Tits? Cuz that's what you need. Yeah.

why watch this when you can just play the games. good games too.

What the hell?
Why does she look so much better in the film than her other pic?
Also she should really stick to ponytail btw look real nice on her.

Attached: D0982336-9F62-417B-9132-3510A157265F.jpg (323x456, 29K)

i'm tired of playing games, user

Attached: 1480994271061.jpg (1920x1280, 563K)

I'll guarantee this is the final scene and the final line of the movie

>cast POTATO FACE to play nu-Lara
what did they mean by this?

Attached: vikandertombraider.jpg (760x428, 60K)

two dicksup her ass

>I'll take two

Attached: smooth-breast-implant.jpg (320x155, 5K)

will Neck Raider be any good?

>that's so rude user.

Attached: alicia.jpg (825x553, 186K)

Hey! Sersha is a potato. This one is a heron junkie-looking. Skin stretched over her fivehead so tight that it looks like it's about to burst. Capucin monkey-looking spic.


Attached: thatskino.gif (600x248, 2.73M)

Which one of these feel nicer? Asking for a friend.

Attached: DDBF3107-4D11-4679-8BD0-6D134C15DB73.jpg (500x707, 54K)

I see she went to the Khaleesi School of Acting

she should actually get them

Attached: 1513645325540.jpg (1268x787, 102K)

I don't buy her trying to act tough
Looks weird

I's gonna be same case like Tom Cruise "Mummy"
Half of audience doesn't realise it's supposed to be something new and they gonna miss AngJo.
Millenials who liked these 2 crappy movies gonna hate new one coz it's not same.
Critics hated AngJo movies, they gonna hate this one too, maybe for different reasons, but still.

Leaks say this "dual pistol" scene is at the very end and whole movie is nothing more than another Cinematic Universe building kickoff.

the twitter page for the movie is pretty funny, mostly bots replying to their posts


I hope this wasn't supposed to be a good example of her being "cute", she's ugly looking even for the average slag.

>umm, okay user. have a nice day.

Attached: alicia-vikander.jpg (1000x563, 304K)

I bet she could take three if you know what I'm sayin'.

Attached: Alicia2-picsay.jpg (399x600, 56K)

Please learn to speak english.

Is there a functional difference between left and right?