Why are normies so easily scared?

Why are normies so easily scared?

My sister went on like this was the scariest shit ever. It was so fucking stupid and I'm not even desensitized to horror. I though Jacob's Ladder was scary as shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>friends sometimes want to watch horror movies with me
>they only ever put on stuff like The Visit, Get Out, The Conjuring, etc.

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Normies didn't spend their formative years on Sup Forums looking at gore threads and 'ironically' downloading pictures of horse cock

I've never ironically downloaded pictures of horse cocks.

>Why are normies so easily scared?
What the fuck are you one about. Sup Forums posters are pussies irl.

This. I stopped taking horror suggestions from Sup Forums a long time ago because they're always shit.

babadook was kino

So you have a sincere interest in them? Yikes. Please seek therapy.

Trust me I'm dead fucking serious when I look at horse dicks.

>I though Jacob's Ladder was scary as shit.
It wasnt

So it wasn't ironic then?

The Babadook was ass but I liked it if only because I like to imagine a post credits scene where the Babadook is shown in the basement crying and going "I fucked uuuup" like some Monsters Inc shit.

Your mom loves the horse cock

What movie is that?
Also, you're part of the problem you fucking faggot. It's not normies, it's normal fags. Normie is a funny nickname. You're welcoming them.

Amittyville 20.

Nice setup, perfect execution. Well done.

This. Best horror of the last 15 years. I can still hear that fucking scream

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the same people who make fun of the witch for being "atmospheric" enjoy this dribble

>this dribble

its 'drivel' retard

Actually a lot of people at work comment on how much I like horror games and movies, since I watch them with my friends a lot, and they give the usual "I wouldn't be able to handle it" etc. I don't understand this. What could happen?

No, it's dribble. Like when you're so retarded you just let your slobber dribble out of your mouth.

Nah that last post was unnecessary. It's only funny with the first two

Most annoying film I have ever seen holy shit I wanted to kill this kid


>enjoy this dribble

That's because the audience doesn't actually want to be scared, they're looking for the thrill of being pretend-scared. It's the equivalent of going into Disneyworld's Haunted Mansion. Basically, a film that emulates a fake scary situation to make audiences feel good about themselves.

This, second post is obviously making the implication in good humour and you understand immediately. Third post is there for brainlets, would not read again.

I don't think they are scared they just find the movies entertaining
Does the average person think Black Panther is the greatest film of 21st century ? Probably not

The intense atmosphere of some horror games and movies exhaust some people to a point that they literally cannot handle it. I've seen it before with kids. You can tell which kids are going to be horror fans if they sit there with their eyes wide completely immersed in the material instead of hiding their face or leaving the room.

nothing is scary

tfw the best horror movie ever.

Attached: Army-of-darkness.jpg (497x759, 181K)


>army of darkness

Fucking normie

>army of darkness

I can't believe there are people out there THIS stupid

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>I though Jacob's Ladder was scary as shit.
That's the only movie I've ever turned off before finishing because it made me feel so uncomfortable.

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the absolute state of anti witch posters

Not really. I used to be the human equivalent to Courage the Cowardly Dog as a kid and now horror is my favorite genre.

i left the room screaming as a kid when the wishmaster pulled a guy though the jail bars. I'm a horror fan now.

Pretty much. The faggots here were actually saying Annihilation was scary

Jacobs ladder was absolute garbage. 2 hours of my life wasted at the recommendation of Sup Forums.

horror don't really have to scare you.


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It's a horror/fantasy/adventure/comedy film.

cause shes a girl and your a man(presumably)

Third act sucked ass. Rest was kino tho

t. capeshit fan
How can you be so braindead?

The image of the head inside the car that almost ran him over stuck with me for weeks


This also

horror-comedy maybe, even that's a big stretch
really its just action-comedy