What movie scared you most as a child

what movie scared you most as a child

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Willy Wonka

Pet semetary
x-files title screens

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E.T: The Extra Terrestrial.

why? he's friendly

Robocop the scene where Murphy is tortured/killed

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That was too much.
That shotgun to the hand.
That scene was like a separate movie.

Child's Play 2 was pure Chuckino


He undercuts the local work force and lowers local wages.

Night of the Living Dead 1990 remake.

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last year I watched evil death, I had a nightmare that night

Even before I understood what nuclear weapons/nuclear war actually is, this scene of screaming burning children cradled by their parents horrified me to my 10 year old core.

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Even as a kid I wasn’t scared of Chucky. Just kick the fucking thing he’s a doll.

On topic: Deep Blue Sea

Shit dude, that scene still terrifies me now...

I was 9 at the time but my parents tried to take me to Scream 2 and I freaked out at the opening and Home Alone 3 was playing across the hall so my dad took me to it instead since it started around the same time.

Yeah, I was a pussy.

>came here to say this
Would stay at my grandparents’ farm way out in the country with an old cemetery less than a mile away. My older brother would make us watch this at night while we were there and it scared the shit out of me for life.

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Funny thing is, I used to love the film as a kid, to the point that I got an E.T. Christmas. What happened was the power in my house went out while watching the movie alone and, according to my mom, I thought the little wrinkly bastard had caused it. I would've been okay if it weren't for the night terrors that soon followed.

I didn't see that movie uncensored until I was like 19. Same with Karate Kid, I had no idea the Cobra Kai dude was smoking weed in the bathroom until I saw it uncut kek. I watched movies on tv mostly, didn't own a Blu-ray player until college.


You posted it.

The Mummy. My parents got Egyptian cotton sheets and I became terrified of going in their room

Pic related and when I saw Back to the Future in theaters, the lightning storm at the end and the tests with the dog driving the Delorean scared 3 year old me. I thought we were going to see a cartoon.

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I was terrified of Signs. The found footage scene where the alien crashes st the birthday party was too real for me

Also funny thing I just remembered, I must've seen Jurassic Park hundreds of times as a kid, but I somehow never got over the dilophosaurus jumpscare scene when he kills fatso so I always either covered my eyes or even got out of the room entirely for those few seconds

basketcase, fukn belial gave me nightmares at age 8

Fuck, are you me?

The Ten Commandments , about some crazy psycho all powerful monster trying to control everyone's lives even after you die. And can read your mind your emotions and where you are at all times.

Yes, its me, you. Stop jerking off to jewish hollywood whores

Truly nightmarish

i don't understand how more people weren't afraid of this fucker

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That one.
I kept watching them even though I knew I'd be scared shitless and not sleep for weeks. My mom and my brother would be like "stop, you'll get scared" and I'd insist "no I won't this time".
Watched all 3 multiple times, I don't even know why. I think that was what got me addicted to being scared.

I was, the first act of this movie is a fucking horror movie through and through

the Ring

>tips fedora


You aren't me. I jerking off to hot japanese whores as usual.

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Him and Chucky ruined my childhood but now I love horrow wtf?

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I agree.

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Same here. At the time I had no real concept of nuclear weapons. I thought it was a big solar flare and became afraid of the sun.

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Which era of kidkino was your childhood Sup Forums?

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