Why did they all have British accents? It doesn't make sense

Why did they all have British accents? It doesn't make sense.

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Better then faking stupid Russian. See Red turd.

I had to turn it off when Stalin couldn’t even attempt a Russian accent.

And Jeffrey tambor still has his American accent? Christ

Was it kino?

Because them all putting on caetoonish Russian accents was unnecessary.

Also it worked in Dr Zhivago.

Lel would it make more sense for Soviet leaders to speak in Russian accent English then...?

It's a British movie. Their accents also translate well: Jason Isaacs (Zhukov) sounds like a chav in the movie, while the real Zhukov came from a peasant family in the middle of nowhere and spoke in a "chav" accent.

Yeah, also Stalin talking like a Cockney geezer makes sense as he was actually Georgian.

It's not chav, it's more rural.

I'm not English so I get the terms wrong. Rural usually refers to places like Bristol, right? Can rural be northern?

no, unwatchable shit

Rural just means outside of cities. Think farms and countryside.

>I had to turn it off when Stalin couldn’t even attempt a Russian accent.

Stalin didn't have a Russian accent, he was Georgian you dumb fuck.

>while the real Zhukov came from a peasant family

they all came from a peasant or working class low-life no education family, they were commies for fucks sake.

also zhukov is "the hero" of WW2, the man deserves more respect, russkie or not.

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>watching anti-com propaganda
I expected better from you Sup Forums

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It would've been annoying if they kept doing a Russian accent throughout the entire film.

It's not a historical drama you spastics.

>they all came from a peasant or working class low-life no education family, they were commies for fucks sake.

>also zhukov is "the hero" of WW2, the man deserves more respect

the guy fought nazis head-on, he won in a straight battle against the might of the third reich, burgers and the rest came from the rear like the fags they are.

It's not really a comedy either though.

It's a Yorkshire accent.

>burgers and the rest came from the rear like the fags they are.

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>It's not really a comedy either though.

>The composer fainting and hitting his head on a bucket
>Molotov kneeling in Stalin's piss
>All the figure heads trying and failing to move Stalin's body.
>Malenkov's girdle
>Khrushchev trying to do a twirly dance to switch places with Malenkov at Stalin's funeral
>Every time Vasily showed up
>Zhukov punching Beria in the face
>Every time someone gets shot except Beria

bump for non-capeshit thread

So those scenes were supposed to be comedic? Too bad I didn't know that before watching the movie.

t. autismo supremo

So I watched half an hour of this movie and it's fucking garbage so far. Does it start being funny at some point or is it like Shawn of the Dead where you need to be a lobotomized chimpanzee to ever smile, let alone laugh at it?

I assume it’s a stylistic choice, which would be on par with the non-Russian cast

>the guy fought nazis head-on

You mean, the millions of russians who still lay buried in the fields of east Europe.
Zhukov had a nice cosy tent a few hundred km behind lines.

How do you people think and breathe at the same time?

Cockney Stalin was an inspired choice.

Iannuci’s humor kinda stems from absurdity being absolutely normal.

There’s a great scene in In The Loop where a general is using a pink kiddie toy laptop to calculate how many soldiers are at risk of dying, but it’s not called attention to like HEY LOOK THIS IS A JOKE.

I dunno, it’s kinda love it or hate it humor.

>also zhukov is "the hero" of WW2, the man deserves more respect, russkie or not.
Respect as in "send your soldiers to the meat grinder" and be done with

>he watches movies and posts on Sup Forums at the same time
I thought this was a meme. I can't believe there are retards who do this

>dude generals should fight on front lines and shit lmao anyone can command!

>Jason Isaacs (Zhukov) sounds like a chav in the movie

lmao no he fucking doesn't.

>dude why isn't my town Mayor fixing the potholes on the road by hand? fucking asshole!

I actually watched those thirty minutes last night, then stopped because it was an utter waste of time and watched Annihilation instead. But I guess it must be a bit hard to think of possibilities when you're as intelligent as an animal and have to describe everything you don't like as "meme."

>watching Annihilation over The Death of Stalin
And here we unmask the pleb

bump for pleb filter

The other option was sit in the ruins of Stalingrad, eat your own family members and hope a mortar doesn't hit you.

It was fucking kino


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Saw a screening with him and the director, shit was Kino af

>almost no improv
>all the jokes were scripted
>only end execution scene was improvised
>gave them a script
>it was a single take
>get it all done in two minutes no blocking
>based on a comic book
>all his medals were placed on a fake torso because they couldnt fit on his actual torso

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This is the real reason Russia and the UK are going to start WW3.

Hi ruskie. How pathetic do you have to be to praise a guy who murdered so many of your comrades? It's true what they say, you just fucking love to squirm under someone's boot :^)

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I understand it must be hard to know without all your favourite snl-actors on the poster making funny faces telling you that the movie is hilarious.

Shit, I didn't know the Russians were as sensitive as American blacks.

They're even more sensitive because dreams of muh power are the only thing left for them.

nobody is as sensitive as amerimutts

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Was this at the Landmark in LA?

the woman is the personification of butthurt

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It’s satire, it’s not supposed to be a historically accurate film.You might even say it’s part of the joke.

>racially mixed

true american

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>talks about racial purity

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pretty sure they're all using their natural accents. that or it was just up to the actors

Buscemi sounds exactly like he always does

Russian here. Please refrain from discussing our history unless you know what you're talking about. If you've spent 5 years on /k/ arguing about WWII tanks or know a bunch of historical anecdotes, this DOES NOT mean you know what you're talking about. Just discuss the movie, it was pretty good despite having nothing in common with the historical period in question except for costumes. That was probably for the best since it didn't remind me of tragism of events that happened throughout that period in real life.

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Beria story was the really important part, the comedic bits aren't really great but Beria is the true Staline heir (despite being on the list too) as his reign of terror turns everyone mad too. The calm after his death is felt really strongly. Him being a rapist and a pedo just make Kroutchev point even stronger.

Well, Beria was a monster and Khrouchtchev was the most liberal of the bunch. That statement is true in the movie and in History.

I don't see how anyone could even like Beria

Contras are capable of anything

He killed a lot of commies, that's a hero in my book

Vasily is underrated. I found him pretty funny.

Stalin was quiet about his Georgian background and tried to destroy Georgian culture and identity

t. Georgian

We are ukrainian cubs

He was still from there.

No one did, not even Stalin though he considered him good at his job. One time when Svetlana was alone with him at the house Stalin called her in a rush to tell her to leave the house immediately and get away from him.

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Did I say he wasnt? My comment was in response to saying he had a Georgian accent.

This thread is proof Americans are too thick for Armando Iannucci

Was Zhukov from the Russian equivalent of Yorkshire?

>fighting the germans
>for bolshevism

>2017 Sup Forums in a nutshell

how far we done fell

like 7 years ago this thread would have 200 pages of good discussion. we can't even do that anymore

Don't lie, you're not allowed to actually learn about history, eat your potatoes quietly.

the retard you're replying to probably has chav accents confused with the normal yorkshire accent

You're a sensitive boy, ain't you, Ivan?

>Molotov wasn't foreign minister in 1953, he was deputy premier

>Malenkov wasn't "stalin's deputy", he was also deputy premier but the post of 2nd secretary was absent since Zhdanov's death

>Beria wasn't head of the NKVD, and the head of the NKVD didn't even exist at the time. It was split between the MGB (Semyon Ignatyev) and MVD (Sergei Krugulov)

>Zhukov wasn't head of the Soviet army in 1953, the defense minister was Bulganin and the chief of staff was vasily sokolovsky. He was the urals district commander because stalin feared his popularity

russia is a joke

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Lithuanian cubs

Sorry I can't tell your mishmash noises apart, bong. Please forgive me

Anyone felt this movie is like Soviet Arrested Development?

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You probably know the least about Russia

Fuck off back to >>>/leftypol/ communist faggot.


Up yours babushka!