Why does everyone love the Grand Budapest Hotel?

I feel like I am the only person who hated this film. I cannot find anyone to relate to. I don't think there was a plot, and the sled scene? What was up with that? It looked so fake. If something appears fake and takes one out of the film, then it isn't good. A film should try to immerse the viewer.

I agree some of the cinematography was nice, but I really didn't understand the praise for this film. It tried to look shitty imo.

Could it be that the only ones who love this are from reddit? What is Sup Forums's consensus on it?

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It’s an old, reddit film about some gypsey coming to Hungary isn’t it? It’s just a overly romanticized and detached film that separates from any sense of reality in the time period.

Nevertheless, it was defnitely not my cup of tea

Post films that you hate which the majority adores. Here is another one I didn't like

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The only really good Wes film in my opinion is Moonrise Kingdom. Of the other ones I've seen, Budapest and Rushmore were decent while Life Aquatic was crap.

This was one I'll defend to the death because I genuinely think a lot of people didn't "get" it.
The whole thing was a mockery of dating culture where people have to fake it just to be seen. The acting is supposed to be autistic and wooden. It's not a wacky adventure about the guy running around and falling in love, it's a a super dark comedy about the struggle to be genuine.

I would have given it a second viewing but I didn't like the mood of the film. It wasn't /comfy/ at all.


I liked it. I laughed a couple of times and liked the colours. I thought it was about how people are oblivious about the world around them and sometimes that bites them in the ass.

what do you think of the sled/skiing scene? It looked garbage. I'd make a webm but I don't have the film on my hdd, and there isnt a decent clip on youtube apart from this: youtube.com/watch?v=xuFXISDZEYw

I tri3d watching this i fell asleep, didnt watch it again

One might argue that the more like reality a film is, the less immersive it becomes.

Look at the youtube clip above. This one example of what pulled me out of the film, since it looked so comically poor.
>inb4 "it is supposed to look like trash"

It's not supposed to look real. Whether that means it looks like trash or not is a matter of taste, but it's 100% intentional. It looks like everything in the scene is meant to resemble miniatures, because Wes Anderson doesn't do real action. It's similar to how he did the ending of Life Aquatic, using art and crafts style creatures instead of real ocean life. I think this is less jarring because the entire movie looks stylized.

I'd agree with you, the film would be better off without that. I think there might be a couple more instances throughout the movie where fat could be trimmed as well but I haven't watched it since it came out. I think I'll give it a watch when I find a torrent to see if that is the case.
Also that scene reminded me of fantastic mr fox for some reason.

Anderson deliberately eschews realism. That's why he arranges basically every frame of his movies the way he does, in that too-perfect, meticulous, straight-lines-and-right-angles-only style. He knows it makes it look kinda picture book or like a little dollhouse, he knows the artifice leaks through the image, that's what he wants.

I mean, do you really think that scene just got away from them? That they actually thought the effects work looked totally convincing in that scene, like 20 years after fucking Jurassic Park? What do you think happened, that they cheaped out to something less convincing than what a network TV show can afford because they didn't have the money, even with Wes Anderson's profile at this point in his career? Or that they just didn't know, which would mean the entire production crew would have needed to be living in a bunker for the last 30 years?

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it was a great and some of the best cinematography ever. the only ones who hate Wes Anderson movies are those who try so hard to be antihipster(I wouldn't even call WA hipster)

well, it seems I am in the minority then since I hated this style of green screens and miniatures, with silly physics of sleds scooting through the trees.

understandable user. thanks

I knew that they wanted to make it look like this on purpose. What I thought was that it looked silly after the fact, and it pulled me out of the film. I don't understand how someone can like this style.

Because it's interesting
And it's not the same vomit that we get from hollywood every fucking year

it was also making fun of the far extremes of relationships.
the far right/traditionalism where you had to be married or you'll died
the far left/feminist/anarchists who will kill you if you're married

best Irish movie I've seen in a while

Cuz sersh

it was 4:3 aspect ratio I blame that for everything.

>Grand budapest hotel
>he thinks its in hungary because of budapest

good and funny movie, you are just a pleb

>Why does everyone love the Grand Budapest Hotel?
coz its comfy

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I think you're expectations are too high. Everyone seems to like it because it's not really a movie with much to hate and an overall nice style and I guess "comfy" atmosphere. It's a "safe" film in as non derogatory a way as I can put that term. It's only groundbreaking to people who are unfamiliar with Anderson.

I agree with you, op. It just passively pissed me off, the whole style and format just slowly grated on me in a way that Wes Anderson's other movies don't. His style slips from "neat" to "camp", changing the pleasant symmetry and aesthetics and loading it with an immature pretension. It makes it worse that he really tried to make this movie "funny", pushing the little jokes his films usually have into a position where they're forced to hold up more of the movie.

Add this with the standard Wes Anderson problem of the adult characters acting like teenagers (though he's much worse in other movies, see: the Life Aquatic), and you have a thoroughly unimportant, irrelevant, and immature film.

It IS the worst movie ever made. Second place goes to Moulin Rouge.

I watched it by myself and thought it was pretty good and said as much. Watched it with a friend and only then the feeling of 'this is fucking stupid' slowly sank in.

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