It wasn't that good

It wasn't that good

Attached: intro-1503426575.jpg (780x439, 35K)


why is op always wrong

still pretty good. Bone Tomahawk was better.

But it caters to muh right wing sensibilities, so its good

*punches your head off*

Just post the webms of the fight scenes to shut up the brainlets that actually think this was a good movie.

Attached: 1488733674113.png (450x499, 352K)

Attached: 1519312570715.webm (900x484, 2.83M)

>literally no weight to the punches
this is supposed to be a good action movie?

actually it was

Why did the guard assist putting the shoe in his own god damn mouth?

i agree with this.
S.Craig is great but I'd rather he get someone else to direct his films. Imagine Mel Gibson directing a Zahler script

well its not an action movie

the sound sells the punches, no movie fight scene is ever gonna look as convincing without sound

You can post a .webm right now of the latest Jackie Chan kino and see the difference.

Technically speaking it was weak, but it was indeed fun and entertaining. A solid 6, totally worth watching

this film was b-movie tier

Lol this movie was fucking trash

haha my friend thought I was gonna love this movie insisted that we all watch it. i dunno not an awful movie by any stretch but i wasnt crazy about it. little too blatantly violent for me

>tfw to dumb to understand soul transforming metaphysical grindhouse expressionism that is like a mix of the idea behind 20's filmmaking and 70's filmmaking in a new package of combative modernity

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It wasn't bad. It felt like an 80's movie, and I love 80's movies. It was worth watching, which means it was better than 95 percent of the straight garbage they serve up every year.

It's overrated. There is literally no tension or character progression. It's the epitome of the male power fantasy, so it's no surprise that the autistic fucknuts on this website love it.
Having said that, it was well made and put together. The script/story just needed a lot of work

>user is used to kung fu fights where it takes 100 punches to knock someone out
>"augh this looks fake to my discerning eye, who could think this is realistic?"

>muh tension
>muh character progression

a film does not have to do these things, this film was not about those aspects, you have a simple reddit mind.

>it was written shit on purpose!

Attached: bill 3 fingers in the stink oreilly.jpg (750x499, 38K)

>male power fantasy
>main character gets fucked over multiple times and dies at the end
What did the redditor mean by this?

the movie was very well written. there is more to cinema than your very base understanding.

>main character gets fucked over multiple times and dies at the end
I can't tell if you're actually this stupid or just trolling

You sound like you enjoy the films of Christopher Nolan

i hate him, he makes extremely mediocre movies that are overrated by people like you.

Well that was fucking awful. I'll skip this one i think.

Not an argument you putrid reddit scum. Point out where I'm wrong.

>n-no I don't like Nolan, you like Nolan!

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The first scene where he shows his anger problems by beating the shit out of the car and then walks into the house the face his cheating wife and just calmly talks about getting cream with his coffee at the local grocery store was great. That alone built a fascinating character. You wonder what they're going to do with this and then it becomes this cartoonish fantasy that feels like it was shot in five rooms total or the rest of the movie and it feels so wasted. The intro feels like it could be a much better, more interesting movie. When it hits me about half an hour in that this film has a much, MUCH smaller budget than I was anticipating, it just felt like a shame.

you putrid cunt, you accuse me of liking a director that i don't care for, there is no reason for you to think that i like nolan. only plebs with the mental capacity of you seems to like false pseudo directors like him, small minded people, i have won, whatever you write now i won't respond. so it's best you don't say anything at all or it will just me by boot in your face, grinding shit on your teeth.

So is it established that he died during the dock scene and everything that happened afterwards was him in hell?

>being this assblasted over being outed as a pleb

Attached: happy anya and james.jpg (1222x1005, 197K)

Aye, the film was basically just wasted potential. Shame since Bone Tomahawk was fantastic

that final scene tho
fucking kino

Anyone that was a fan of Assault of precinct 13 before watching this, I think was satisfied. It had that same kind of feel to it somehow.

I ended up googling the similarity later on and found I wasn't the only one that thought so.

Apparently the director denies it though.
I dont see how when the naming scheme seems like a direct homage to it

Answer me you dumb faggot