What will they do once Game of Thrones ends?

What will they do once Game of Thrones ends?

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ride my cock lmao

The same thing Emma Watson is doing. Playing off her fame and occasionally making a mediocre film.

spin-off series , the continuing adventures of Aria and Sansa.

probably get fat and start promoting body positivity

how has Maisie already hit the wall

Sophie will continue being a tall qt who gets big roles

Sophie Turner will ride the hollywood cocl carousel and become the next JLaw. Maise will get niche roles as an ugo.

Impregnation porn for Sansa, banishment to Monster Island for the creature

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When was she ever attractive?

residual checks and sweet sweet con money doing nothing but signing their names on tat

Furious and vigorous mutual hamster buffing

not him, but early on she was a cute little girl.

Now shes a hideous adult femae.

>Sophie will continue being a tall qt who gets big roles

SHe's going to lead the next few X-Men movies as Jean Grey / Phoenix
Though, with Disney buying Fox that may be cancelled? I don't know.

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Emma Watson says hi

your status = BTFO

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>Vin Diesel
I want that guys agent to make me a millionaire too.

>The Rock and Vin Diesel were the top grossing actors.

ameritards loved their tards

putas de mierda una gorda la otra petisa

I didn't say she was poor, Beauty and the Beast was her only good post-Potter film.

>Impregnation porn for Sansa

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would not fuck any of them

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Scissor each other into unconsciousness.


Sophie will be in X-Men capeshit as Jean Grey for like forever. Maisie will get Oscar for role in Disney live action remake of Hunchback of Notre Dam

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>get attached to starshit
>woah this actor grosses a ton of money! A List!

Emma Watson was in Star Wars?

>Boyega and ridley in the top 10

Absolutely no one was talking about those until you brought it up
The pic was specifically posted in a discussion of Emma Watson

That looks fucking awful.

literally just from B&B, lets see if she gets another like that this year