TV license agent tried to force his way in to my flat lol


>20 women in England and Wales went to prison in 2015 over their TV licence

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Other urls found in this thread:


what is this meant to tell me, that all women can't pay their taxes?

We know.

>watch tv
>get arrested

It's another American doesn't understand the concept of a public service episode

government enforced television

britcucks are sad

>oi you wotchin TV widout a loisence m8?

>nah, I'm just a Paki raping a 12 year old white slag

>okey m8 'ave a nice day, sorry to bover ya

Attached: seagull.jpg (1049x703, 133K)

>yes master! rape my asshole
Y'all are fucked


kek, if this happened at all it was just some guy trying to get in her flat and rob her, tv license people have no right to enter your home.

>have to pay for license to watch state propaganda
>public service

yeah, i don't understand that concept bong

>saying that this is 2018 and that everyone watches BBC and that I need to pay for it

I pictured the TV license agent as John Oliver haha

You must've missed yesterday's thread

>white slag
Why repeat yourself?

oi you cheeky wanka, it's current year!

We have public TV here, too. Last I checked Oscar and Big Bird can't come break my kneecaps because I didn't pay my TV license for a public television conglomerate.

I at least know PBS won't come to my house and demand I pay for their channel.

Wait, tv licenses are a meme, right? Aren't they?

is having bureaucrats climbing your walls to disconnect your tv sets a public service in the UK?

You mean the thread that has the exact same picture as OP?

everything on the bbc except David Attenborough nature shows are pure garbage


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>more woman than men jailed
>total is 38
>20 women

or those securitron robots from Fallout with john olivers face on them

Is this real?

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>buy tv
>pay in cash
>give the seller no personal info

holy shit they're coming to get me!

Yeah instead you will have people coming and repossessing your home when you stop being able to afford your annual gunshot wound treatments

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This meme is getting out of hand.

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better than watching your gf get raped by a goat fucker

How many times have you made this thread today? Who cares?

Not sure about the image, but it had this video in the OP

>ring them up and tell them I haven't watched live tv in 2+ years
>they agree to cancel all my shit and send me £80+ back

How do people have issues with them again? It was done in under 3 minutes for me and they haven't seen me shit out since the money back

They're real.

health insurance vs having to wait in line behind achmed and muhammed

Not if I shoot them first.

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>losing tv license argument
>'lets just sidestep that and talk about guns'

Your fucking pathetic.

Whats the American obsession with tv licenses? Most countries in Europe have them in some way. They just get rolled into general taxation.

>643,000 people who are too dumb to get insurance

Wow, actions have consequences. Who knew?

Jesus Christ, people are cosplaying cops just to force this "tv license" meme now?

kek the delusions just so they don't have to acknowledge it

>1984 Act

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people are too autistic to contact them

Dumb burger

>be brit
>don't pay for state propaganda
>get arrested
>have a knife
>get arrested
>post on facebook about muslims
>get arrested
>try to stop paki rapegang
>get arrested

>taxed for owning a TV regardless of whether you actually use the service or not
Really ethical and entirely logical. So what, if I hooked up the BBC to display on my computer monitor I don't need to pay the license? Who the fuck watches broadcast television in the age of the internet anyway? Nobody.

isn't the BBC 100% left wing?

why isn't there a big campaign by people like Nigel Farage to get people to cancel their tv license?

Every time, every time a britbong gets triggered at the orwellian state his country is becoming, they all in one voice scream and shout
Maybe if you had guns your government wouldn't have been made into the Brave New World-esque nightmare that it is right now. Instead:

>Gets door kicked in because television license expired
>Can't buy coke at store because coke is banned
>Gotta bin that spoon because chavs sharpen the metal
>And also, pic related.

Are you going to pitch your arms up, screaming and shouting about "AAAA WELL AT LEAST I CAN'T BUY EGGS AND FLOUR WITHOUT MY BAKERY LICENSE CHIP CHOP" because that's how fucking stupid you look to the rest of the world.
This is why we fucking make fun of you. Because you can't have these things, not that we can have those things.

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Not actually American, English isn't my first language.


It isn't possible to cancel your TV license because the act of owning a TV license in britland requires owning it. No one is going to do that.

>paying taxes so the state can make a show where achillies is a nigger

TVs are how we find out about the weekly american school shooting and see just how brown they are. So they want us to stop buying them

miss me yet britfags?

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"1984" wasn't supposed to be a manual, yer dumbfucks.

But doesn't your public TV come straight out of your taxes? As opposed to our TV licence which is 100% optional

I'm autistic as shit and it was piss easy to do. It literally takes all of a minute to say no I don't watch any live TV, no I don't watch any iplayer stuff and I just use it for netflix/dvds and they cancel it and you get nothing from them again. It's also hilarious that people actually open the door to the inspectors when they have no legal right to come inside to inspect anything.

thats from 2007

how much does it cost in 2018?

That would actually be inaction, but you're too stupid to correctly articulate what you want to say.

Because it sounds goofy as fuck when isolated as a concept and it's easy to repetitiously shitpost about it.

>school shootings 56% no healthcare jews
>wow you're like, so obsessed with us dude grow up xD

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you do need to pay it if you watch it on your PC, yeah

>Be forced to pay taxes at theoretical gunpoint to fund programming that I don't want to watch and will be jailed for not paying for

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>or get done
What they're threatening with gulags now?

>Pay for a tv license
>Jimmy Carr gets rich off of it
>Hides money offshore
Well done, bongs.

at least bongs can decide, when have you cancelled your PBS-funding-subscription?

Oh right, you can't. LAND OF THE FREE.

>Whats the American obsession with tv licenses?
It's seen as dystopian here to have a government agency that requires protection money for a service. To the extent that they'll go to your door to get it.
Most Americans aren't even comfortable with the IRS despite the fact they serve a needed role in society. The idea of someone coming to your door to check and see if you own a consumer electronic or not to the point where they will intrude on your property seems downright Orwellian.
>They just get rolled into general taxation.
Here it's viewer supported. Before every public radio and public TV broadcast we get a message that says "Public media is sponsored in part by viewers like you."

I think they get *some* tax money, but I'm not sure to the extent that they receive it. Donation drives take it way farther than taxation does.

>being retarded enough to willingly pay for propaganda to be shoved down your throat.


>isn't the BBC 100% left wing?

You will view almost everything in the mainstream as left wing if you spend all your time on Sup Forums
BBC is fairly central, they give people like Farage arguably more of a platform than they deserve considering he was never even elected to parliament

Yeah but I don't need a fucking PC license just to own a PC for doing other shit now do I you dumb cunt? How fucking retarded do you have to be to miss the entire point of such a simple analogy? Did your mother mistake you for a fly swatter when you were an infant?

>at least bongs can decide
suuure you can

But the Brits get a news channel that is required by law to be balanced and unbiased. BBC News is required to present both sides. Unlike FoxNews who had to drop their "We Report. You decide." slogan because everybody would snicker or laugh out loud whenever they hear that slogan/claim of theirs.

I'm only talking about their NEWS channel here and NOT the entertainment/show channels. Those channels are another discussion.

Anons bawwwwing over "propaganda being forced down our throats" are just triggered when confronted with facts and truths they can't refute. They want "news" channels that provide them their safe-bubble of fake news to prop up their biases.

Attached: bbc news.png (72x72, 1K)

fucking hell, spat out my tea

>But doesn't your public TV come straight out of your taxes?
No, it's viewer supported. Public TV and radio here relies on donation drives.
All of our public TV and Radio bumpers look like this:
because without contributions, they would be finished. They have no taxation base that's worth mentioning as they are a nonprofit (which is the biggest tax contribution they receive is their status as nonprofit and educational organizations)

>BBC is fairly central

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only a portion of PBS is taxpayer funded

That's why they have semi-annual pledge drives to beg for donations

It's not state propaganda. The BBC News service is required by law to present both sides of an issue.

>lel moving goalposts ahmed?


It's a public service provided for those who wish to get news from a news service that is required by law to be unbiased and required to present both sides of an issue.

>become critically ill or injured
>immediately receive service
>go into debt due to jewish

>become critically ill or injured
>wait in line

Atleast I wasn't broke

>You will view almost everything in the mainstream as left wing if you spend all your time on Sup Forums

Not him but this is a strawman. Isn't BBC that agency that contributes heavily to diversity campaigns in both public and private media?

Why yes, yes it is. In fact they spend billions on this. They spend billions on pushing political agendas in their programming.

I don't see how you can call that 'fairly central'. Even our public media, which relies on little to no public funding, is far more centrist than your BBC.

Because it's not normal to have the government police their citizens for some dumb tax, sending officials to homes to invade and hanging up scary billboards when you can just fucking tax people for it like in a normal country

Why the fuck do they handle it like a bunch of anal faggots, the cost of hiring all these people to spy on people for fucking TV LICENSES can surely be spent better on something else, if you just put it under some generic tax nobody will even notice that you're taxing them for national television and you'll save a couple of tens of millions in advertising and employees

neither do you need a TV license if you don't use your TV to watch live television programs

Totally newsworthy. Quality journalism right here.

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maybe britfags should worry less about tv licenses and more about being killed by nerve agents

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The BBC beam their shit out over the airwaves and then say anyone who has the capability to detect those beams has to pay them, regardless if they even watch or wanted the channels.
Could I do this? Just broadcast something or set up a shit website and then say anyone with a tv or access to the internet has to pay me?

Laws are just words. It's propaganda.

Really hits the spot, high quality investigative reporting this is.

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>Maybe they have a life

Women rarely get imprisoned for anything

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yeah what i did is fucking actually take action and ring the number they print on the letter they give you that says "if you don't need a TV licence please ring and tell us" so i did that and no more letters no more calls boom easy

i actually didn't watch TV as well by the way, i just straight up did not, still don't

they don't have to go to your house. it's taken from your taxes. if you don't pay your taxes then the us government comes after you.

>BBC News is required to present both sides.
And how is that working out?
Oh right, terribly.
Any publicly funded venture will trend toward serving as the state's mouthpiece. History has shown that time and time again and your station is no different.

How is black Achilles working out for you, by the way?

>The idea of someone coming to your door to check and see if you own a consumer electronic
This never happens though, all TV license stuff is just scare tactics that most people laugh at for being so silly. Americans seem very easily spooked and willing to believe everything is turning Orwellian

Would love to have my taxes fund this

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State sponsored media is always fair and objective, if only all private entertainment companies would give the state control over their product we would be rid of propaganda.

Jesus Christ, that fucking image...