/trek/ - Star Trek General

keiCUTE edition

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Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

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Ryan Church Enterprise = Best Enterprise
prove me wrong, you literally can't
>inb4 "muh oversized nacelles!"
just get your own model and make your own renders, it's not that hard



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>tfw you never got to be her first


We will never have a live action Caitan character because even network executives realize that furries are a menace.

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*euthanises you*

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That's exactly where Miles fucked up

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Just read this guy's post and tell me what you think.

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>I am old and have given up:the post

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I think he must've seen something else

He chose eternal slag kayko and annoying future disappointment molly over pure cardie qt who demanded his seed. That's where he fucked up.

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Let's be real here though, he'd have killed her in her sleep after a plow

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Star Trek got boring. Sure, the spinoffs had some of the most powerful and emotional episodes in Trek, but overall, as a series, they're all pretty forgettable. As evidenced by the fact that most people have forgotten them.

People still remember Kirk fighting the lizard man or "banging the green chick". The original Trek was an action adventure show with a dash of poignancy to elevate it from mindless action. There are waaaay too many Trek fans who either forget this or are in denial about it. Usually they're the ones complaining about J.J. Trek even though it uses those same ingredients and has been a huge success.

See I wonder if we'd had a film like Trek 09 as TMP if Star Trek wouldn't have a fan following akin to Star Wars. It was around first, was hugely popular in reruns and people were disappointed when they saw TMP and its tone was nothing like people remembered. It was as if Roddenberry and Co. said "What Star Wars is doing? Yeah, do the opposite of that".

Star Wars is a great ride. Yes, it is paper thin in terms of story and depth. It's fun, exciting and feels like a real adventure. Meanwhile Star Trek just got more preachy and "issue oriented" despite the fact that TV taboos were pretty much gone and we no longer needed Star Trek to covertly talk about things like racism, drugs, etc. when regular TV was talking about those things openly and more boldly than Trek ever did. And rather than say "that phase of the franchise is over, let's get back to our roots", they just kept on and got preachy. Preach is boring.

I'll take Kirk fighting the lizard man any day.

best Keiko coming through

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The only reason Trek is considered the "intellectual" show is because they couldn't do big budget space shit on TV and had to focus on characters and dialog. Notice that everyone considers season 4 and on of DS9 to be the best Trek, it was because they could finally do big space battle shit which they combined with their skills in writing decent plot.

Threadly reminder Kes got arrested again

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Damn, she's been getting arrested non stop since 2015

> it's the lost episode where Keiko + Tasha encounter a temporal anomaly and get sent to the Old West and have to become prostitutes and fuck old dirty prospectors for weeks before they're rescued
wow, can't believe they agreed to do full blown unsimulated penetration too

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This is like the 3rd time this year she's been busted for driving with a revoked licence and fake docs. She needs to go to rehab or prison.



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> what series has the highest number of filler episodes ?
> what series is the one you can watch over and over and still enjoy it ?

Looking at her IMDB page, after Voyager and the Men In Black cartoon, she fell off the face of the Earth. Her only role after that is only credited as "nurse" in some movie I never heard of. What happened, she got hooked on drugs or something?

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Filler episodes can be comfy
TNG and DS9 can be rewatched until you are dead
the only episodes i dislike are paradise episodes where people demonize technology

I want from you that which is rightfully mine. Your loyalty, your tribute, and your worship.
Bless you my children!
Also Dukat did nothing wrong, fuck the spammer, and STD is not /trek/

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Nice effort

oh she dyed her hair since december

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aged gracefully

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Mayweather, plot a course for dubs.

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Pussy pass

Complete delusion: the post

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Ok but what's this image really from, I'm being a dirty phoneposter at work so I can't reverse image search

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> what series has the highest number of filler episodes ?
> what series is the one you can watch over and over and still enjoy it ?

>Watches TAS regularly
Who are you people?

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post /trek/ pics you think are underrated

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Really makes you think

i just watched the ds9 epsiode where sisco hallucinates about being a black sci fi writer in the 60s or whatever and jake said "niggers". i thought this was an absolute faux-pas in american tv during the 90s. and i was really not expecting it in star trek, they have dealt with themes of racism before but never so bluntly. did they get away with it or was it cut for the original airing?

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There was no problem, it aired

black people can say nigger you fucking kike it's only racist if any other race says it

That's how their logic usually goes: only black people can say it. And they think they aren't racist.

i cant imagine having this much latent rage pent up. it's no wonder it is so easy for the republicans to corral you like cattle against your own interests. the slightest thing sends you into a frothing tunnel-visioned rage

>no wonder it is so easy for the republicans to corral you like cattle against your own interests
I think you mean Democrats

>no u


Not even worth a (You).

Good thing we elected a South Chicago Community Organizer as President since he had such a great track record of whipping that place into shape

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the fuck , are you really going to be that one retard in the whole thread who thinks they don't call each other niggers ?

>dude why would racism bother you lmao

I don't even know why they get so upset about it. It's just a mutation of the spanish word for black. If anything, wouldn't calling them "slaves" or "property" be more offensive than nigger?

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>you like cattle against your own interests

Why should people vote in their own interests? That would be selfish, and you dont even hold leftists to the same standard. You would never tell a white person complaining about racism "Looks like democrats have corralled you against your own interests"

>corral you like cattle against your own interests

Found the neoliberal scum with the 2008 argument. This is exactly what normie conservative say about black people re-electing ghetto crack smoking mayors who spend tax payer money on prostitutes and bribes, but I doubt you refer to them as 'cattle'. Fuck liberals t b h.

>raised on Vulcan
>learned Vulcan philosophy and traditions since she was a child
>somehow can't do the neck pinch UNTIL she skype calls Sarek for five minutes

What was the fucking point?

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That time she was in a teleporter accident and turned into a little girl doesn't count?

>somehow can't do the neck pinch UNTIL she skype calls Sarek for five minutes
Where are you getting this idea from that she didn't know how to do it before that?

Not him but she tried to neck pinch her captain when she attempted to mutiny and the captain got right back up

That's exactly what I was referring to, pink-skin

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That's not what user was talking about.

Star Trek's gay

Why? Seems like a poor attempt at a neck pinch to me

I never noticed.

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Yeah, she did it badly, but user was saying that she didn't know how to do it at all before Skyping, which is a bizarre claim to make.

the fact that other trek characters do the neck pinch better than burnham makes her even more useless.

She might be, and we would never know.

That doesn't stop user from being a crazy person who is just posting bizarre shit randomly.

Maybe it’s only taught to older Vulcans ?


I don't get it.

When she can do things flawlessly, she gets accused of being a Mary-Sue. When she sucks at things, like doing a shitty neck pinch or getting beaten up by Klingons, she still makes you mad. There's no pleasing you, is there?

Why would she even have to study Vulcan culture. Vulcans go insane and crazy without their philosophy and traditions. She wouldnt because shes human.

Seriously, why do you guys watch this shit?

What else ya gonna do? At least if you watch it you can bitch about it in detail. I didn’t even give a shit enough to watch ENT regularly after the pilot.

Yeah in Ocampan years maybe lel

>Willing to watch STD
>Doesn't get past the pilot of ENT
Wew. ENT is infinitely better than STD

>1. Black Meat In Your Wormhole
>2. Commander (Of Believers)
>3. Change Bling ft. Odd Hoe
>4. Behind Bars (Of Gold Pressed Latinum)
>5. Trill Ass Nigga
>6. BJore
>7. Run (About)
>8. Profession Prophet
>9. E-N-H-A-N-C-E-D ft Dr.B
>10. Accessory To Murder
>Bonus Tracks
>11. Authorities Defiant
>12. Crack Spoonhead (Cardassian Diss)
>13. Dominion Space (Klingon Ship)

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It is?

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>7. Run (About)
No running on the promenade

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You have never played sports have you? Skins vs shirts?

STD can at least be watched with other people. My friends and family thought I was a weirdo once we reached the first decon chamber scene. Nobody was willing to continue.

And your friends and family didn't care about the Klingon sex scene and Klingon double wiener piss scene? Fuck off.

How many seconds did the sex scene last? Nobody cared.

>yfw the most democratic and "gun free" areas in america are complete crime ridden murderholes

ha ha yeah, those darn cattle who don't want to move to the coast or a big city and live in a cardboard box waiting to get mugged and or murdered

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A few seconds of gratuitous sex is better than some people in their underwear for a few minutes. Yeah fuck off.

>A few seconds of gratuitous sex is better than some people in their underwear for a few minutes.
Unironically yes. It's not about prudishness, it's about not wasting our time with that embarrassing shit.

You guys must not go to the beach or go swimming very often

When we do go, we don't stare.

Whew lad.

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My nigga

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So why do you stare during the decontamination scenes? You know you can just look at their faces right? It's like you have never been to a sauna or hot-spring or sweat-lodge.
>Sex is totally okay but people in their underwear or swimsuits no way
Yeah fuck off

>It's like you have never been to a sauna or hot-spring or sweat-lodge.
I honestly haven't.

But again, prudishness isn't the problem. The scenes in Enterprise aren't sexy. But the writers and directors think that they're sexy, so they linger and waste minutes of our patience on unsexy boredom. It's shameless pandering to the nonexistent people-who-are-horny-but-don't-know-how-to-find-porn demographic. It's embarrassing that this was the best they could come up with, this was their big idea for expanding their target audience. Fucking wew.

>We don't stare when we go to the beach or swimming
But then you say you do stare at their bodies when watching. Total hypocrite. Fuck off

>But then you say you do stare at their bodies when watching.
Where did I say that?

I was busy when ENT was airing. Now I’m old and fat and torrent basically everything I have a passing interest in.