How did he get to direct Star Wars?

How did he get to direct Star Wars?
The guy who directed/wrote a cringy noir movie (yeah, yeah, you love it, spare me), a shit comedy and a good, but plothole ridden, sci-fi and then did TV for a while?

What kind of a competition did he have?
Did Kathleen Kennedy love Ozymandias so much?
I get how JJ got the gig, but how did this happen?

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Sorry your fan theories didn't come true, bro

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>expecting a good movie
>didn’t get one

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>Expecting super sajajin Luke
>Insted Luke is a old man without real energy as expected

I had none. I'm literally wondering how he got the job.

OP, Cuntleen Kennedy wanted a low test twink faggot whose asshoe would fit snugly around her fist as she dictated her vsion of turning Star Wars into feminist SJW propaganda and found the perfect lapdog with this chubby little twink cub who probably sucks his own shit off her strap-on!!!FACT!!!

Anyone with a shred of dignity turned them down, and he was the best of what was left.

He's Rian "The Schlock" Johnson, he sold his soul to throw epic shade and clap back at all those stupid misogynistic manchildren who actually enjoyed Star Wars. He made TLJ shit, on purpose, purely out of spite, because he is so soy and weak that even nerds made fun of him in high school. So he took what nerds loved most, and completed what Disney and JJ had already started: the total deconstruction and normie-fication of Star Wars. Can you smell what the Schlock is shitting? Let's get #Shitty party people.

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That's what I was thinking. Not the shred of dignity part, but that most people noped away from that shit for one reason or another. Not wanting to get hated like Lucas, production being too big, Disney meddling etc.

Can you guys leave pls.

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>expect Luke, the guy who completed his character arc in the last 3 movies
>get Jake, a nepoticidal emo faggot that loses all hope for one of his family after a single vision, even though he was able to see the light in his child-killing father


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>You consider murdering your nephew just ONE TIME

You literally stand over his sleeping body with your weapon raised, then chicken out right as the kid is waking up ONE TIME...

Oh, just ONE TIME? That makes it all better! I mean, don't we have that moment where we want to LITERALLY END THE LIFE OF OUR SISTER'S CHILD? You know, bring a machete to their bedroom while they're sleeping, and just sort of look at it with the intention of driving that blade through the kid's chest? We've all done that, right?

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The little fucker didn't even let you explain yourself. Imagine the gall!

SW is not anime faggotory muh he completed 3 arcs he is a normal human being. When you get older you change yourself.

>You just sense evil in his hormone-fucked teenage head and never talk to him about it
>You consider murdering your nephew just ONE TIME

>anime is the only type of media with character arcs
>character arcs shouldn't mean the character actually learned anything

Go and watch MLP if you want a show where the characters learn the same damn lesson every single episode.

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They can direct a film on schedule and on budget. They are willing to work with the studio and won't fight against changes producers want to make.

That's it. That's all Disney wants. Some indie cred goes a long way but in the long term it doesn't really matter.

What you said applies to Abrams, but how did Rian demonstrate that?
He has never worked on a big studio project like that before. And his movies don't exactly show him to be a great screenwriter, even Looper which I loved.

>but how did this happen?

He's cheap.
He has a background in TV shows he can listen to producers and keep things on schedule and under budget.
His previous movies don't look like garbage.
He has no history of drama or scandal.

They're not hiring him for his vision or insight. They're hiring him to do what he's told cheaply and quickly.

>Look out Ben, a cockroach!
Simple as that.

>I wanted to check on you and forgot my flashlight

Okay, yeah. This makes sense.

>*tries to kill you in your sleep, then chickens out at the last second*

heh, nuthin personnel, kid

Seriously though, how do you go from (1) Being an eternal optimist that stands up to the Empire, redeems his genocidal father, and saves the galaxy, to (2) Immediately giving up on your nephew because of a vision before he's even done anything wrong, and trying to kill him in his sleep, chickening out, getting rekt, giving up on being a Jedi at the first sign of trouble, and then running away pretending that all the events of the new trilogy aren't your fault?

VIII should unironically be decanonized.

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He didn’t disobey Kathleen Kennedy. Everyone else got chased away because of her. Rian shared her same views on feminism which mean he was not only safe but offered a whole trilogy.

Thank Kathleen Kennedy...

>Shitty writing
Seriously. We could argue and try to rationalize it. Anons will say that Luke became disillusioned and angry with age, Snoke got into his and Kylo's heads etc. But ultimately it all comes down to the fact that it's a badly written moment.

>Luke has Vietnam-style flashbacks of fighting in the decades long wars and tries to kill Ben because of PTSD

This is the weirdest Deer Hunter sequel ever.

If it was a literal "Luke has flashbacks of slaughtering a small village of Ewoks who sided with the Empire" episode It would have been great.

His movies are alright.

This. He can follow orders.

>expect 20yo Luke
>get old man Luke
What the fuck

You're looking at it completely wrong. Rian didn't *win* the job. He's the only one who said yes.
Kathleen seriously struggled to find directors with any sort of brand-appeal who would agree to direct (because good directors don't like such an intrusive system).

>He has never worked on a big studio project like that before
The mcu mould likes this: directors with some kind of fame, who are inexperienced and who can be controlled. Kathleen was trying to replicate the mcu (and the OT)

So guys, anyone want to take a stab at my homework for me?

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the worst part about that scene isn't even that

or the retarded shit rose does

is that they crash literally RIGHT IN FRONT of the Empire army on a clear white field and then in the next scene they're just teleport to the Rebel Base somehow. How did Finn drag rose all that way?

Ship 2 follows the curvature of the earth

breaking bad was at peak popularity when they hired him

>lightning strikes
>Luke gets Palpatine flashbacks
>Goes crazy on his students


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Is this pure speculations/rumors or is there proof? I thought so too but couldn't find anything.

>takes resistance ten minutes to reach at-ats in their ships from base
>takes kylo 5 second to get from at-ats to Luke right in front of base
huh, intersting

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Now that I think of it this move fits Disney's MCU strategy after Ultron got shat on. They ditched the committee and the big name director and gave the Avengers to Russo's.

He's a fast walker.

He was probably staring at the ground with his headphones on and doing that weird stiff-legged shamble nerds do haha.

And how did she expect to save him without killing him on impact? And why nobody shot them? The only explanation is that FO was distracted by Luke, but that means that Finn dragged her through during that whole barrage.

it's especially puzzling because looper has exactly the same problem as tlj: it has some nice ideas on the surface, but makes no sense when you start thinking about it. at any moment in his movies, he is willing to sacrifice character development, plot, logic, or story structure if, by doing so, he gets to add a "cool" moment. and the result is just a jumbled mess of those "cool" moments that doesn't cohere and is quickly forgotten

I don't think TLJ has good writing but I don't get why this one scene triggers so many people so bad.

He didn't necessarily try to kill him in his sleep. He tried to read his mind/soul (which is stupid imo but it's a thing now since TFA) while Ben was asleep. When he found out Ben wasn't just making unPC comments about the Jews but already planning the gas showers in his head he considered nipping the issue in the bud right there for the greater good. But he backed down.

Honestly as good natured as Luke is I personally never thought of his character as being so childish and stupid that he wouldn't consider killing baby Hitler, so to speak.

The funny thing is he was right according to the logic of the story. If he had killed Ben right there the Galaxy would have been a better place.

The time travel in Looper makes zero sense. But you forgive it for being a stupid sci fi film starring fucking Bruce Willis.
You don't forgive someone for fucking up Star Wars

>The funny thing is he was right according to the logic of the story. If he had killed Ben right there the Galaxy would have been a better place.
Well no cause Luke, the archetypal hero of the new republic and arbiter of good, would've been a child murderer.

>L-Leia, y-you've got to u-u-understand

Yeah, those nerds do that... ha haha

Same problems with Brick. While it doesn't have sci-fi problems the world he sets up doesn't make sense. He is more of a cool-moment-guy like you say.

How did this movie get released? Solo and R1 both had tremendous amounts of reshoots, apparently up to 50% of the films, yet this turd was sitting on a self 6 months before the release. And it's still somehow overlong and every scene is way too short.

Is RJ just the best ass kisser able to tell KK exactly what she wants to hear? Does the story group have any power what so ever? Or does every single one of them lack a backbone? How did they let this turd shit all over the lore?

what the fuck happened?

>I read his mind
>With my magic powers LEIA
>He wanted to buy a fursuit Leia
>A fursuit

In my headcanon Wookies are just furries larping as aliens to get around the colonization tax.

>Honestly as good natured as Luke is I personally never thought of his character as being so childish and stupid that he wouldn't consider killing baby Hitler, so to speak.

Luke, the character from the OT, literally wouldn't do that, he would only fight as a last resort, and I don't care how "childish" and "stupid" you think it is. He would confront Ben, sure, but stand over him, weapon in hand, in his sleep? That's just fucking cowardly. It is not the same Luke that stood up to the hate and malice in Vader. This is a bitch ass coward.


apparently no one in the story group told him the timeline? the hut scene would have been 5 or 6 years before the film, making Ben 25ish.

>character arcs are only in anime
holy shit you are braindead. go watch Inglorious Bastards or even some capeshit and they have arcs that change who they are as characters

The problem is that you need more than one flash-back to show how Luke got to the point where he's ready to kill his nephew. Stories like that were done in SW comic's, books and damn video games. But in those stories took time to show the relationships, the problems. Here we are asked to believe in this "moment of weakness".
It's just a lazy, plot-convenient event. Luke just happened to read Kylo's mind when he was being particularly edgy and fired up his lightsaber, Kylo just happened to wake up right then (yeah I know he felt it with force bullshit).

And later Rey never asked Kylo "Hey why'd you kill all those younglings tho?"

i guess you fuckers didn't watch the movie. it's shit yes, but there's two different versions of this scene shown. when luke tells it his eyes aren't all crazy and he doesn't even swing, just ignites his lightsaber then looks shocked at himself and backs down, the way kylo tells it is when he looks fucking possessed and literally swings down on a sleeping kid... that's not what really happened.

>Honestly as good natured as Luke is I personally never thought of his character as being so childish and stupid that he wouldn't consider killing baby Hitler, so to speak.
Considering he still saw the good inside adult Hitler in the OT (and how that allowed adult Hitler to save him from adult Stalin), I'd say forgiveness and optimism are a core part of his character. I can't imagine how cynical you must be to think of forgiveness and faith in your loved ones as "childish and stupid". No offense.

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You've got it the wrong way around.
Based on the interviews with Kathleen, the story group and Rian, this is my understanding of the film's development
>story group brainstorms ideas that they want in new star wars (Holdo with purple hair, Poe is a flyboy, Hux is emasculated)
>on top of that Kathleen figures out how to best increase its chances aborad (Asian main character to appeal to international markets, Hamill having a significant role to appease the Luke fans)
>simultaneously Rian writes the outline for his general script treatment by himself (Luke dies, Reylo, salt planet, Finn and Poe on a casino planet)
>then Kathleen sees his treatment, approves that it's going in the right direction, and gives him the notes from the storygroup
>Rian goes away, rewrites the treatment and resubmits it
>Kathleen says yay and greenlights it
>Kathleen then pays very little attention to the film's production due to managing the entire brand and being shit at her job
>Rian goes and makes the agreed upon film which he technically wrote entirely by himself
>Rian, being the retard that he is who's also quite smart technically, knows exactly what Kathleen really wanted to see
>So Rian makes sure that the female empowerment is constant throughout the film
>Kathleen, and the other execs, see this and are impressed
>most importantly, the film has lots of set pieces and explosions and jokes without being slapstick
>none of them have time to think about what they saw, none of them are "fans", it's a job for them
>so they're happy
>film releases, they get surprised when fans don't like it
>it slowly sets in that the film makes no fucking sense when you think about it for more than 5 seconds
>they slowly understand that Luke's character was completely butchered
>one day, they might understand that the film barely even works as a sequel to TFA

but Wookies are fucking idiots? Oh wait... okay, nevermind, your headcanon checks out

There's 3 versions of the scene dipshit. And the third version, the one implied to be true where Luke tells it again, has his eyes fucked up (though less so) and has him swing his lightsaber after Kylo swings first.
>And later Rey never asked Kylo "Hey why'd you kill all those younglings tho?"
This was fucking retarded. Did Rian just completely forget about that? You know what? Don't answer

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>Is RJ just the best ass kisser
Apparently. Everyone says that he's really nice. Problems with Solo and R1 reportedly started when KK didn't like what they were doing. So Rian ran a solid shoot and/or was a good-enough ass kisser.

>he thinks that makes it better

The real Luke would have confronted Ben with words first, and only fight as a last resort. The fact the readied his weapon against a sleeping youngling. before trying anything else, is what's unbelievable after watching three movies where he stands up to the Empire and refuses to give up on his father against all odds.

Rian... The hero we needed, but not the one we deserve

Wait Ben is thirty? I never looked into their ages and just assumed he was much younger.

the real luke wouldn't have snuck into someone's room in the middle of the night while wielding a weapon in order to mind rape him without consent.

still haven't seen anyone try to handwave that one away with 'muh 30 years ex machina'

errr.... it's only rape when the victim is female?

he was apparently born 1 year after the destruction of DS2. his emotional conflict doesn't make much sense when you learn he's older than most of the people on this website.

I don't think the last three steps happened, user.

For you.

You're right, that requires self-awareness
>it slowly sets in that the film has fucked up for some reason that is impossible to know
>the irrational fans have turned their backs for literally no reason
>Kathleen realises she might lose her job for being a strong independent woman in a man's world

>It makes sense for a beloved fictional character to forsake all of his development because people change
Great argument, shill.

Still I don't think that last step happened. You don't really get how clueless these people are until you see evidence like the Sony leaks. They're unbelievably stupid.

Shit, the dude's a superpowered man-child. And he's older than me!!

This but unironically

He's exactly like me. I also throw tantrums and destroy things except people put me in jail because I'm dangerous and unstable.

user, please get help before you become a space-nazi.


Not if they're dead

I considered fucking your mother one time, but I didn't.

If you're talking about the crait speeders, the "mini deathstar" was pushing finn back, slowing him down

I had a a bigger issue with the fact that the anch to and canto bite arcs take like a week while the slow chase scene lasts a few hours tops

This makes a lot of sense

Because she was your sister, not much of a decision there.

It's a very common practice for major studios to hire a director who made one or two sleeper hits in order to generate positive buzz for the movie and to have an easy new director to control.

Fucking thank you. Looper is a mess of a film, and I knew Johnson would bring his illogical writing to episode 8.

But to give him the writers role too though...

They more than likely gave him the credit for PR but forced him to comply with whatever rewrites they did.

>George Lucas, when I last saw you, I was but the coffee intern. Now I am the director
>Only a director of Soy, Rian

Fuck you fake fanboys. Rian understood the franchise more than all you drooltards combined.

In the deleted scenes in ROTJ you saw Luke being tempted by the darkside. That's why he enters Jabba's palace in a black robe. That's why he's dressed in black like the Emperor. Rian provided fanboy service of this in TLJ when Luke had second thoughts of killing Kylo.

"My sister has it." Lucas never had Leia do anything force-like other than telepathy so Rian provided fanboy service again by showing Leia flying in space.

Snoke remained a mystery just like all the Siths. We don't even know why Dooku turned to the darkside. Rian remained faithful to keeping the darkside mysterious. Vader was the only Sith we knew everything about and we'll learn everything about Kylo since both he and Vader will be redeemed in the end.

Jesus. I love Star Wars but most fans are dumber than bantha poodoo.

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Rian knew Kathleen would destroy the main franchise no matter who directed it. The only way to 'save' SW was to start a new SW trilogy. But to get his own series, he had to appeal to Kathleen enough So he sacrificed himself to run it into the ground so that she would think he would a feminist icon and he could get his own series. Then, she would trust him enough and turn a blind eye to his new series, which would be devoid of SJW propaganda. He couldn't trust other directors to do this; it had to be him.

>Because Rian is the hero Star Wars fans deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Soy Knight.

>Honestly as good natured as Luke is I personally never thought of his character as being so childish and stupid that he wouldn't consider killing baby Hitler, so to speak.
Spoken like a true sheltered and emotionally stunted Millennial who is only able to interpret the world through memes from social media. "Would you kill baby Hitler?" is just a dumb contrived dilemma barely interesting to freshman philosophy students.

Maybe Rian is a genius and this these new generations are just broken beyond belief and he's giving them the only thing they can understand.

Being a coward who secludes himself on an island instead of owning up to his mistakes is not Luke. Luke may be tempted to kill, but he doesn't give up and stop helping people. Even when Luke made all his mistakes in the originals, he would get himself back together. Jake Skywalker doesn't do that and instead wastes away like an embarrassment. They didn't just portray Luke as evil, they portrayed him as weak and careless, which is not something shown in the OT.

>tempted by the dark side
>contemplates cold-blooded murder of an innocent over a vision
Not in the same league.