Post your movie collection

Post your movie collection

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How's that Miami Vice on Bluray?

It's great.

pls rate

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why here and not reddit? seriously?

>Miami Vice tv show but no copy of Miami Vice movie

get fucked

I can't get my/our dvd collection in 1 photo because it's in a cabinet that kinda wide and close to the wall.

fuck i love heat

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dude plastic lmao

Need to take an updated pic once I get the rest of my movies from my parent's house.

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millcreek released Miami Vice blurays

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>bought godfather collection on ebay from goodwill
>condition: good
>came in brand new in the wrapper with 2010 sticker still on it

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I use my girl's iTunes account to rent shit

>Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions
>no Enter the Matrix

>poor fags telling hard working folks how to spend their money

Here’s mine uguu~

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some star wars missing, new versions are downloading

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>Miller Creek

how's that minimum wage?

Free movies don't count, chum. Physical movie collection is proof of what you really like since you invested money into each movie.

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Unironically the most patrician poster so far.

criterion folder

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>Miami Vice
Holy fucking BASED collection

The movies are fine but
>keeping movie files in folders
>WEB-DLs when bluray 720/1080s exist

as if you can tell the difference on a computer monitor

nothing personnel kid

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Not only is the difference obvious, but not watching them on a TV at any point in time is a waste.

Soyest imagw I've seen all night.

nice reddit pic ;)

I don't understand not buying the arrow or bfi versions of some of these movies (better transfers and bts) unless you only collect criterion because it looks cool

would that be high 5 figures or low 6?

>people unironically buying movies

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>Not organizing by the fucking catalog number
This is the worst thing I've ever seen

Why do you have 2 copies of Scarface?

not that guy, but i don't wanna wait around fo-fucking-ever for a better version to come out

>Not wanting a collection that you can't watch without internet or it cluttering your hard drive

why'd you delete your post pussy

>cluttering a harddrive

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>Not owning blu-ray copies and then ripping them to your sexy plex server that is backed up so if the hard drive fails you still have the whole collection.
Digital is the true kino, and I don't mean yify rips (although they are watchable for shit tier films).

High bitrate rips from your own collection is where it's at.

I just recently got Twin Peaks: The Return blu ray set too

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Old pic

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What I don't like about yifi is that 90% of the time the yifi download is the one with the most seeders.

I always rent movies from the library
my collection is kinda pathetic, as I have no monies

that's going to collapse and break your computer one day, same thing happened to my TV

Nice crusader helmet, where did you get it?

Oldish pics, not nearly it all anyway

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I'd beat your ass if I found you


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I bet you vape, too

Pic related on Amazon. It's awesome, I have a huge-ass head and it fits good.
woah there buddy watch the hostility


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Seriously not even close to it all.

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wut are those?

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Nope. Just drink.

It's because of poorfags with shit internet or data caps. My ISP data caps me so sometimes getting a yify rip makes the most sense. I'd rather rip a blu-ray above all though because the quality is top tier. Makemkv to handbrake and you have a really nice rip that streams directly through plex.

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The bending makes it look like a painting. I like it.

mr bean?

try x265 rips. nice quality and way smaller than x264

x265 is nice but it doesn't stream directly through hardware and has to be transcoded. I have some movies and tv in x265, it's good for uhd shit as well. It will be more worth it when it can be directly streamed like x264.

Ya, that's me

>rick and morty funko pop

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>literally all criterion
>fucking adventure time, game of thrones, totoro and rick and morty

totoro is great wtf are you talking about

1. Do you have a surround sound system?

2. Do you prefer to buy new or used blu ray movies?

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>2 copies of The Room
>on blu-ray even

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>what did google mean by this?

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one of them is signed

that makes sense then

go away Sup Forums

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Nothing personal

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