Implying any of you basement dwellers could've done any better than him

>implying any of you basement dwellers could've done any better than him

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i wouldnt have saved the kike even if i could

well for one I wouldn't be lugging all that ammo around. japanese steel is all I'd need

everyone in Miller's squad was Upham at one point

Every fantasy I've ever had has been me leading the charge and coming back victorious and a hero, so I'm pretty sure I could.

>implying any of you basement dwellers could've done eddie vedder than him

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I'd be the German guy in this scenario.

kek, congrats mate

I wouldn't have, I thank god there's no longer a draft, I'd be dead within the first day of combat.

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god i hate eddie vedder so fucking much

*teleports behind you*
nice dubs, but that's nothing, kiddo
*slices several of your major organs open before you even have time to blink*
nothing personal

And it wouldn't have mattered if you had any good combat skill because everyone is just playing a thousand games of russian roulette per second hoping the bullets wizzing by miss them.

Im pretty sure I could have just ran in and kicked the guy in the head. They were locked in a pretty even grapple until the German got on top, so we could have easily turned the tide.

That is what is so frustrating about this moment for me. It wasn't like, "If I do this, I will die" so he bitched out. He was very likely to help his friend just by trying.


>you now remember that hitler was a WWI veteran

Dub dubs
Fucking based

Checking Ryan’s Digits

Yeah, that's what I was thinking as well. I admit I'm a bit of a coward but even I could see the dude had a chance if he just kicked the nazi or even distracted him.

I'm actually a trained sharpshooter. I'd probably not deal with the pressure and end up killing myself but I'd at least take out a few commies, sorry, I mean nazis, with me.

>And it wouldn't have mattered if you had any good combat skill because everyone is just playing a thousand games of russian roulette per second hoping the bullets wizzing by miss them.
what if i aim better than the other guys
oh wait bullets are random like cod of duty lol :)

>but I'd at least take out a few commies, sorry, I mean nazis
you mean alt-white males right

I'll be useful OP

Most of the high command and Generals were. Herman Goring flew with the Red Baron and was named commander of the unit after he got shot down.

There were close to 240,000 casualties.Battleships, planes, gun entrenchments all constantly trying to kill the swarm of people. It wouldn't matter if you have good aim. That's if you made the beach landing before the Germans sink your boat and you get torn to shreds 20 meters deep in the ocean. Guy you replied to was right. You're a little faggot though.