"Sir, we have the Navy generals on the line...

>"Sir, we have the Navy generals on the line. A division made up of the best soldiers we have along with our best equipment, supporting a team of the best scientists from both America and the EU who specialize in xenobiology and genetics is standing by aboard a US Navy destroyer just north of the edge of the bubble along the coast. Sailing south at full power they should be at the lighthouse within 45 minutes from mission launch. If all else fails, we can launch a precision strike from 200 KM offshore and destroy everything within the bubble.


>"Sir, I just got off the phone with the Major General of the Airforce, we are currently standing by on orders to release a squadron of Apaches, equipped with mile-long rope to hover above, then lower into the bubble to collect samples and record data, we can also drop as many men as necessary directly on the lighthouse without having to navigate potentially dangerous terrain."


>"Sir, I just got off the phone with contractors from the 5 biggest mining companies in the US. They are willing to lend their tools and their experts to dig a mile deep tunnel directly under the Lighthouse, which according to our top nuclear scientists is more than deep enough to avoid any harmful effects on the surface. We can then detonate a nuke or collect data by establishing hardline cables along the path while avoiding any more casualties."


>"Sir, the head of NASA has donated a top of the line prototype suit that can withstand solar flar-


>"Sir, our scientists have proposed that if we use a harpoon to shoot a steel rope with recording equipment inside the Shimmer and pull it back out, we can perhaps collect valuable data on what's insid-


>"Sir, I have 40 of the world's top Hang Gliders equipped with GoPros, since the Shimmer effects all of our drones and vehic-


>"Sir, I have a 5 mentally unstable female volunteers with some camping equipment and camera-

>By god you're on to something. Send them in.

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stop trying to politicize it, it failed on it's own merit

They established they'd been sending in everyone they could and no one was coming back.

Are you retarded? They already sent in tons of different kinds of teams and equipment and they all failed and didn't return

Explain why any of the above would fail after it's already established in the movie what the Shimmer can and can't do.

Well for the first example I think a boat would have sunk or run aground as soon as it got through. We don't know how far the shimmer extended into the atmosphere but a long rope may have worked, assuming it didn't snap. We saw that the effect of the shimmer extended underground so drilling a tunnel wouldn't have worked either. Previous teams probably had suits, everyone else did. Hang gliders would have gotten fucked up as soon as they passed through the barrier like everyone else, they'd have crashed.

The rope is really the only viable idea but it probably would have gotten fucked up some how. Also sending a bunch of ladies with death wishes in wasn't so much of a plan as "well why not, nothing else is working."

Well all of those tactics assume they knew that the lighthouse existed.

They didnt

>"yeah they would have all got fucked up somehow, through some unexplained force not shown in the movie"
kek what?

Apparently only Coal-burning Jewesses can save us.

Nowhere do they say any of that, and nothing we saw in the Shimmer would imply chemical processes or electronics just magically stop working.
Guns shoot and cameras work.
They did. Goal was literally to reach the lighthouse.
Face it dudes, this movie is dumb as hell. Interstellar is God-tier compared to this crap.

Just got finished watching. I knew I should have shut it off after DUDE SEND IN THE WOMEN LMAO
What a waste of fucking time

>Sir, we have the Navy generals
Stopped reading there

They lost like three days when they first stepped into the shimmer. Three days on the inside, overall Portman was in there for four months remember. As soon as any hang gliders or or ship got in they'd make it 10 feet and everyone would become disoriented for two weeks in the outside world.

lol meant to write Prometheus

It's clear time dillation is occuring. But that's totally irrelevant.
Autonomous drones, steel cables, machinery and so on wouldn't be destroyed. Nothing we have seen in the movie indicates it would.
What's even more damning to the plot is that the phenomon is something akin to some super space virus, it's neither sentient nor intelligent.

>Air Force
Go fuck yourself

opinion discarded immediately

>Autonomous drones, steel cables, machinery and so on wouldn't be destroyed. Nothing we have seen in the movie indicates it would.

Except for part at the very beginning when they said they sent in drones that never returned? They also said that they tried coming in from sea and air, i.e. boats and planes. That failed. Everything they'd done in three years had failed. Nothing came out, machine, human, or animal.

Hey guys, OP here. I actually didn't watch the movie, but please keep on responding. I am very lonely.

>They also said that they tried coming in from sea and air, i.e. boats and planes

They actually did not say that at all. Although people here who have (shudder) read the book said that in the book they did say they tried boats, but not planes.

A plane can fly ABOVE the bubble and not be inside it, so they could easily have dropped people directly above the lighthouse and let them parachute in, there is no amount of hand-waving by you apologists that can explain away this glaring Eagles To Mordor plot-hole.

>They actually did not say that at all.

I literally just got back 30 minutes ago from seeing the film. The shrink told Portman that they'd sent in drones and that they'd approached the lighthouse from sea and air and nothing ever came of it.

>so they could easily have dropped people directly above the lighthouse and let them parachute in

And as soon as they passed the barrier they would have become disoriented like everyone else, mutated, gone insane, or have been eaten.

>Eagles To Mordor plot-hole.

Except that's not a plothole either because flying would have done nothing but save time which didn't matter, an eagle couldn't have gotten into the forge which was underground, and even if Sauron didn't see the giant bird flying to his mountain the army he had guarding it certainly would have.

>navy generals

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>And as soon as they passed the barrier they would have become disoriented like everyone else, mutated, gone insane, or have been eaten

The barrier above the lighthouse, yes, that that would have parachuted straight through, and landed directly at the lighthouse a few minutes later, unmutated, quite sane, and not being eaten, because they would have only been in the shimmer a few minutes, in fact they had only just entered it.

>Except that's not a plothole either because flying would have done nothing but save time which didn't matter, an eagle couldn't have gotten into the forge which was underground, and even if Sauron didn't see the giant bird flying to his mountain the army he had guarding it certainly would have.

We've been over this, a hundred times.

Fly straight up above the coulds until you are directly above Mount Doom. Then suicide dive straight down into the volcano. Even if you get seen during the dive there is no time to stop you and no way of doing so.


>Then suicide dive straight down into the volcano.

The ring can't be destroyed in the caldera, it has to be unmade in the forge. And how the fuck would the eagles have known they were directly above Mount Doom through the clouds? GPS?

Magic GPS, yes.
I know nothing about LOTR and am not the user you are responding to. Is scrying and shit like that not in Tolkienworld?

It would be a pretty short movie if they had done all those things.

>The ring can't be destroyed in the caldera, it has to be unmade in the forge

>It can only be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom from whence it came
>the FIRES of Mount Doom

Try reading the book sir. Neither it, nor the film, say anything about the forge being special.

>And how the fuck would the eagles have known they were directly above Mount Doom through the clouds? GPS?

I guess you have never looked down at a forest fire from above the clouds and seen the red glow, but I'm pretty sure you've flown over a major city and seen the lights.

Galadriel's mirror and the Palantiri could do things similar to scrying.

ummm sorry but dont you realize i hate women and cant stand seeing them in my sci fi movies.

Nigga the eagles are 10 times smarter than you.

>Neither it, nor the film, say anything about the forge being special.

Wrong. It specifies in the book that the ring can only be unmade where it was made. Specifically that means the forge.

>I'm pretty sure you've flown over a major city and seen the lights.

How thick do you think the clouds over Mt. Doom are exactly? You seem to take it for granted that they'd be pretty thin. Which they were not because it was dark in the Plateau of Gorgoroth even during the day.

>Navy generals
>Air Force apaches

I'm sure nothing like any of this stuff was tried during the first three years.

>Navy Generals

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Problem is that nothing shown in the movie explains why these methods would fail. You're just supposed to accept they failed. For some reason.

The ending kinda sucked. Now we have two alien mutant skin walkers pretending to be people. So what?

>Problem is that nothing shown in the movie explains why these methods would fail.

Except the whole bit about drones and the previous attempts and trying to use even animals and everything.

And nothing explains why those methods failed. We see that guns work fine and electronics work fine. You can walk, think, breathe, and similar shit.
They could've established that the barrier is one-way only, you can enter but something prevents you from leaving. That would solve a lot of these bullshit issues.
But they don't bother doing something as simple as that. I call that hack writing. This is a sci-fi movie, among other things.

>And nothing explains why those methods failed.
They didn't know how anything failed because nothing had come back. How could they have known?

>We see that guns work fine and electronics work fine
Guns are simple machines and the only electronics we saw working were video recorders and flashlights. Drones are quite a bit more complicated than that, they didn't work.

>You can walk, think, breathe, and similar shit.
Until your mind or your body fall apart, or you're killed by someone or something else that's fallen apart.

My dude you are so #BASED one would think it's butthurt negro worshipper trying to falseflag

You are either being extremely obnoxious/facetious, or you are just really not that bright if you really dont know what the implications of the ending were.

They couldn't simply said that nothing can leave due to some barrier or something. It would take like 5 seconds. Have one of the characters try to get out as soon as they enter. But this is just lazy shitty writing, that's my point.

op you obviously have no life experience to realize most of the shit youre suggesting is a logistical and operational nightmare that would take months or years to perform, especially the digging.

Drunken Peasants podcast viewer detected

Neither of them feature genetic altering fields or other kinds of "powers". I doubt with 2 people they'll be able to pull a "Gas the humans, race war now", even with a couple of kids.Fuck, I'm even more puzzled on why the doctors didn't pick up any anomalies on either of them. This shit only raise more question that won't ever be answered.

>Have one of the characters try to get out as soon as they enter.

The team we saw go in immediately become disoriented and lost their memory as soon as they entered. They had spent days inside, which would have been weeks outside. And based on what the shrink said before she disappeared I think the reality warping effects of the shimmer grew in intensity the closer you are to the lighthouse, also. So the effects would have been even worse when the shimmer zone was smaller, right after it formed.

>that would take months or years to perform
>Shimmer has been up for 2 years

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Three actually. And still the rope would have been the only viable option but given the time distortion along with everything else I think it's a given that it would have broken. I don't think a rope can remain together if one end is experiencing time 100x more slowly.

That's really stupid. The movie goes to tremendous lengths to establish a feeling of dread and fear of the unknown, to make the shimmer a terrifying place. Your suggestion is to undercut that by having everyone dryly and rationally deal with every little aspect of everything, starting right at the entrance, to satisfy your unwillingness to suspend disbelief. As though it were possible to satisfy when you were never going to let yourself slip into the movie's world to begin with. That they all forget the first few days is unnerving. That's the point. What you think they should've done is instead is basically make a whole different kind of movie because your brain never shuts up. Bravo, internet pedant.

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mount doom was not open at the top they had to get in through a side opening that would, under normal circumstances, be guarded.

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based sasha grey,

she wouldve fucked that stupid alien into submission

Okay, what are the implications, tell us.

>Navy Generals
>Air Force Apaches
>THE Major General of the Air Force, as if there's only one
I can taste the soy from here

>falling for the intentionally mislabeled military bait
trolling is a art newfags

wait, what? are they seriously all fucking women?

fuck this pc bullshit, movie dropped

Everyone else they'd sent in died. Everyone and everything had died. What does it fucking matter if they're all women? The feds or whoever had thrown in their best and brightest for years and all they'd managed to do was lose the most capable people the country had.

make up whatever excuse you want dude the only movie ive ever seen pull off a cast of all female characters is the descent


I haven't seen the movie but I saw a webm where a Shimmer monster bent bullets which seems pretty hard to counter if scaled up.

Watching this trash movie now. Had a strong feeling it would be bad by the same director as ex machina. but not as bad as it is.

There are a few male characters, it's just the latest team to get sent in that's all-female.

Did you not watch the movie? At one point they pass a abandoned tank.

They sent in special ops teams
They sent in drones
They sent in missiles
They entered from the air
They entered from the sea
They sent in numerous armed forces
They sent in male scientists
They studied it from every conceivable angle and every possible manner from the outside

Not a single person returned.

The team we see in the movie is simply the latest experiment. As soon as you enter the zone you lose time and have no idea where you are.

>Enter on a Navy Destroyer with an entire crew and multiple marines
>the entire crew wakes up a week later with no memory of anything since they entered.
>Also they are no longer on the ship but have somehow entered the jungle
>lol women amirite?

They also sent in animals, like dogs or something. That didn't work out either.

showing that and how they fail would have made a more entertaining movie

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This proves that Sup Forums is retarded. They can't even remember the first 15 minutes of the movie.

They have tried everything and nothing has worked. The team we see is simply the latest in a long line of experiments. They already sent in multiple all male teams, mixed gender teams, military, scientific, drones, tanks, ships and aircraft.

Also it isn't like the women we see were successful. 2 went crazy, and 1 killed herself. The same thing happened to all the previous teams. Gender had nothing to do with it.

Only the coalburner can save humanity.

>They have tried everything and nothing has worked.
That would have been a better movie.

why not show all this?
>They have tried everything and nothing has worked. The team we see is simply the latest in a long line of experiments.
I'd rather watch that than Hershlag dreaming about fucking niggers.

can't we just appreciate this new form of entertainment for what it is?

She was adorable in her little fatigues though...

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pls don’t make movies


lol pass

>I'd rather watch that than Hershlag dreaming about fucking niggers.

ah so thats what you hated. It wasn't the science fiction or writing you hated it was because a black man had sex with a jewish woman.

lol you cuck.

>lol pass

>Paying for movies

Yeah but they seem to send everyone in on foot with no mechanical support.

The movie also never explains how the drones failed. Drones lacking DNA and emotions should have been impervious to the bullshit that was fucking with everyone's head and changing their genetics.

Giant mutated eagles killed the aircraft that went into the zone. This is explained more in the book.

>lol you cuck.

You're the cuck for enjoying a black man having sex with a Jewish woman.

Anyone is a cuck if they watch another man have sex with a women even if it's porn.

why didnt they ride the eagles to the lighthouse?

>It's clear time dillation is occuring. But that's totally irrelevant.
It's not clear at all. I'm not saying it's out of the question but it doesn't explain 5 people unable to remember making camp and consuming food. They estimated it had been 3 days based on the number of rations missing.

>not living in the best nation on Earth
I'll pray for you.

It does explain it. Signal are scrambled inside. Which means no control from outside and no information sent out.
I swear to fuck, it's like all of Sup Forums missed the refraction explanation.

They mention they sent in people by plane and by boat. They also walk pass numerous cars and tanks.

Also the "alien" literally warps reality around it. It isn't a stretch to to understand that the drones malfunctioned.

Are you literally retarded? Never write.

this is why I love Sup Forums the most

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>you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”

the last netflix original i watched was bright

netflix is officially PC bullshit and anyone that pays or watches any of that shit is dumb as fuck

In the books it was hypnotism. Just a detail they left out in the movie to try to make it more mysterious.

>want to watch a sci fi movie
>suddenly as they enter the zone of no return we get a cut to a scene that basically shows us interracial sex which has nothing to do with the story

why this even had to be in the movie?
what did this scene accomplish?
they should have cut out the bullshit and showed more about the zone and the strange shit in it.

can't I just watch a movie without constantly having to endure sex sideplots that have nothing to do with the fucking story?

>It wasn't the science fiction or writing you hated
I hated that even more to be honest but overall the movie sucked for many reasons.

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They were too small for people to ride on. They destroyed the aircraft by light speed ramming. This was also explained in the book.

>what is an autonomous drone

why does this movie send Sup Forumscucks into hysterics?

They sent those.

muh womenz and dude gets cucked by a black fellow. It's obvious.

So has anyone been able to debunk the steel cable/harpoon theory? Literally no one can argue this which makes me believe it's probably the only legit plothole.

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It's alright, it's just high-concept and Sup Forums is filled with autists that could nit-pick kevlar into threads. I know because I am one.

It's a brainy movie but there are plenty of gaps to drive a wedge into. I'd like to hear an actual biologist's take on it.

It's legit.

the protagonist is kind of a shitty person who cheated on her husband

Sup Forums doesn't care about that in and of itself but how she was cheating on him with a black guy specifically

thanks my dude

You do know the director never planned this movie to be on Netflix right?