Why does Sup Forums like this piece of shit again?

Why does Sup Forums like this piece of shit again?

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because it's Die Hard in a dystopian setting with Karl Urban as Judge Dredd

what's not to like?

someone get this hotshot out of here

>what's not to like?
Bad acting? Bad story? Bad cinematography? Bad pacing? Bad cast?

Because it's a solid action movie? But you probably think it's reddit or some stupid shit.

they're too stupid to realize that Dredd is literally a satirical view of the right.

except that's all wrong

didnt work for ron swanson doesnt work for dredd

they are always right

There is no way in hell this sin't bait. It's a perfect action movie.

Sup Forums hates everything so I don't believe you but some mild amusement can be had at your expense

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Look everybody. It's a woman.

I'm a guy (male).

Not in the earlier issues
after watchmen became popular
''muh deconstruction''


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>OP = Reddit likes it and i'm a faggot.

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bitch looks like an asian man

Attached: fuck outta here.jpg (480x542, 22K)

Probably the last movie I genuinely enjoyed. It really felt like something that could've come out in the 90s.

Because it's a fucking great comic adaptation?

Illegal comment. 5 years in the isocubes.

>bureaucracy is gone
>criminals are dealt with
>t-this is bad, a-user

Attached: what are you doing.jpg (548x556, 62K)