Battlestar Galactica Thread

So "All Along the Watchtower" actually originated with cylons over 150,000 years ago?

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best girl

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more than a decade ago, this show did everything that SJWars is trying to do but without canabalizing itself by alienating it's core fan base

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Objectively the best sw rating

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Best character.


Fucking pleb opinion

Post characters that did nothing wrong

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yes, Roslyn was an effective strong woman character but not in a stupid way, she was actually a complex character that changed over time and had a motivation, and weaknesses.

I come from a world where they're one and the same.

MANUFACTURED for white cock.

When the other cylons were revealed, the show to me went down hill. And honestly i still dont know what the fuck happened with Kara Thrace

>Kara Thrace
The second incarnation was an angel sent by God.

Which god, though. The human one or the cylon one

Same it was so confusing. I dont get it

Don't forget "Colonial One"has the same color scheme as Air Force 1.The Caprican military used humvee's, and AM General 5 ton's.
I always felt that they pulled the ending out of their collective asses

>tfw no cally gf

The party was over and they needed an ending. The sun was rising and there wasn't much time.

>chance to kill all yhe cylons for good with the virus

She was a messenger from God, she disappeared after she had served her purpose

Still haven't said a single thing he did wrong

Swap 1 and 3 and this is correct

from my point of view it is already correct

For me, it's Racetrack

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There is only one god and he doesnt take sides
t. Head six