ITT: movies that would get great reviews if released today

ITT: movies that would get great reviews if released today.

Attached: hook.png (752x418, 335K)

Catwoman, Blade

Next Friday
Friday After Next

was hook that bad? last time i watched it was probably in the theater

Batman and robin

It's actually a pretty decent adventure/fantasy kids movie.

Catwoman was garbage. I agree about Blade though.


Cars 2
Avengers:Age of Ultron

The prequels if they were made by Disney

>Catwoman was garbage.
doesn't matter, superhero flick with black woman

Probably GI Jane just for WOW PROGRESSIVE

probably not catwoman
but Blade would get a positive score even if its a bit edgy

Literally every mildly entertaining movie ever made.

90's Judge Dredd

Got a problem with a powerful queen of color, cracker?

age of ultron has 75% on RT. was total garbage. not even the "well its competently made" excuse works as its a fucking mess.

this is true
why did older critics hate mildly entertaining movies so much back then>?

It's less them hating and more rottentomatoes accepting just about any dipshit with a blog into their tomatometer causing scores to be drastically inflated.

Because back then you didnt have critics under the age of 30 savoring anything made for kids

based critics

They hated them if they were bad. Godzilla was mildly entertaining but clearly bad. A movie like Hook is actually a great kids movie though so I guess critics have always just been hacks

this movie would get the exact same amount of criticism today. More because of the non-progressive undertones it has. Why does peter pan have to be a white man? Why isn't tinker bell a lesbian? Why isn't hook a trans woman?

at worst they would've blame everyone BUT Halle just like every other minority movie they shit on but still pop up the poc leads or even the catering assistant or whatever