Troy: Fall of a City

What did they mean by this?

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>Thrill viewers with an interracial threesome.
Is this a joke? How on earth would that be the main selling point.

Wtf why would you spend so much on a tv production unless you knew you would get GOT levels of viewers?

new to cucks logic?

Fucking weirdo bigot racist fuck off to

and here's why you should be worried

No reason to put that much budget into your artsy porn show.

Maybe they shouldn't have blacked their cast.


Why are blacks allowed to appropriate Western culture but whites cant paint themselves black and do a little jingle?

Racist AND sexist much??

>Then there's the notion that it's simply Gyasi's obvious lack of Greek heritage, not his race, that's an issue. Again, even if we conveniently ignore the fact Australian actor Louis Hunter is playing Paris (the Trojan, i.e. Turkish, prince), this is basically nonsense.

Sup Forums BTFO!

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Because all the blacks they were pandering to were busy seeing Black Panther again.

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It's not their money, it's yours.

Because whites are a race of beta cucks. It's why they get on their knees and suck the cock of any colored invader. Democrats in the US shut the government down because colored border hoppers (criminal foreign aliens illegally entering our nation) were being sent back to their shitholes of origin. It's illegal in France for a man to get a paternity test (legalized cuckoldry.) Do we want to talk about Germany? Sweden?

Nice job jews


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You have no idea how fucking retarded the bbc is right now, they are in the smallest bubble the world has ever seen.

Explain then.
I know they made doctor who a woman but that doesn't seem that bad.
Is there an external factor or is it their productions?
I doubt the secks scene was actually advertised by the bbc. I assume it's just the site joking.

>DESPITE attempting to thrill views with an inter-racial threesome

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>interracial threesome.
>How on earth would that be the main selling point
Seems tailor made for this board.

Just the usual SJW shit, they're hyper PC, if you read BBC news they never talk about ISIS, it's always "so-called Islamic State." They openly discriminate against whites in job advertisements and fund minority music far more than UK music.

It's one faggot trying to pretend his fetish isn't pitiful. Like the cunnyposter.

I see thank you.
Is that really being in their own little bubble?
That's just what's in now. Sort of. It seems they'll have public opinion but not their money. Maybe black panther proves that incorrect.

>inter-racial threesome

Attached: amanda.jpg (339x301, 21K)

I have no clue why they don't just make films set in areas with actual black people to make black stories. A story set in South Africa. A nice crime drama in Johannaesberg. Or a historical epic about a black emmpire.

Instead they stick negroes in Troy.

>mmf bi threesome
Seems tailored for the tiniest subsection of fushoji coalburners.
@41 minute mark
2 BBCs and a white girls, niggers also make out with each other

They can become entrenched because they're basically funded by a tax, so normal commercial pressures don't apply and they feel the need to serve the "public good" to justify it which they take to mean fling in as many minorities from London as possible while neglecting everyone else from around the country.

They literally have quotas, has in a certain number of employees need to be gays, lesbians, black, etc.

not much artistry here i'll be sticking to blacked

Surely numbers matter. Just because they are tax funded doesn't mean they don't have to make money. Right?
That's very strange. I thought people just did this because they think it's popular.
>tfw saying you're gay boosts your job chance.

They matter in that they can't put out 100% pointless shit nobody wants, but they can do things other channels wouldn't like strap IMAX cameras to David Attenborough and drop him on a pacific island to film pygmy tree dolphins or some shit.

The audiences are such brats. If an interracial threesome doesn't make them want to spend their time watching a show then I don't know what will. We live in a bigoted society of systematic racism and that's a problem.

>surely numbers matter. Just because they are tax funded
Numbers do not matter. Specifically because they are tax funded. If paying cor these services is compulsory by law via taxation, the funds to create them are always available, and they are not dependent on generating their own revenue.

Tax funded TV station don't have to strive for popularity. They often have a mandate they need to fulfill. i.e: x% of programming must be art and y% of programming must be local news

The BBC has a diversity mandate, sadly.

If no one watches it then no one is using the service. Eventually they would be deemed obsolete.
Britain is strange.

How dumb is the average britbonger? They even talk like they're dumb. You know how retards have a weird way of emphasizing their words when they talk? Brits talk the same way.

Everyone should talk like in Frasier.

But you can subvert a lot more people by having cuck porn in a tv show user.

>the Trojan, i.e. Turkish)
Oh nooo

This. If they genuinely cared, their record on 'diversity' is in reality comically bad as it only reflects specific postcodes in London.

Black people are 2-3% of the population, but of that, the BBC isn't even interested in half them (Black African), just Afro-Caribbeans and of that, just the Londoners (an not, say, Bristolians).

The black population (overall) is roughly equal to the Indian population and each are in turn roughly equal to the Pakistani population. You only rarely see Pakistanis and frankly, at this point, the BBC just doesn't do Indians apart from Miera Syal (and then only one Radio 4), they live in the wrong places for them to have their existence recognised. Its ridiculous if they genuinely think they are 'doing diversity'.

Put it this way. When he was less media friendly, I've heard Stomzy complaining that he was the wrong kind of (African) black for the BBC minority radio stations to want to feature and he did live in London.