Yeah, I'm thinking he's back

memes aside, so far it's one of the best standup routines I've seen in a while, maybe second to Chappelle's latest.

Attached: 13tvcol-rickygervais-master768.jpg (768x514, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

currently watching it. great thus far.

>paki accent

Attached: 1520427998938.jpg (384x384, 26K)

>we live in a world where when you hear a brittish accent you call it a paki accent because thats how bad things are

John Mulaney The Comeback Kid is the best standup netflix has to offer. Rock,CK, Chapelle's new two hours, were lack luster. Tom Segura was only half good.

Go watch Jim Jefferies.

I watched 10 minutes of the John mulaney show on doc because people were dumb enough to tell me he was funny. I will never watch anything he's a part of again.

Also the tom jones juke box story isn't funny

>maybe second to Chappelle's latest
Equanimity and the bird revelation sucked. Loved Age of Spin and Deep in the Heart of Texas though.

>shits on christanity non-stop
>never says a word about islam

That fat fucking beta bitch sand nigger lover can fuck off die a slow and painful death.

Nah no thank you

You know that he cannot insult Islam right? As an English citizen living in England, he would end up in prison or worse.

>not even ten minutes in, retells his Jenner joke
hi, Sup Forums. Slow evening?

>the state of incels grown on Sup Forums incubation tanks

Ricky Gervais and other older British comedians grew up with catholicism and evangelism trying to break the secular state of the UK, you think they are thinking "I better make this fair and shit on all religions!"

You realize there is literally no law forbidding the insult of Islam in the UK, right? That's a Daily Mail meme that is surprisingly popular with idiots.

>Ricky Gervais and other older British comedians grew up with catholicism and evangelism trying to break the secular state of the UK
That really worked out great for them huh? I mean there no way a competing religion would ever try to fill a power vacuum right? Everyone know if you remove religion people are just going to start practicing science instead!

Bet you won't do it in public, outside of anonymity. Bet no one would post a pic of Muhammad (pbuh). For all the shit England gives everyone else, they don't realize they are the most cucked of all wh*te countries.

>it's the fault of atheist comedians that there are violent fringe groups of a religion causing violence
>if only big stronk, dindu nuffin Christianity (with it's poor minority number of equally a few billion people) would rise to the occasion and stop those gosh darn Muslims! If only all the Christcucks didn't go extinct with Dawkins and his firing squad!

Not him, but isn't Islam protected by hate speech laws or something? I honestly don't know much about British law but I know they don't seem to take that sort of stuff well.

Plenty of Brisith people speak out against radical Islam and its violence, there are literally entire rallies about it, are you fucking retarded?

Removing christianity wasn't the downfall of Europe, they were doing great in the past centuries up until post modernism became a thing a deconstructing values became more important than anything else.
Secularism was just as opposed to Islam, but it also proposes that logic is most of the times the winner of any argument and logic is something that post modernists don't quite like.

Whose got the link brevs?

Calm down mate he is getting his impression of England from memes and daily mail headlines. Its not his fault, let the retard be.

Coloreds are protected. Whites are not. Degenerate belief systems are protected. Christianity is not. England is literally 'cuckold the island.'

>muslims women beat white woman while yelling racial slurs
>get off with a warning
>colored woman calls for the genocide of all white men
>get off with a warning
>white guy offends black guy on twitter
>gets sent to prison

I'm not sure, I'm not a Brexit-bong tardling. Last I checked, they had similar free speech laws in the UK to the US and most hate speech cases get thrown out. But there is "threatening violence" laws, which every civilized western country has, with you know...UK Nazi rallies threatening to burn down mosques and radical Muslims threatening to blow up federal buildings.

>>it's the fault of atheist comedians that there are violent fringe groups of a religion causing violence
Comedians are supposed to take shots at people in power these guys are just keeping up with the status quo. It wasn't atheists fighting in the crusades user, atheists are push overs because they are not fanatical with their beliefs and they are dealing with people that are and are willing to die for it.


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No, its just Americans spouting trash.

>Coloreds are protected.
Please stop talking about the UK like you live here you dumb americunt.

>being atheist is the status quo
>not being one of the three most popular religions on the fucking planet
You kids need to go outside, seriously.

>"Asian" detected

This board might be more your speed, thanks

No but Christians are an easier target as most white Brits have a better understanding of it. It's easier to make fun of something if you were forced to go somewhere involving it every week by your parents.

Yeah being an white "edgy" Atheist comedian is pretty fucking status quo my dude. You wanna be edgy and not just some establishment faggot? Go to church.


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>that ugly ass font
>a literal ripoff of a well circulated meme
jeez, please go back posthaste.

Attached: Untitled.png (629x463, 46K)

when did everyone hop on the anti fedora train ?
the endless seething of christcucks wasnt always a thing on Sup Forums.

Being athiest is literally the status quo in the entertainment industry you fucking idiot, talking to you is a waste of time

>Being athiest is literally the status quo in the entertainment industry
Imagine believing this. I'm not even a Christcuck, you're just a goof.

At least you can acknowledge atheism has become a religion.

When atheistfags proved how bad atheism is the absolute second they got their hands on the internet.

But you don't live here so you're wrong wahhhhh!!!

>>a literal ripoff of a well circulated meme
Like every anti-pol meme ever produced? kek turn about is fair play as they say.

Nice mashup, now show me the DailyMail articles you got the headlines from.

Why is he so based bros?

Attached: ricky-gervais-atheism[1].jpg (570x601, 29K)

The gag doesn't work if it doesn't look authentic, pleb

Attached: truth.png (489x159, 72K)

sure sure. but i was actually waiting for a non meme response.

Make sure to check under your bed for that Sup Forums boogeyman

>Wow just wow

except I didn't say that, nice meme though /lit/.

>"Fake news!!!!!"

Chappelle's latest was fucking shit OP. So, this must also be unfunny, thanks for the heads up.

>the youngest board on this site
>inventing literally anything
fucking kek, your "mascot" is from some hipster's frog cartoon book you fucking retarded faggot.

Dude, no memes intended. This old pasta explains everything.

Atheism is so 2006. It's been kicked to the curb by everyone.

Atheists just can't get over the fact that they lost the culture war.

Let me take you under 18s back to the year of 2006:
>atheism on the rise on the internet with their voices getting more heard everyday
>atheist leaders like Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens are respected voices in the community
>r/atheism is one of the top boards on bleddit
>corporate stores trying to push things like "Happy Holidays" and having "Holiday Trees"

Cut to today:
>Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchen (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/social views
>r/atheism moved to the basement of bleddit because it was embarrassing euphoric garbage
>things like "Reason Rally" draw less than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah
>atheist communities tear themselves apart over things like elevator gate (giving rise to New Atheism, and Atheism+, which are less successful than just regular Atheism)
>constant rape and sexual assault allegations at atheist conventions (even atheist leaders like Lawrence Krauss are other atheist leaders)
>"Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Trees" are a distant memory
>liberal atheists in Britain crushed by Brexit

And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric quote and a couple of fedora pictures. Christianity is still kicking 2000 years later, and atheism is at it knees because of a jpeg of a fat guy in a fedora. Sad

whats wrong with being gay ?

Show me where the big bad frog touched you, user

>not because of some phony God's blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence

>the "Sup Forums is a boogeyman" meme
>he says after the 100th Sup Forums bait thread today

Dude just stop.. hes been cringe in everything he does now. He only gets away with it by having funny people around him

it is actually. You can't talk shit on islam in the UK if it incites anger. Meaning you can't talk about islam inthe UK.

that's the law by the way.

Jesus christ you brit bongs, don't you even read your own fucking laws. You are so cuckolded it's hilarious

I'm trying to picture what the autist who typed this looked like...

>And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric quote and a couple of fedora pictures. Christianity is still kicking 2000 years later, and atheism is at it knees because of a jpeg of a fat guy in a fedora. Sad
but this isnt actually true. also these people you call "christians" are not real christians at all user. they do now follow the scripture and would spit in the face of jesus if he came back calling him a hoax or an impostor. it seems to me (especially the chan christfags) are just wearing this religion as a badge to decorate their own ego with a false sense of morality that isnt really there when you behave and do the same things atheists do.

So? Pepe is one of the most memed things of all time, what do you take baneposting seriously faggot kek. Can you show me any anti-pol meme that's not just a pol meme some perverted because they lack creativity? Fuck even the best anti-pol memes are usually just pol false flags like Hilldawg lol

No idea, but it's mostly true.

Dear god, he's right

Attached: holyshit.gif (320x289, 1.12M)

>literally an anti-terrorist provision with almost clear and defined differences between "opinions I dislike" and "inciting violence against religious minorities".
If I go into the street and cry out about how I'm ready to go burn down a Muslim family inside a mosque, I think that should be a cause for concern, user.

I miss fedora tippers, they were a much more sympathetic antagonist than brainwashed corporate drones and "i'm not religious but i'm very spiritual and I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ/Mohammed/whatever the figurehead of my religion is".

Atheistic belief is still expanding in the west, including America. The generation of edgelords who think they have invented the wheel by denying their parents religion have just declined as a proportion of the atheists alive today. People are being raised atheist now.

>you're not perfect so you're a quasi Christian
Come on m8

>this is mostly true you know ;)
Maybe if you live in a bunker.

>You can't talk shit on islam in the UK if it incites anger.
How the hell does that even work? Muslims are some of the most easily angered people on Earth.

thats not what i said and you know that
there should at least be a minimal difference in fedoraposting and christfag posting but there is literally zero difference user.

I can't believe there are people who believe Atheism will take over when the vast majority of this planet is filled with violent religious barbarians who would kill you for insulting their god.

what a fucking knob

>So? Pepe is one of the WatchMojo's top memed things of all time! It's not anything like Bane, because reasons
>can you show me any "anti-pol" meme (which is mostly anything that calls me a retarded sperglord) that's not just a Sup Forums meme in reverse?
>despite the fact that Sup Forums doesn't even really invent or meme anything original since it's as new as Rebbit?
>I actually believe Sup Forums is creative
I want you to promptly kill yourself, since you don't belong here.

I'd literally rather stick my fingers up my ass for two hours than sit through anything that semi-retarded white trash idiot puts out.

>caring this much about muh meme wars
life is gonna be tough kid

DailyMail literally is fake news, stupid.

As the old generations continue to die off, fewer and fewer young people are replacing them in pews, and those that are attending do it less regularly, and often only to keep appearances with their parents, not out of genuine belief.

I didn't say "take over", I said it's not "on it's knees at the foot of LE BASED CHRISTIANITY". You stupid tard.


would you rather the world being mostly fedora or mostly muslim user ?

please tell me how he's "been cringe"? He is the most un-PC comedian out there, why don't you faggots like him?

>life is gonna be tough kid

Attached: 1509320664813.jpg (680x739, 69K)

"A person who uses threatening words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening... if he intends thereby to stir up religious hatred""

Meaning if yous ay something like "muhammed was a pedophile"

you just stirred up religious hatred.

Try reading your own fucking laws you faggot

This literally never, ever happened. 1. Because Christianity was already a joke in England and 2. Because Britain isn't a secular state. It's literally a religious state.

They don't go after Islam because being edgy about Islam in Europe carries serious consequences, both legally and extra judicially.

I'm not the one getting mad that my containment is being mocked, as per usual anywhere that isn't there. You can leave whenever you like, if I hurt your feelings. Maybe you can spam a few posts about how great the pepe meme is.

> rather stick my fingers up my ass for two hours
A Jefferies fan, I see.

Which do you think is more likely user?

I'd rather not get shot or run over with a truck. I don't really care about getting a fine.

But, that's literally not what it said. It's explicitly on the grounds of inciting action against a religious minority, not mockery. You're extrapolating falsely....but you know this.

i bet you have gigabytes of memes in some folder where you have subfolders for reaction memes and anime memes and pol memes.
grow the fuck up

People like to hate Gervais because of his sanctimonious atheist/liberal autism and his voice, but he's always been a pretty solid funnyman tbqh. Extras is absolute kino.


Yes, because the UK is literally a Sharia State where people are getting run over every day and they aren't exceptions, they are the rule because some Breitbart-tier Britbong faggot spun you out, amirite?

>grow the fuck up
Why don't you let me know when you leaving Sup Forums, then I might take that seriously.

Atheism is shrinking everyday. And 10+ years ago atheism used to be brought up in Presidential debates and they would have commentators on CNN and the NY Times talking about it. Nowadays it's forgotten.

since white peopel are slowly a dead thing ?
id say the future looks muslim. but it sounds like your actually rooting for that just to stick it to fat fedora autists. i may be wrong tho
it happened before

Muslims are. And they will often stretch criticsm of Islam to be hate speech against Muslims.

That's less of a problem than the social fallout from going down such a route.

They have self imposed shariah in the U.K., where they bow to the whims of religious extremists and call cowardice "tolerance" because no one wants to be Salman Rushdie or Charlie Hebdo.

At least he's not a Sup Forumstard.