Are traditionally animated movies still viable in theaters?

Are traditionally animated movies still viable in theaters?

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but they are massively expensive so studios dont want to take the risk on them

should use an example.
Treasure Planet was actively disliked by Disney, and they released it in a way that it would fail spectaturally. They wanted to use it as justification for scrapping the traditional animation entirely

the fuck are you talking about Princess and the frog cost half as much as coco, forzen, zangled etc.

I know they won't make a live action movie, but Nicki Minaj would be a perfect cast for Chel

Chel is the sexiest cartoon character I've ever seen

Same with Home on the Range. It was a lackluster film to begin with, and Disney failed to promote it well so when it bombed, they said "see? Audiences just don't want traditional animation anymore" and it was the last traditionally animated film they released in theaters IIRC

Last year’s example proved it could tarnish a franchise’s already unstable reputation, so not really.
Don’t CGi movies cost 50-100M, while 2D ones cost 20-40M (then again, this could be because inflation’s a bitch)

No, to kids movies that are not 3d look cheap and old

>mfw I want to colonize her territory

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Oh yeah, princess and the frog existed so I didn't remember correctly

ahem princess and the frog with kino waifu tiana

niggerlovers in da house

The real problem is that the west has always had less of an infrastructure of 2D animators and studios, and now practically none.

2D animation isn't prohibitively expensive in and of itself (see: Japan), but it is when the industry is so small and non-competitive

>being Genoese

This movie gave me the fetish for brown girls

coco isn't fair since it's Pixar. They are going to be successful no matter what. The other two are Disney Princess movies as well, so that isn't very fair either. Those will get little girls in the theater 100%

>Coco won best animated feature over Loving Vincent
No, it seems there isnt.

Treasure Planet had a budget of $140 million. Not saying its representative, what with the various techniques used to make it, but Disney used this massive budget as an excuse to kill trad animation.

Someone needs to start producing porn with this kind of outfit. Why it hasn't been done yet is fucking beyond my comprehension.

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>tfw you will never explore a continent in search of treasure, poundin' sweet native booty along the way

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>he thinks Coco was bad

Mexicans scare you that much huh lmao

Nope. This is why Disney scrapped their original idea for Rapunzel and decided to make Tangled in CG. Princess and the Frog didn't do well enough so we'll probably never get another traditional animated movie in theaters again.

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painted rotoscoping isnt traditional animation

only if they're from Japan

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You still have the ocean.

Wasn't Winne The Pooh Disney last straw?

Looking back seven years later, Lasseter told Variety: "I was determined to bring back [hand-drawn animation] because I felt it was such a heritage of the Disney studio, and I love the art form … I was stunned that Princess didn't do better. We dug into it and did a lot of research and focus groups. It was viewed as old-fashioned by the audience."

There's no fucking gfs in the ocean man.