Glorifying cuckold relationships

>glorifying cuckold relationships
>underage sex
>gadsden flag rednecks
>homosexual gadsden flag redneck
>interracial homosexual relationship
yep, its a netflix original series alright

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Donʻt watch it then faggot.
Holy shit. what causes someone to not enjoy something, then immediately get on their PC to whine about it on a imageboard. Grow a pair retard and just watch something else.

Thank you user. Now I know not to waste time on this.

three of those are the same thing

The redneck girl was a qt at least

Donʻt come in this thread then faggot.
Holy shit. what causes someone to get offended by something, then immediately get in a thread to whine about it on a imageboard. Grow a pair retard and just post somewhere else.

>glorifying cuckold relationships
Where? You mean the part where Marty is constantly pissed that his wife slept with another man and its a huge point of contention in their marriage?

Yep. It had the usual netflix agenda pushing, but at least the show's story, acting, and writing were great. I give it 8.5/10.


>show has the least stereotypical homosexual relationship with none of the usual faggotry like in Sense8 or Girls
>time to complain

Homosexuality shouldn’t be in any tv shows.

yeah all of that is in it but honestly the worst part is the FUCKING BLUE FILTER OVER LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SCENE
literally stopped watching after it ended

my waifu

all faggots should be executed

Then go write a strongly worded letter

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season 2 is cumming

Jason Bateman's character is a really annoying character, smug with a grating personality.

6/10 show. Just good enough that I'll probably watch season 2.

is this based on a book or old show or is it an original series?

time for bed, Boris

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Gays are 50% of the population so should be in 50% of all media.

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> Make a situation where it's going to be nearly impossible for his family to survive with believably in tact
> somehow make them all surviving belivable
> the daughter is hot as fuck

It's kino

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Haven't watched this at all, but i checked out the first episode of Everything Sucks and it ended with a fucking 13 year old girl revealing she's a lesbian by masturbating while looking at a pornographic magazine with fully nude women, which they showed on camera--along with this child putting her hand down her pants. In a fucking TV-14 rated kids show. Netflix is fucking degenerate.

We watch stuff and then form opinions about it. Yeah what a bunch of retards we are. The proper way is to search for all the trigger warnings, then read the synopsis on wikipedia. Post on reddit and ask what themes its showing and only THEN can we determine to watch it like you do right?
Fucking retard

They fucked up by killing the Mexican guy, he was the only good thing in this crap.

you've already fucked up just leave it.
and the show is ok. it's nothing special

Yeah I was disappointed that he was killed off and the annoying rednecks are apparently going to be the major antagonists.

>the daughter is hot as fuck

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It doesn't have to be explicitly approved or condoned by the characters to be glorifying or approving, at the very least normalizing by indifference, film school 101 buddy.

Rednecks > wetbacks

>(((film school 101)))

*by indifference and exposure

Maybe it's because I'm surrounded by people like them, but I found them to be obnoxious.

>look at this leftist liberal degeneracy I donʻt like
>fucking netflix!
>look guys, canʻt you read my well thought out discussion!?

and that's a ______ thing

It's incredibly obvious by the way that you type that you're not from around these parts.

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>We watch stuff and then form opinions about it
The problem with your generation isn't that you have opinions, it's that you feel obliged and qualified to shout them from the rooftops as if everyone in the world should give a fuck what you think. If you don't like something, move on to the next thing, you massive millennial faggot.

Social media was a mistake.

When did you realise that people in the 50s and 60s were whining as much as you do about stuff that was produced back then? You dumb fucking relic

or the part where he jerked off to the video of his wife fucking some old jewish guy 27 times

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>this entire post

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>Whining about getting triggered and trigger warning
>OP is literally triggered by homosexuals and whatnot
Are you not seeing the irony here, you retard?

Reddit is part of the problem, so are blogposters like yourself. Sup Forums is for memes, not advertising what a faggot you are to the rest of the world.

not an argument

Imagine being this deeply affected by a Netflix series.


I wasn’t making one fuck face

[citation needed]

I don't ever recall him jerking off to hit. Yeah he watched it a lot, but that was out of begrudging obsession

Only ever saw him jerk off in his car, but that was out of self-pity

>stop discussing a television show on the television board of a website made for the sole purpose of discussion of shared interests
we are reaching levels of retardation that shouldn't be possible

What about this thread speaks of discussion to you? All I see is political shitposting, whinging about SJWs -- you know, the same thing that has been spammed constantly since mobile posting became more popular and Gamergate happened.

I genuinely hope your entire generation suffers from some sort of genetic defect and disappears entirely.

get your eyes checked, soyboy

>hey guys I hate this show and here's why
>reeeeeeeeee stop disliking what I like
>le worst generation
>t. 20 year old

Why are you here then? If you don’t like it then fuck off back to tumblr

These are the only three posts in this thread that involve discussing the topics at hand. The rest is your typical millennial identity politics shitflinging and me calling you all faggots. You can leave the thread now. I know I will.

fa/tv/irgins should just get cracking on CuckWiki, it's like tvtropes but listing all the jewish social engineering in media

>I know I will
I bet you don’t

It's very similar to breaking bad but I still enjoy it. Depending on which route they take will decide if I keep on enjoying it though. If they go down the route of turning Marty into a badass it'd be lame.

While Breaking Bad was ultimately a look at the strain theory of crime, Ozark should be a look at how consumerism and greed ends up destroying Marty's entire family.

That'll take down King Soros eventually

>who actually goes online and talks about things on a discussion board?

Breaking Bad without any kind of consequences and more cheap cliffhangers

It's one season in man, chill. With how much was set up in the finale, things won't go down lightly

>the daughter is hot as fuck

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>haha us 23 year old grown ups should just exterminate all them millennial idiots

I think you mean breaking bad except not driven entirely by character stupidity.

The colour grading is just so painfully stylised. It looks horrible. I noticed a lot of netflix shows do this. The end of the fucking world did it even worse. I think in the future it's going to mark these shows as dated and unwatchable.


It's a good show, one of the few on Netflix. If you don't like it then don't watch it, Jesus Christ with you people

>this post formatting
really doesnt make me think that such wrong opinions are coming from a phoneposter or a ledditor. or both.

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my student is the teen in this show ama

No, old age will take care of that
I hope

how's her feet game

Go back to facebook, retard

It's walking a very fine line between imitation and blatant ripoff at this point.

> both rural that are very different than anything else and offer an interesting visual aesthetic
> both are stories about normal guys getting caught up in a drug cartel
> both shows have cheating whore wives
> Both shows try to have that sense of danger that anything could happen to Walt/Marty's family at any moment.
> both had quirky things that are meant to be turned into memes. The guy that lives in their basement, the retarded guy, yeah bitch magnets, Jessie's friends, etc.
> Marty and Walt forge fatherly bonds with unlikely mid twenties criminals in Ruby and Jessie.
> Ominous foreshadowing that will likely never pay off with the sons. Walt Jr. with his car and the kid in Ozark and his AR-15.
> Villain that has outward appearances of being nice and well mannered, while also being capable of depravity. Gus/the heroine manufacturing rednecks.

good. she knows that everyone likes her feet and how it come sup on google searches and she saw her own wikifeet page.

Don't forget the Lead actor famous for a sitcom showing his dramatic chops

You stopped watching after it ended? Intradesting...

Reminder that these kinds of thread are made by angry HBO cucks who can't stand the fact that Netflix is popular and HBO is irrelevant now.

>has fight with husband
>has an affair with a geriatric
>calls geriatrics voicemail like a retard

This bitch is pushing skyler white tiers of faggotry

Fuck off soycucks

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jason bateman's had a pretty varied career and barely anyone (except reddit) remembers arrested development.

Its nice that the MC has the "you would've been gutted by the cartel had I not said not to" card to lord over her whenever she starts acting up, though.

Yup. My thoughts exactly.

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>watching netflix shows

What a waste of time, its always the same shit, ugly mutts and niggers and gays and all kinds of other stupid bullshit.
What kind of man goes like
„Hm how about I waste my precious lifetime watching some netflix show about gay niggers assfucking each other“
These shows are of no value in any way.

Well so's your life what's your point?

And what compelled you to come and post in a thread about a show you haven't watched? Your superior intellect?

I name facts you give assumptions, are you mutt angry or something?

Nigger do you know what board you are on. This is Sup Forums we hate everything and can't stop discussing it. Fucking nigger

nah, that's his big role, he got nominated for an emmy and he won a golden globe for it.

>dont want to see some hobo looking redneck and a mantitty soyboy fucking each other on television
>must be alt-right
really doesnt make me think

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Holy shit that pic

Just saying man, Netflix shows are all cancerous shit filled with the same disgusting bullshit that they shove in everywhere.
Every fucking show is about gays and niggers and full with disgusting looking actors.

>My opinions are facts

this is literally fucking SJW logic, I want you to know that

>What is Altered Carbon?

Also I'm sorry if reality triggers you this much, but blacks aren't just niggers, no matter how hard you wish they were.

And funniest thing is they try to shove it into everything even when it absolutely doesn‘t fit, like the Hershlag movie where they put the niggerfucking scene at a complete random point into the movie.
Like the group of stronk womyn is about to enter the zone and suddenly hershlag is riding a niggers dick, next scene the movie goes on as if nothing happened.