Bad ass character shows up

>bad ass character shows up
>acdc back in black starts playing

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What's wrong with ACDC

>other characters acknowledge how "badass" they are

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Soycore music.

>Vietnam war scene
>it ain't me starts playing

name 6 millions movies

>monster shows up
>Slayer starts shreddin'

Attached: 830px-Gremlin_1_1.jpg (830x468, 70K)

>animal on screen
>animal makes a noise

it's not bad but it's everybody's first hard rock band so it's really overplayed

>hard rock

I didn't know say gives you great taste in music. I thought it made you listen to Lumineers and shit

>user makes a joke
>no one laughs

name one movie where that happens

>character with freezing powers shows up
>ice to meet you

Name one movie where it doesn't

Not him, but I think that movies using band like ACDC are just trying to surf on nostalgia, and these movies are generally considered "soy" therefore the music is too.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

>everybody laughs
>Roll on snare drum

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>Not watching Gimli's montage in the special edition


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>on board a Iowa class battleship about to enter into a naval battle with an alien force
>acdc thunderstruck starts playing
Every time.

>that deleted scene where gimli is mowing down gooks and says "if they run, theyre VC, if they stay, they are well trained VC"
why did they replace gimli with some shit actor for that movie?