Friday the 13th

Well it's that time guys and gals for a Friday the 13th thread, and kicking this off, here's some a whole slew of trivia about one of the most controversial, Jason Goes to Hell:

Sean Cunningham, the original director of the first Friday the 13th, had acquired back the rights to the films after Paramount decided they no longer wished to make any more sequels. And with that he decided to bring the series over to New Line to produce Freddy Vs Jason. But at the same time as Freddy Vs Jason was being worked on, New Line managed to hammer out a deal with Wes Craven to come back and do another Nightmare on Elm Street, which became New Nightmare. So, Sean decided he wanted to keep the Friday the 13th series still in the public eye by doing another movie.

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Other urls found in this thread:

But it's Wednesday the 14th


Part 1 and Part V are the best, fact

One of the biggest aspects to the new film was that Sean didn't like Jason as the killer, nor did he like Jason wearing a hockey mask, since he had nothing to do with the sequels. He preferred the series to go the Halloween III route and be about something new with each sequel.

>Adam Marcus(Director and writer of Jason Goes to Hell): "I remember one of the big disagreements we had was over the hockey mask. Before I was even hired to do the movie, Sean said, "You can do whatever you want, but just get that damn hockey mask off of him!"

>Sean Cunningham: "That is not true. How could you do it without a hockey mask? What was Adam thinking? I didn't have any feeling about the hockey mask whatsoever. I thought the hockey mask in Part 3, when it first appeared, was just a way to try and keep Jason generic. He's the bogeyman. He's not supposed to be a person. On that level, it was good. Although I did think, 'Don't they have any imagination?' Because it was never explained, it was just there. It was just a device. But I never had any antipathy toward it."

>Adam Marcus: "Sean's a liar and you can print that! He literally said to me to get the damn hockey mask out. Because the hockey mask was not Sean's idea. Sean had a disdain for it. He might have changed his feelings for it since, but he sure didn't like the hockey mask then. So we got it out of most of the movie. And Sean did love the idea of the body hopping and all that stuff."

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>Original creator is butt hurt that other people made his character more iconic

Kari Keegan, the lead actress in the movie, who played Jessica Kimble had lied to get her role. She told Adam Marcus the director that she'd do a nude scene and was specifically hired on the basis of this since the series was known for it's nudity and violence.

>Adam Marcus: "It had been a very long road with kari. There was this whole situation with the nudity tha twas, in my opinion, very underhanded. I didn't feel she had been straight with me upfront that she wasn't going to do any, that she didn't want to. Even after we started shooting it, if she had gotten cold feet and just had talked to me about it, it would have been a very different situation.

>"The big scene was when she was in the shower, and has to cry over the death of her mother. I remember we did offer Kari a body double, but she didn't want it. Which I was very surprised at. I understand she's an actress, she didn't want to be exposed that way. But the job itself required that somebody be exposed. And honestly, the reason behind it was that the character was a mother, and we wanted to have some sexuality so even the fact that she had a child didn't desexualize her. Moms on film rarely get to be sexy. I kept calling it the Glen Close scene. Really, what we were going for was that scene in The Big Chill, where Glen is sitting in the shower naked and crying. She was nude, but it's one of the most dramatic and raw scenes. That's the way I wanted to shoot it."

>Kari Keegan(Jessica Kimble): "The whole nudity thing got really funny, in an uncomfortable way, because Adam assured Sean Cunningham that he was going to get me to do a nude scene. I had spoken to my agent about it beforehand when he first sent me in. I said, 'I don't do nudity.'

>"When all is said and done, my parents have to see this. And you're going to be on film for the rest of your life. And I was young.

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During shooting of her nude scene, Kari Keegan wore Dixie Cups taped over her nipples so the director wouldn't be able to pan the camera down. She then later refused to work with him at all and seriously hurt his career, and pretty much killed her own, with large gaps in her acting career and only a few roles.

>Kari Keegan: This was not the only job in town. I had only lived in L.A. a few months when I got that one, so I had this mentality of, 'It must not be that hard.' So it got to the point where, when it came time to shoot the shower scene, I had a flesh-colored bathing suit bottom on and Dixie cup boobs. It was like the Madonna bra, because then there was no way they were going to be able to shoot anything. And Adam was like, 'O-kay.' And no one was allowed on set except for me, Adam, the cameraman and my Dixie cups. Then there was a little snafu with the water, and it was so hot. So the scene ended up being easy-- I started crying because I was in real pain."

>Sean Cunningham: "I started to realize that we had problems and I had to smooth it over. I did end up directing two scenes. Kari just refused to be around Adam at that point. Then he called her names, and she called him an ass. Now, it's neither here nor there. But I grew to like Kari a lot. I got her through it somehow."

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The film had gone through multiple drafts, re-writes and writers and was even being re-written as it was being shot, because allegedly the film originally had no Jason scenes.

>Conceptually, the notion of Jason’s essence being transferable came from Adam Marcus’ original story treatment. Ignoring Jason Takes Manhattan, he picked up where Part VII: The New Blood left off, i.e., Jason neutralized and trapped at the bottom of Crystal Lake. The film would open with a mystery man dredging Jason’s body back up so that an autopsy could be performed in a nearby cabin converted into a science lab. We were supposed to expect Jason to wake up and go apeshit. However, as a surprise Jason would awake only to watch his own black heart torn out by the the mystery man. This would instantly render him powerless, and the mystery man would consume the heart thereby absorbing Jason’s “powers.”

>The big reveal would be the identity of the man: Elias Voorhees, Jason’s heretofore unseen/unmentioned brother. It’s not clear where the story would have gone from there, but they dropped all of it except the idea of someone eating Jason’s heart thereby taking his powers. Jason’s body-hopping via mouth-ingested parasite from that point forward was likely ripped off from The Hidden (1987), a science fiction flick in New Line’s archive.

>Magnum P.I. writer Jay Huguely’s final draft for Jason Goes to Hell was ten kinds of awful and impossible to understand. Cunningham was coming up against a deadline, as in New Line needed to see the script within a couple of days or else they’d cancel the project. So, he recruited My Boyfriend’s Back writer Dean Lorey, sat with him in a room for 4 days, and wouldn’t let him leave until they had a script they could film. In the process, they basically threw out all of Huguely’s work.

>Of course, Hollywood is filled with similar stories of secluded, rushed writing sessions, but the end product is usually some kind of classic, like Ghostbusters. In this case, we got Jason Goes to Hell. Advantage? Ghostbusters.

>After his 4-day marathon of Jason Goes to Hell screenwriting, Lorey stayed on as an ever-present sounding board on set, but Cunningham also had Lewis Abernathy (Deepstar Six) and Leslie Boehm (Nightmare on Elm Street 5) perform un-credited re-writes. Specifically, Abernathy wrote the opening sequence, and Bohem did a last-minute polish over a weekend. Bohem, later the writer of Daylight (1996) and Dante’s Peak (1997), was keen that his name not be attached. So, in the closing credits, he’s simply listed as the “Executive Typist.”

Allegedly they originally shot the film under the premise that Jason's brother was the killer, but test audiences hated the film when it was shown, and the result was massive reshoots. Although the Producer Sean Cunningham, Director Adam Marcus and Writer Dean Lorey dispute this, insisting that they only really adding a camping scene.

>So, as much as 43 minutes of the final film came via re-shoots and re-purposed footage. During this process, storylines were completely dropped (e.g., Erin Gray’s character and the sheriff being engaged and planning their honeymoon) while others were added via creative editing (e.g., Kari Keegan and Steven Culp’s characters having been a couple). They also compressed some vital scenes, such as Creighton Duke explaining “the rules.”

What a cunt. Glad she got blacklisted.

>Adam Marcus: "After the first test screening, the audience wanted more of the traditional Friday the 13th campground sex and slash stuff. And so did New Line. I was very against that, and so was Dean. Because the only problem I have had with the mythology of the Friday the 13th films is this constant thing that anyone who does drugs or has sex should die. That's a very Puritanical vision. In the first movie it made sense because Mom is punishing these kids for having sex while her son dies. But Jason doesn't know that. So I just thought, 'When did the Christian Right suddenly get a say in my production?'"

Indeed may things were re-shot and whole new scenes added. According to some Jason wasn't even in the movie until the re-shoots, which added two whole scenes and some other inserted shots to re-add him into the movie.

Additional kills were even removed from the movie due to editing and the original ending never fully finished due to budget problems.

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And now onto best girls

The actress who played Violent in Friday the 13th The New Beginning pretty much played as herself. Her dance that she famously does in the movie is how she actually danced in night clubs.

She also had an alternate death scene that has never seen the light of day, where she's stabbed in the vagina while standing on her head doing the splits. An alternate death was shot later and used in the movie.

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It was said her alternate death was not only too violent, but looked too much like she had her period.

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A behind the scenes photo of Tiffany Helm, the actress who played Violet

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What an awesome fucking design

Great thread, OP, keep up the good work.

any f13:the game men itt?

The actor who played Joey(Dominick Brascia) in Part 5 raped Corey Haim on the set of The Lost Boys. Corey Feldman had first met him through his brief scene he shot for for Part 5 and then later became friends with the adult actor through Alphy's Soda Club, a night club for young child actors, which was owned by a Hollywood pedophile named Alphy Hoffman, who was dating an older man named Bobby Hoffman and claimed to be related to Bobby, but according to Feldman really wasn't, it was just a story Alphy and Bobby did to cover for being a gay pedophile couple with a giant age gap.

According to Feldman in his book, Coreyography, Haim was bi-sexual and demanded to either have sex with Corey, or with someone Corey knew, and so he introduced him to Dominick Brascia, who then had sex with the underage actor.

Haim's family however disputes this and suggests that Feldman was introducing underage actors to his adult pedophile friends for drugs.

Video of Corey Haim confronting Feldman on this, including how Feldman was the one who hooked him on drugs, which Feldman admits is true in his book.

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Kelly Hu, the actress who played Karai in Nickelodeon's TMNT cartoon was in Jason Takes Manhattan as the character Eva.

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Jason Goes to Hell may be terrible, but Jason Takes Manhattan is the worst movie in all cinema history.

I really like V for some reason. Roy's mask is dope

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Jason takes Manhattan is worse than Jason Goes to Hell for the following reasons:

>Lack of gore. The director didn't think it was as important, but said in retrospect he'd probably have added more.

>Jason teleports in the movie

>There's barely any scenes in New York on account of the budget

>Jason's scene where he's unmasked looks terrible and cheap.

>The ending with the sewers flowing with toxic waste makes no sense.

It did however give us this kino

Was he gay?

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No I think Jason teleporting and similar stuff isn't the problem. I would even be fine with the lack of gore.

The problem is that the %99 of the film is about the least likable or interesting teenagers saying the most loud and obnoxious things.

Why would you make a slasher film and replace the slasher with corny teen drama

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Wait wait, but Brascia himself accused Charlie Sheen of abusing Corey when working on Lucas? Him being accused back by Haim's mom really makes this whole thing a mess.

The remake is the best one. Fight me.

Manhattan may be awful but I fucking love this intro and the song

>tfw watched them all recently
I gotta say I didn't expect the quality to hold up the way it did for so long.

I did the same. Part 6 is my favourite.

Final Chapter is the best, my friend.

How did they fuck up the game so hard.
>Amazing concept for a game.
>One person is Jason, the others are campers trying to escape from Jason.
>Great idea in theory, in practice:
>Disconnects every single game after 2 minutes.
>Some asshurt nigger will kill you just for picking up a weapon he likes.
>13 year olds will "team up" with Jason because he's played by their friend and the developers do nothing about it because their family members got caught doing it so they don't want to look like hypocrites.
>Campers teleport through walls and lag away out of sight of Jason.
>Part 2 Jason is so horrendously overpowered there is no need to play other Jasons.
Sup Forums post I know but how can they fuck up so hard

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I can tell it's been a while since you played the game. There's no friendly fire anymore (I think only the car and maybe the shotgun in the latest patch) and Part 2 is seldom used, High Destruction Jasons being more favored. Game is still shit but I guess it figures, being a game where you play with people.

2009 remake and the second movie featuring farmer sackmask Jason are the best

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worst 3 Friday movies
>fifth movie with roy (gross caricature hillbillies)
>Jason takes Manhattan
>Jason goes to hell

The remake is the only one I have never seen

Is it really good? Should I even other?

I've played the fuck out of the game and I still am, I love it. It's buggy but it's provided me with the most exciting moments in vidya. Allow me to challenge some of your lines.
>>Disconnects every single game after 2 minutes.
Devs are aware of how unreliable the game is. They're currently remaking the game in another (more stable) engine as well as providing consoles with dedicated servers so you don't have to worry about rage quitting hosts or hosts with shitty connections. Believe they said the new engine / dedicated servers are out in April. I have no idea if the PC version already had dedicated servers or not.
>>Some asshurt nigger will kill you just for picking up a weapon he likes.
Friendly fire is now off, although you can still be killed if someone runs you over with their car.
year olds will "team up" with Jason because he's played by their friend and the developers do nothing about it because their family members got caught doing it so they don't want to look like hypocrites.
Agreed, this makes me salty as fuck, although I wasn't aware one of the devs had a family member caught doing this. That's why I exclusively play as the host, so I can quit and end the game whenever I realize someone is working with Jason, although when dedicated servers come into play, that wont be an option. It's a rarity at least.
>>Campers teleport through walls and lag away out of sight of Jason.
This does not happen. You're probably just getting outplayed.

I liked it, I'm not sure if all the dislike of it is even real. I liked the new material brought to the table (where Jason lives in the remake instead of his usual shack in the woods) and how fast and hunter-like the remake Jason is. I think you should check it out.

>dumping pics of the area where the first Friday movie was filmed

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>>Part 2 Jason is so horrendously overpowered there is no need to play other Jasons.
Part 2 Jason is only overpowered because of the absurd number of bear traps. The traps as of late have been nerfed, Jason cannot place a bear trap on top of another one, even if the old one has been set off. If his placement is perfect he can still place two bear traps at a repair spot.

I love Jasons that rely on bear traps, if you go up against me and haven't evolved your Jason strategy beyond using bear traps you're going to have a miserable fucking time against me.

>tfw while the sackmask is not as iconic as the hockey mask it is scarier.

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I liked the moment in the third movie where Vera looks through Shelly's wallet and sees a photo of Shelly and his mom and it's framed like, "See? Shelly the bitter niceguy can't be so bad since he loves his mom." But Jason really loves his mom too. I'm not sure if they were purposefully trying to compare them but I don't see they would miss the obvious similarities there.
>Jason is a conservative hardliner who adores his mom and is a violent vigilante to prevent distasteful acts and prevent trespassing.

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In the 2009 reboot it comes off like Jason is either smoking cannabis, selling/trading it or using it as a lure.

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>Kelly Hu, the actress who played Karai in Nickelodeon's TMNT cartoon was in Jason Takes Manhattan as the character Eva.

And the actress who played Gohan on Dragonball Z (Saffron Henderson) is the one who gets brained with a guitar in that movie.

And the actress who played Arcee in Transformers (Susan Blu) gets speared through the chest in Part VII.

And the actor who played Optimus Primal in Beast Wars (Gary Chalk) is the Sheriff in Freddy vs. Jason.

And the actor who played Link in the Legend of Zelda cartoon (blanking on the name) is the guy who gives the "He just wanted his machete back" line in Jason X before dying off screen.

Jason kills a lot of cartoon voice actors.

This might be a really petty reason to dislike the 2009 remake but I think the 80s setting has a big part of the charm of the original movies. The grainy film footage, the movies aren't overly produced with fancy "moody" lighting, the 80s aesthetic, that's a big part of the charm of the original movies for me. The 2009 one is too Hollywood, filming on digital makes it all look sterile.

For modern F13 movies to work they need to give them a ridiculous outlandish concept like Jason X or FvJ. It may not have the 80s charm but it's so fucking crazy it's mad entertaining. If they make any others I would like them to do a period piece and get rid of the digital cameras.

I didn't mind that aspect but many do. There is a really obvious 2000's polished look that is instantly recognizable and if someone's in it for the original look and feel that might be why so many hate the remake even though it's an improvement. Having it set in the 80's would have been interesting. There better be another movie, there has to be since it will be the 13th movie.

bumping the best thread on Sup Forums

I'd like it if the original continuity was revived, personally. It would be better than their current plan to do yet another remake; the last thing I want is for F13 to end up like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre where the series has become a string of remakes.

They wouldn't even have to continue from Freddy vs. Jason if they didn't want to. I'd like to see a movie that narratively bridges Part XIII and Jason Goes to Hell. Like, Jason dusts himself off from the sewer meltdown and hacks his way cross-country to get back to Crystal Lake (where the FBI is waiting for him).

That'd be way more fun than another fuckin remake.

They should do a kino that shows Pamela lose it in slow motion, the first movie from her pov. Show her trying to raised Jason, "losing him" then killing the counselors.

How did he even get to the cruise ship anyway? Crystal Lake is a lake... is there supposed to be a river leading out of it? What happened at that point? He navigated the ship out of the lake to the cruise ship? Or he was afraid to get off the boat because he didn't want to step off into the middle of crystal lake where he nearly drowned so he just sat there while the boat drifted? Or he got off the boat then got caught in the anchor chain and got helplessly dragged downriver? lol poor Jason
don't tell me to stop trying to make logic and sense out of this series either

Fri the 13th part IV took place on a Saturday the 14th

The fourth movie is one of the worst, don't see why that one of the high points for most fans.

Jason a cute

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Jason a cute continued

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I'm more prone to believe Sean Cunningham since he's always seemed enthusiastic about Jason being the hockey mask wearing killer. At least in the documentaries.

Adam clearly ruined the movie

You may be gay.

Turns out the whole game is Tommy’s recurring nightmares in the Freddy Kruger mental hospital.

I don't agree with everything this guy says in this video but it's an excellent essay on New Lines treatment of F13 if anyone hasn't seen it already. He's got another good video shitting over found footage.

I actually enjoy it a lot. It’s a good mashup of 1 2 and 3. Good mix of character types and Jared Padalecki is a human wall in real life and still looks small and weak next to Jason.

Part 6 is my favorite too. Although part 4 is probably the best "pure" Ft13th film. I also have a soft spot for 5. I loved that fim as a kid even if there was no Jason

Also if any of you guys have Part 6 on DVD, bluray, or on your PC you absolutely have to watch it in black and white. The director used a lot of old gothic horror elements with the intention of having a black and white alternate version. All you have to do is turn the color down to 0 on your tv or computer and deepen the contrast. It looks fucking incredible. The opening scene looks like an old Universal monster movie

See for yourself

>those opening shots

Gives me chills man

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>a Friday the 13th thread

Nice. This made my day

I think you guys might be interested in this.

It's the entire 6 hour long Crystal Lake documentary for free. Enjoy

Best Friday the 13th films:
Friday the 13th (1980)
Part V: A New Beginning
Part 6: Jason Lives

Part 2, 3, 4 and 7 are comfy and good watches for a night in. Part 8 is meh. JGTH sucks and Freddy vs Jason and Jason X get Jason's look all wrong.

Thanks. Watched that for the first time a month ago and it was WAAYYYYY better than that "His Name Was Jason" documentary from a few years back. Glad they did a more definitive redo. I was surprised at some of the people they were able to get for interviews, both obscure and celebrity.

I think my favorite part was seeing the original footage that was cut from Jason Takes Manhattan that actually might have helped the movie make a little more sense. All that stuff about the spirit of Jason's inner child trying to be freed from the monster he's been turned into, which is why he keeps appearing to the main girl and asking her for help before killer Jason interrupts.

And the final scenes in the sewer where they built a HUGE Jason head and had him spit out the spirit of his inner child before dissolving into nothingness. Waaayyyyy too symbolic for a fucking Friday the 13th movie, but it would have made a lot of the other stuff in the film make more sense (like Jason teleporting, because he's literally a ghost in the movie, or why young Jason and killer Jason keep appearing together).

It also might have segued into Jason Goes to Hell a bit better. Jason's human soul was freed so all that was left behind was the monster, the demon, which is what Jason turns into in Jason Goes to Hell.

I liked it a lot. Those underground tunnels were a great way to explain how the fuck Jason appeared out of nowhere as well as those trip-wires alerting him of people disturbing his woods. The later Friday the 13th films forgot about Jason's background as a wood hermit; the remake actually had him stalk and kill with traps, crossbow, and other nature survival skills.

I know people bash Part 6 for actually having kids (gasp! in a sleepaway camp) because it took away from the hedonistic freedom that the counselors could have, but the inclusion really added to the the themes. Like when Jason bursts into the cabin full of kids; it makes you wonder if he was going to really slaughter them or was it a deliberate lure to get Megan and Tommy?

Here's what they need to do when they make another film:

>ignore the remake and continue on with the original continuity
>make it set in the modern day, this would require them to de-canon Jason X since Jason was frozen in 2010 in that film
>have it set at Camp Crystal Lake with camp counselors being the victims
>the film actually has Friday the 13th in the title
>fix Jason's look so that he looks the way he did in Part 8, no giant coat, no hair, just a zombie with rotting clothes and an old hockey mask

Part 9 is just a steaming hot mess. It was clear they were out of good ideas and the series was in its death spiral. They chose the new York setting just as a gimmick. In the Crystal Lake doc the writer or producer admits they never intended to ever explain how a boat could go from Crystal Lake to new York or vice versa. They just didn't care. It actually wouldve been better if the small cruise liner just floated around Crystal Lake the whole movie.

>Part 9
What part 9?

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God it looks amazing. I can't get over it. Watching it in Black and white takes it from an 8/10 experience to a 10/10. And later in the film all the jailhouse scenes in Black and white plus the old time dialogue make it feel like a noir too. That would explain that weird relationship between Tommy and that one counselor.

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Think he meant Part 8.

But as to this The original subplot about Evil Jason vs. the ghost of his childhood innocence probably would have made the movie make more "sense" in terms of its narrative had its scenes not been cut and the original ending used, but I don't think it would have made the movie better.

The Producer's Cut of Halloween 6 makes more sense than the Theatrical Cut, but it's not a better movie. BOTH versions are shitty, but all tht magical Curse of Thorn cultist shit and Michael getting stopped by runes on the floor and Loomis getting turned into Michael's next caretaker by having the curse passed down to him shit... It made more sense in the Producer's Cut, but they were all bad ideas.

Kid Jason trying to get exorcised from Evil Jason throughout Part 8 might have made more sense with all the scenes intact, but the idea was stupid.

Meant part 8

Before Jason Goes to Hell, Part 6 was the first film to actually explore the supernatural aspect of Jason as this unstoppable killer. Tommy had mad guts to chain up Jason in the lake he drowned in.

>but all tht magical Curse of Thorn cultist shit and Michael getting stopped by runes on the floor and Loomis getting turned into Michael's next caretaker by having the curse passed down to him shit... It made more sense in the Producer's Cut, but they were all bad ideas.

To be fair, they were just using what 5 left them with. 6 gets a lot of flack while 5 gets off the hook, for some reason, when it's the reason the cult stuff even exists in 6.

Most of the characters are absolutely insufferable. If you're going to go that route with your characters in a slasher movie, at least give them their proper comeuppances. Jason was pretty cool though.

Brascia molested Haim on The Lost Boys and Sheen molested Haim a year earlier on the set of Lucas. Both incidents are discussed in Feldman's book, Coreyography, with Feldman naming Brascia under a pseudonym.

Felt bad for the Asian dude. He had the most painful death.

Supposedly Sean Cunningham is writing ANOTHER remake that's going to come out on the 40th anniversary of the original but who knows. I know they're already full steam ahead with another Halloween sequel/reboot which seems weird to me.

How have we gotten 3 Halloween films in the past few years but only 1 mediocre Friday remake? I'm under the belief that the popularity of Jason has never gone away. They could still be pumping out Ft13 sequels today yearly and people would still see them.

I remember seeing the Ft13 remake in theaters on opening night not expecting much and it was packed and people were having a blast. Screaming, laughing and yelling jokes at the screen. It was awesome.

I dunno, man. They said that when they filmed the ending of H5, they hadn't thought about who the Man in Black would be or why he was freeing Michael from jail. The writers for H6 had the freedom to come up with ANYTHING to explain that. Yeah, it was a strange prerequisite to have to explain away, but they didn't have no alternative but to do that Cult of THorn thing and have Michael rape his niece and kill of Jamie unceremoniously and all that other awful stuff. No one made them write magic into the film.

H5 was a pretty bullshit film for a lot of dumb reasons, but aside from including a mystery man connected to Michael, they didn't force the writers for H6 down any of the avenues they chose to take.

I'll agree on that. I actually didn't mind him.

Best final girl

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Halloween always pissed me off because Michael Myers looked worse and worse with every sequel to the point it just looked like a guy in a Halloween store costume. At least with Jason his designs got better and they went with some sort of visual evolution/continuity

Too bad she was surrounded by homos. Had no idea a lot of the male cast in Part 7 were gay until I read an article about it.

Parts 1 and 2 are the only Halloweens I acknowledge. It helps that both movies take place the same night.l

I'd have to rewatch 5, but the Man in Black in it isn't just random and is alluded to in part along with the force of the cult.

Again, 6 just uses what's given to them and it seems to get all the flack. They could've come up with ANYTHING, but that doesn't mean it would've been better than what we got.

We even see the Thorn mark in 5 -- EARLY in the movie and the Man in Black is shown throughout the film, albeit not much.

Again: 6 gets more blame than it should for what make logical sense to follow with: exploring the Thorn cult more.

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Fun fact; part 1 and part 3 are the only Friday the 13th films to feature a final girl as the sole survivor. In all other films there's a final girl and a final guy.

Except we never saw Paul at the end of Part 2 when Ginny is being taken away in the ambulance. Ginny was even asking where he was

It's ambiguous.

They left that in because they wanted the audience to debate whether he was the killer or not. Turns out I don't think they cared or even noticed

Everyone wonders if Paul truly died at the end of Part 2 or if that last attack from Jason through the window was just a dream, but the better question is, IS MUFFIN OK!?!

I know. It's also interesting that Ginny subverts the Final Girl conventions since she drinks beer and had sex with Paul early in the film.

I actually like the idea of just assuming Paul is the killer in part 2 because that version of Jason completely fucks up the lore and continuity. It makes absolutely no sense that Jason would be living in the woods in a shack wearing hillbilly clothes

How the fuck would anyone think Paul was the killer when he was at the bar with Ginny and that lucky bastard Ted while Jason was killing everyone at camp

>They left that in because they wanted the audience to debate whether he was the killer or not. Turns out I don't think they cared or even noticed

Wait, do Paul and Jason never appear on-screen at the same time? I know there's that scene in the dark where one body rises and Ginny isn't sure if it's Paul or Jason (it was Jason), but without making me go back and watch, was the "Paul and Jason never appear together" thing a real part of the movie?

It was kinda weird seeing lens flare in a Friday the 13th movie.

>So I just thought, 'When did the Christian Right suddenly get a say in my production?'"
Deciding the franchise belonged to him and not the fans is the kind of hubris you usually get from a veteran director, not a fucking nobody whose career highlight was cowriting Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D.

Thanks for that man.
Have a cute Jason and Samara for you

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