Which films should be watched after being cucked?

Which films should be watched after being cucked?

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Tell us what happened OP, and why is she in such a filthy place?

Willingly cucked or unwillingly cucked?

Hamms beer is the most disgusting swill you can drink, it is like 3 dollars for a sixer

Are those "white people" in America?

its obviously a frat party, probably during rush week.
You probably never dated her, you more then likely never even talked to her, that's not being cucked you retard.

Post her nudes and any sex vids you made of her.

Came here to say this; glad it's already posted

How is anybody being cucked in that pic?

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If your sister fucks a colored in your home then you are being cucked.

just by the clothes, beer, fat chicks, etc this is probably a big 10 school

jesus who the fuck cares its beer

I never understood how university students were able to get fucked up daily and still take college classes


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It's only cucked if she gets fucked. If she pegs him then it's not cucked.

the majority of them don't get fucked up daily, the ones that do tend to stay around due to family pull or bribing until they still burn out. I drank and partied a lot but only when I had time to do so.

Have you drank hamms? It is almost vomit inducing when it hits your tongue. Tastes like pigs feet were washed with beer runoff and canned.

.t alcoholic

ah the stinky chinky back again.

She is amazingly pretty. Also, the guy on the right in the red is getting his ass chewed by that chick. His posture and her eyes say so. What the fuck is going on here? There must be 3000 people there.

Look at the fat fuck making the Mickey soy face

She’s pretty fucking hot bro. Any social media @‘s for either one of them, surely he has more pics of her if you don’t have her @

This doesn't look like the same girl.

Rush week. Alternately just any game day on frat row.

Who is being cucked ... i must know?

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/r/asianmasculinity has to be the most pathetic group of tiny picked losers on the planet.

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this just gives me motivation, if an ugly dicklet chink can get a girl like that I'm fine

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>You will never be a rich frat boy

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Dumb phoneposter scum

>implying you need to be rich or in a frat to fuck hot girls
Dude. It's called Tinder.

what happened OP? tell us

>alcohol and trash everywhere
>interracial relationships

what's going on here?

>The photo that destroyed Sup Forums
tfw you will never be a daddies boy.

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Holy fuck read the thread. Frat party/rush week/game day
Did none of you go to college, or at least go outside while you attended college?

Fucking amerimutts

what are you, in college? just find someone else, none of this shit will matter in 10 years

Who is being cucked?

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Who ever they killed.

Who cucked who?

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>The guy is on the basketball team
OP you had no chance

>that tiny circumcised penis

Why do girls always do that pose?

I must know the cucked story

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It's clearly a bait picture you retard Eurasian tiger.
Now back off to r/asianmasculinity, this thread isn't even about WM/AFs

I wish I was black.

The story is you are mentally cucked by white men who have no clue you even exist you obsessed Elliot Rodger motherfucker.

>NCAA Pentathlon WINNER
Bruh theres no way you ever talked to this girl Lmfao

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not him but

not them but

No you don't, trust me.

Yeah I do. Blacks apparently get away with having fucked up faces.

Is one of these dudes you OP?
can't figure out if this white dude to her right is her brother or ex bf.

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