Why don’t you like Wesley Crusher?

Why don’t you like Wesley Crusher?

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Because Wil Weaton is a faggot.

He always seemed kinda gay

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Im jealous of his rugged animal magnetism

>it's a 'Riker goes mad playing a psychotropic video game and rapes Wesley in the access tunnels' episode

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He's an insufferable cunt, but it was always just in good fun. Then Wil Wheaton outed himself as an even bigger cunt in real life, so now it's sincere.


Also, if you want Hwil Hweaton to block you on Twitter just reply to one of his tweets with "shut up Wesley"

Because his real name is Wil instead of Will. Who the fuck is named Wil with only one 'L'', is his full name Wiliam them?

Typical 'wonder kid' who for some reason knew every little thing, and was able to out think the grown ups who have dedicated years working on and maintaining the ship. Jake and Nog were much cooler.

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I like Wesley after he left the Enterprise, every episode with him as a guest character is pretty damn good

I unironically like him.

He admitted that he's bipolar and takes heavy medication.

He was fine, easily ignored and usually sidelined. Will Wheaton is kind of a turd, and I think people conflate the two.

>keeps typing
I don't think you understand how that works newfriend.

made kids watching the show self-conscious about their own dork tendencies.

>male tears
>white tears
>slang for seman

Based Stewart

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It's Wil.I.Am

I guess he's drinking his own after hundreds of people told him to shut up on twitter.

They were written like actual kids rather than being some bizarre power fantasy from Roddenbury. The whole reason people don't like Wesley is because he's the most completely unrealistic character in the entire Star Trek universe.

I wish that was real.

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The host from Weakest Link asked him why his name had only one L and as he was answering "because it's" she interrupted him with "pretentious?"

Seeing him triggers them because:
1. they're jelly butthurt he's good-looking and seeing him on their favorite TV show painfully reminds them they're not; or
2. they're self-loathing pedopervs and seeing him on their favorite TV show brings out feelings in them that they desperately don't want to feel.

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Shut up Wesley.