How did this episode manage to pull off such surgical butthurt on pol9k types? Was it intentional?

How did this episode manage to pull off such surgical butthurt on pol9k types? Was it intentional?

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what is this? only reddi/tv/ watches this

>wow something weird happens

Because instead of being some deep to himself hero like they all picture themselves to be, he was a weirdo prick with control issues

is this a false flag?

because it's part of the hate white men meme of the 2010s

godhood would give anyone control issues, though.

>hate white men
>because you are suppose to hate 1 white man

imagine being so fragile

White nerds who are bad with women are responsible for 99% of human scientific accomplishments.

This episode mocked and belittled them and instead made women, minorities and Chads as the true heroes.

not even a kekshit and i got a lil triggered

>what incels actually believe

It's just libtards larping as Sup Forums. You don't really believe Sup Forums would watch black mirror, do you?

Besides being just a really, really terrible episode in general it glorified normies and dumb thots and vilified anyone who is “shy” or “nerdy”. Not even just the ones who are actually cringey and fucked in the head, it made it seem like anyone who isn’t a retarded Stacy or Chad seem like a racist creepy freak of nature. The stereotypes presented and their execution is purely SJW fantasy, it has no basis in reality


sci fi nerds don't get enough hate these days. This guy probably edited fan wiki pages during work hours.

quads wasted on being bitter. For all the movies and shows that try to tell us implausibly that the hot successful people are evil and the weak shy nerds are the good guys, you have one, one-hour episode of a TV series showing that a nerd deep down is a prick, and Sup Forums flips its shit because I guess it hits too close to home.

>impling pol9k is the same thing as pol

>Dana Schwartz links this to the "modern toxic masculinity" movements of Gamergate and the alt-right.[9] Charles Bramesco of Vulture notes that despite the fact that Robert never actually rapes any of the female members of the crew, he exhibits psychological traits associated with rape culture.[10] Tristram Fane Saunders of The Telegraph calls the episode "a sharp attack on an entire genre of male-driven narrative"
>Was it intentional?

I'm going with yes

Oh, you ignorant cunt

Einstein: fashion icon and chronic philanderer

Leonardo da Vinci: left-handed bisexual ubergenius who seduced boys and women all over the place

Galileo: happily married with numerous children

Need i go on?

>a bunch of jews at jewish newspapers say jewish things

wow, brooker btfo

>b-but what about kurt godel

oh wait even that autist train wreck had a wife
all incels can try to point to is newton, and that gaylord what probably just asexual and not some frustrated loser incel


Charlie Brooker used to write about Gamergate taking an unapologetic pro-socjust stance, so, I'd say it was very much intentional and he is jerking off to this thread as we speak.

I don't identify with the main character and I wasn't "triggered," but I did think it was one of the worst episodes of the show. There was absolutely no logic or consistency to the way the technology worked, all pretense of "smart sci-fi" was thrown out the window in favor of a half-assed normie crowd-pleaser. It was just a dumb story. And it was basically just a re-hash of the idea they used much better in the Jon Hamm Christmas episode

>Has a way to digitally copy people and put them into any situation he wants
>They don't even realize that they're copies
>He can always delete and replace them with a fresh copy with no memories of ever being in the game
>He just roleplays his favorite tv show instead of using it to improve his life
He could literally test out how the people in his life would react to him growing a fucking backbone and acting like a real boss at his work.
Hell even thinking small he could try asking out a girl in his simulation to see how it would go in real life, learn from his mistakes, ect

You tell me OP

Virgins are an error of society and should be removed
>That way he stared the new girl
Embarassing, 0 social skills, r/niceguys basically
Learn to speak with a woman and respect her, grow a fucking backbone and do plastic surgery or something to be attractive

so he got an opportunity to live out his fantasy and make fun of those mean gamergate people?
sounds similar to the episode

Let's not forget the Chad's who set up the major pieces of this world
Fought his wild nature and conquered it, almost became immortal
Literally cut off enough incel dicks to fill multiple wheelbarrows and started the first library
Conquered the entirety of Asia Minor, fell apart when he died
>Charles Martel
Made the Muslims fuck off back to Africa for centuries afterwards
>Ben Franklin
Literally was drowning in hairy French Pussy, discovered electricity, founded the US, helped greatly in the Revolution
>Andrew Jackson
Fuck banks, fuck the British, and fuck Indians too
Fuck banks, fuck Russia, and fuck Israel too
Fuck practical banking, fuck JFK, and fuck Vietnam too
Fuck gold, fuck Dems, and fuck Hippies too

Sup Forums isn't even white lol

You keep reposting this but you've never answered why would you try to improve your life if you have access to a fantasy world where you are a literal god?

The guy is already independently wealthy, he has less than no interest in sex or people outside of his god simulator, and no amount of improvements to his situation would ever equal the total godlike dominion afforded to him by the video game.

That's my first time posting it, I'm not surprised someone has thought the same thing though. As for why he'd use it to improve his real life, he's very obviously unhappy with his actual life and uses the game to escape from it
>People in his own company think so little of him that he's an outsider in the company he started with his "friend"
>Co founder of the company walks all over him
>People in the office talk shit on him, black bitch literally warns girls in the office "He's stared at me before, he's creepy so avoid him"
>Some of the only times he's asked for the intern to bring him coffee/food he either never gets it, or gets the wrong order
>Whenever something like this happens in real life he throws a tantrum in the game to try to make himself feel better
It's obvious he'd love if his real life was better, but he doesn't apply his game to that even though it would be a 100% effective way to test out how to improve his life in the office

Everything about the episode was too predictable when you're familiar with the writer being a hyper liberal.

They all want to self insert as the White Male with social retardation more than they want to enjoy Black Mirror in general because it got thrown into the SJW bin. Black Mirror is written to cater to a broad audience so it makes sense, but it's still a brilliant show.