Memes aside, I can find no television show from any era to match the quality of this...

Memes aside, I can find no television show from any era to match the quality of this. Can Sup Forums recommend anything or is this the peak?

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>Thomas Ligotti the show

Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995-1996)

>referencing Ligotti instead of Lovecraft

this post is >kubrickian


Positively Snyderian

This but absolutely unironically.

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Band of Brothers is my favourite show of all time. Try it out.

It had a kinoesque atmosfear

>the peak
>not Twin Peaks

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> villain is introduced in penultimate episode
> villain has no motive except being le evil swamp man
> green ears
> cynical rust literally sees the light and is born again
> memes aside

you said it, user

It was so damned good until the time skip

It's currently the peak imo

Mad Men
The Wire
The Sopranos
Twin Peaks

there is only one good tv show
it's columbo

should include I'm not saying they're better or even as good but they're the same level

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Twin Peaks
The Prisoner
Mad Men
Peep Show

I feel bad for anyone that binged this show. Having the week in between episodes during it's release built tension and really got the imagination going. Maybe that's why the last 2 or 3 episodes were such a let down. STill a great show and still better than season 2.

keeping up with the kardashians was better

>peep show
Nathan Barley
The Office
Brass Eye
I'm Alan Partridge
Phoenix Nights
The Thick of It
Green Wing

There you go 10 british comedies better than that just off the top of my head

The discussions and meme shitposting on Sup Forums during those weeks literally ruined the show for me, I couldn't take it seriously after that. I only started to appreciate it after second watch.



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only u would know. how's that fanta orange?

Deadwood at its best is top tier quality television, up there with TD S1 imo. And both end on a disappointing note.

Absolutely unironically, for me there are only 3 shows that can pretend to come close to TD season 1.
Band of Brothers
and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

That's it.
Maybe the Prisoner, if it didn't have these silly filler episodes, maybe GoT if didn't turn into irredeamable trash long ago, maybe the Sopranos, if it had like a third of the runtime and cut all the uninteresting forced drama, maybe even BSG if it had been better written after season 2, maybe Twin Peaks if there wasn't this pointless s02 arc and the return was better...
Television is a cesspool, truly good shows only come once every few years.

Or maybe even I, Claudius if the costumes and sets didn't feel so fucking cheap it would have been perfect.

>villain isn't one man but a conspiracy that goes to into Louisiana government
>villain's motive is being the insane successor to a cult of child-abusing rapist-murderers devoted to the King in Yellow
>cynical rust literally sees the portal to Carcosa but passes his Sanity roll and comes out with greater resolve and +1 Mythos Knowledge
>this is literally a Call of Cthulhu game as a season of a tv show


I'm usually not into weeb shit, but I liked Steins;Gate and Samurai Champloo. Does Evangelion have all the over the top shit like bleach and other trash?


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Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul

Evangelion is the only truly worthwhile anime, it doesn't have a slight of over the top shit.
And it is unironically an absolute masterpiece.
Get the Sephirotic release and start watching it faggot.

Sherlock was pretty fucking good.

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The Golden Era Trilogy (Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood) is better in every way. I'm a big fan of True Detective s1, but let's not get carried away. I'd also put Mad Men over TD.

did you even comprehend what you watched? yeah, the green ears bit was beyond stupid, but every other aspect was pretty damn good. the villain had a motive. in detective fiction antagonists aren't introduced early. we know them by their crimes, dimwit.

>better in every way
>half the runtime of these shows is worthless and boring

Christ are there really people who think this 8/10 (at best) is the pinnacle of modern TV?

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>>half the runtime of these shows is worthless and boring
what language are you writing here? it's almost English but with a dash of gibberish. try again. you almost have a point to make but your lack of basic language skills thwarts your intent.

>can't understand basic train of thoughts
>writes smug prententious bullshit to hide the fact he doesn't have anything to disagree about
I am dead serious. Sopranos, The Wire, Mad Men, and even Deadwood have great characters, great atmospheres, great settings.
But half the storyline are worthless and ultimately pointless, half of the supporting is unsufferable on purpose and has no point beyond creating artificial drama for the main characters to deal with.
And ultimately yeah, you could cut the runtime of each and every oone of these show by half and not a single thinfg of value would be lost.

Is that clearer or do I need to process my french through google translate for your mutt ass to be able to understand your own language ?

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you might like Red Riding

It's the peak. S1 of True Detective is the best miniseries ever made.

Second best miniserie ever made*

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the true answer to ops question

>>can't understand basic train of thoughts
my four year old nephew has more command of written language than what you wrote and you try to turn it around on me not understanding your train of thought?

>writes smug prententious bullshit
i think you don't know what smug or pretentious means. go fetch a dictionary, boy, and return when you know hat those words mean.


back? okay.

>But half the storyline are worthless and ultimately pointless, half of the supporting is unsufferable on purpose and has no point beyond creating artificial drama for the main characters to deal with.
pointless? character arcs aren't pointless. each seasonal narrative in the Trilogy has multiple "points" to make, themes to explore, and resolutions that bring it all together and often times parallel the journeys of the multitude of characters in the dramas.

>you could cut the runtime of each and every oone of these show by half and not a single thinfg of value would be lost.
sigh. bet you Tolstoy and Dostoevsky aren't in your vocabulary either, am i right?

btw, how old are you? if you're a teen, I suggest you return to the Trilogy when you're in your mid-20's and have had some life experience. you may be able to relate more with the adult characters then.

>unironically watching BLACKED: Reality TV Boogaloo

>my imaginary 4 years old nephew
>I bet u cant even into Dostoïevski or Tolstoï haha fagget
>haha how old r u
Reddit spacing, insufferable high school kid attitude, and not a single argument to counter my points, great job kid, I tip my fedora to you.

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LOL. damn. you just went full dumb ass. I guess I was arguing with a 12 year old. apologies. also, shouldn't you be at school?

Keep projecting, not adressing my points and thinking you're speaking to a retard to avoid facing your obivous anal devastation.

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I'm already at school... the School of Hard Knocks, where I teach. and class is dismissed, bitch

>>Thomas Ligotti the show
I would actually love an anthology show that adapted stories from dreamer/grimscribe/teatro.

yfw it's a last feast of harlequin episode

Don't impersonate me retard

this but unironically

I know you're all looking at serious drama here but S3-10 of The Simpsons is the best TV show of all time and it's not even close. It was dense in a way that can't be replicated by a live-action series, it did every kind of joke in every possible way with a group of elite comedy writers who were absolutely flying at the time, and the shows/scripts were then punched up right up to the last minute by the same committee. There's obviously more to add but we've heard it all before. Its brilliance will never be replicated.

As far as live action goes, another vote for Columbo!

Anytime I see one of these threads.
>ctrl+f “justified”
>0 results
I used to not care as much when the show was airing because I didn’t want it to get meme’d up. But now I just feel like people are missing out.

Westworld is lowest common denominator Game of Thrones replacement. It's the only show I watched where redidt and Sup Forums literally got every twist by like mid-season. Jonathan is the same as his brother in the way that they write shit that seems deep and intriguing but it's just kiddie pool shit with no actual depth

when did you convince yourself you had any real critical point to make? you basically said the Trilogy was too long, boring, pointless arcs, and, well, that's it. prove your argument. cite the characters or arcs you criticize with what seems to me and other readers here is a sophomoric if not juvenile comprehension of the shows.

i'm also not projecting. you're finally writing like someone who at least has some control of the language. that wasn't the case with your first few posts. now, get to work and tell us why exactly The Sopranos, Deadwood, and The Wire are boring, long, and pointless.

more orwellian if you ask me

It is honestly and unironically the height of plebation to care about "predicting twists", it is how children and low IQ people enjoy media because it reveals you don't understand every narrative follows a logical structure and are literally putting a value on a lack of cohesion because you're not appreciating it any further than as if you were being told a funny anecdote by a friend.

If fictional events no one predicted taking place is some sort of merit then something like Iron Man 3 is the deepest work of art ever produced that should be studied by generations to come.

Read my second post that you deemed not well-written enough for you to even consider smart ass.
The main characters in these shows are all great. Most of the seasons of these shows are great. That's not my point if you bothered reading.
My point is that they all end up losing themselves in repeating and hammering the same character themes over and over again.
The most glaring example is probably Mad Men, Sopranos manages to avoid it for the most part, but it still ends up doing it, even if it's more cleverly written.
I understand that it is the whole point of these character driven shows, but after a few seasons, the lack of clear directive storyline makes them lose themselves into somewhat unnecessary drama.
Which isn't that much of a problem if you watch it only once, but makes rewatches unbearable without skipping, well between a third and a half of the runtime.
You originally said that these show are "better in all aspects" than TD s01, to which I answered that they're not for all the reasons listed above. Not a single individual season of these show is as good a story as TD s01, none of them taken entirely have either.
So now if you can stop disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing and have more interesting things to write than trashing my vocabulary, be my fucking guest.