Americans in charge of designing aliens

>americans in charge of designing aliens

Attached: BRAAAP.jpg (1904x799, 198K)

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Attached: 1520479240931.png (1280x720, 1.63M)

It' a clone, not an alien.

Attached: ukkRaD4[1].jpg (611x600, 88K)


Its a British movie

>twerk off alien and you

If anyone's obsessed it's you lmao

Dude play-doh lmao XD

>Ralph Angus McQuarrie (June 13, 1929 – March 3, 2012) was an AMERICAN conceptual designer and illustrator. His career included work on the original Star Wars trilogy, the original Battlestar Galactica television series, the film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, and the film Cocoon, for which he won an Academy Award.

British director, writer, producer, cinematographer, editor, soundtrack by a Brit and shot in England

U wot m8

Reminded me of a TOOL music video for a couple minutes.

why would you do this to yourself

Attached: 1520524900098.jpg (537x596, 151K)

That was clearly designed by an Indian

didn't know drone strikes happen every 3 minutes

All those people and not a conceptual designer or illustrator in the lot. Pathetic. How many Pounds did you pay that talented American to come across the ocean and wipe your ass?

>nnno you
Hahahaha holy shit

>americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans americans

and he has what exactly to do with Annihilation?

>habitually posts the same delusional "OMG YOU'RE SO JEALOUS OF US LMAO" 56% image every time someone says the word "america"
>m8 maybe you're the bitter and obsessive one if you're triggered this easily

Attached: 1495110419805.jpg (400x405, 67K)

they should happen more often, imo.

Attached: 1485546014554.png (697x622, 286K)

we finally broke the amerishart

Attached: 1508945866423.png (1980x1036, 98K)