It doesn’t matter if the movie is bad, it’s got females so it’s still great, and it’s beautiful, okay sweetie

It doesn’t matter if the movie is bad, it’s got females so it’s still great, and it’s beautiful, okay sweetie
>any questions?

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And It's Actually Kind Of Kickass

okay mommy, can i have some milkies with my tendies? baby is very thirsty mommy

>celebrating mediocrity
I don't think this semen-slurping timeline is for me

And here's why you should cut off your penis and go on estrogen

>That goalpost moving.

There it is again folks.

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And thats a good thing.

>Just OK
top kek

And that is actually a beautiful thing

>Websites are starting to claim that women-bashing is a 'great thing' and here's why that's problematic.

ah yes

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literally retarded. there were lot of female lead action movies

>Selectively forgetting the careers of several actresses to promote your stupid message

fuck this style of journalism.

Joke's on you, they cut off my penis when I was five days old and pumped me full of estrogen-laden chemicals for my entire childhood

I don't give a damn either way about gender politics because I'm not an angry virgin or a bitter feminist, but I really fucking hate this current trend on articles to say "...and here's why you should care" and "here's why that's important."

That's what the article is for. If I read the article, I'll know why it's important or okay or why I should care.

Man, I wish I was raised in Europe

>And That's A Great Thing
This shit is really getting under my skin.

I don't understand. Ten million topics to soapbox, but defending shitty movies by virtue of cast demographics is dumb

why not put her then to play the character? at least she's funny

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Here's Why That's Important

Underrated post

You mean there are. I feel like I live in a fucking parallel dimension where UPN or Lifetime didn't exist as a network, that Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley weren't the most beloved action sci fi heroes. That there haven't been blacks, women, asians in every single 80s, 90s, and 00s movie. Movies with predominantly black, predominant women. In their mind is every movie just played by James Cagney look alike white men until this beautiful year where we finally liberated the colors? How the fuck did anyone watch a Bug's Life considering they can't seem to enjoy a piece of media without seeing themselves mirrored inside of it.

Is it just simple narcissism? It manages to blow my mind every single time I hear some chucklefuck shitting this at the mouth.

I think I read your Wikipedia page. Wasn't your penis accidentally burned off during a botched circumcision?

The first Tomb Raider was just okay. The hunger games are just okay this has been happening for decades so please quit shillling for shit movies just because the lead has a pussy.

>This shit is really getting under my skin.
(And here's why this is problematic)

it's just clickbait and memes, bro. nobody actually really believes this shit.

Nah, it was just a regular mutilation

My glans is dried up and extremely cracked and keratinized now

And it's beautiful. Here's why.

Am i alone in enjoying the first two Angelina Jolie Tomb Raiders or something? Did they just forget they existed and did reasonably well at the box office from what I remember?

why do libshits have to be told what to think about things through clickbait?

Alt right trolls are frustrated with female action leads and that's empowering(and a beautiful thing)

that's not really the order it goes

>Is it just simple narcissism?
no it's a fucking cultural revolution founded in cultural marxist principles spearheaded by Jews, something which you've no doubt heard or been told hundreds of fucking times on this board and yet still refuse to listen to???

asking stupid fucking questions like the one you just asked

>uh duuhh abhhuuuuu duuhh hurr is dis narcissism? these narcissistic hollywood typessss abbhurururhuurrr liberals are the real nazis aaa hurrurrrrrrrrHURRUHRHJRR

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And here's why you love it.

For the same reason that Sup Forumscucks have to be told what to think by Sup Forums posts written by basement dwellers

>celebrating mediocrity
This. I hope earth gets hit by an asteroid and wipes out 99% of mankind

Protip: Feminists will tell you everything related to women is somehow a good thing, and everything related to men is somehow a bad thing. There are no exceptions.

I hate these stupid articles like "The movie is terrible but that's ok and it;s beautiful"

WTF are these people? Can they NOT FUCKING DEAL?

>hating yourself this much
thanks for the satisfaction

>I don't give a damn either way about gender politics because I'm not an angry virgin or a bitter feminist,
You are actually the worst kind, you fence shitting subhuman. You will be the first to hang burning from a tree.

Wow, that really jogs the noggin'

Guess I should listen to your Sup Forums post huh basement dweller? Sup Forumscucks suck! lol!

You are frustrated but that's a good thing

Films With Female Leads Scare The Nazi Hackers of Sup Forums And Here's What YOU can Do to Make Them Even More Afraid!

So you mean if they just waited until 2018 to release the Halle Berry Catwoman movie it would've been a decent fun flick?

I don't like the implication of this article.

How do you write this with a straight face? How does anyone read this with a straight face? Why the actual fuck does this article exist?

>user CLAPS BACK at modern journalists... and it's exactly what we needed in 2018!

It'd probably make 300 million at the American box office if it was released now



Holy shit could you imagine?

>Black girls finally have representation in this POWERFUL movie that doesn't need Batman's help, and that's a good thing!

>Men on the internet, unsurprisingly, can't handle Catwoman when she's not a toy for Batman, and here's why you should be mad.

>The old eye candy Catwoman is out, time for a new DIVERSE Catwoman to show the boys how it's done!

>This new DIVERSE and POWERFUL Catwoman may not be the best, but she's still important and that's a good thing.

question: why do you faggots go around looking for opinion pieces to get assblated over?

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inherently dishonest

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I wish I lived in the world you live in. After seeing Wonder Woman with a movie club, one of the women in the group asked "so, did you guys find it weird to see an action movie with a WOMAN starring in it?"
I never went back to that group. I figured the other members were all functional retards.

>movie club

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>meeting new people in a casual setting


Sorry you don't like people to formulate their own opinions about the positives and negatives of different viewpoints.

What's it like just thinking whatever you're told
to think?

Don't worry, that's a rhetorical question. I'll just Google what your opinion is. After all, it's the same as everyone else's.

and it's just what we need in the era of trump

That's crazy, I've been thinking female-led movies are just OK for years

And you should be worried.

*in russian accent
He no like he love it

I fucking hate you

>Olivia Truffaut Wong

More like Olivia Truffaut Wrong, amirite?

>and now i know i cant lose, as long as you follow, im gonna won "im gonna win" im gonna beg steal and borrow, as long as you follow

>Shit mediocre male led movies like The Mummy or Boondock Saints
>Le times when critics were wrong xD

>Poorly rated female led movie like Tomb Raider or Wrinkle in Time

Retards. Dunk through a noose and neck yourselves.

undeniable that Annihilation would be a better film if it wasn't for the women and the fake drama.

>not olivia the truth is wrong

Alicia has done nothing wrong here. people are just being mean.

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Now they're just taking the piss

You know that that test, based on the event you were referring to (the kid had his penis burned off so he was raised a girl) is the ‘proof’ scientists use to justify transsexualism, when the kid and his brother ended up committing suicide because of it. Fuck liberal ‘science’.

Sarah Connor is one of the best action stars ever. Stop pretending female leads don't exist because you've only been watching films for 8 years.

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That headline is just lmao

tomb rider is supposed to be about tits, everybody knows a videogame movie is garbage anyway, it has nothing going on for it if you take that away

and thats a great thing

do these people have zero fucking sense of self-awareness?

If these guys ever watched the Nightmare On Elm Street series their head would fucking explode.

>and that's a great thing

is this a meme?

They're doing it on purpose to piss you off. Just ignore it. I know it's impossible but we need to be strong.

rosanne should be used to digitally replace all other women in film

Because if they try to find this shit in reality to complain about they wouldn't have any excuse to jerk off over the jew conspiracy to make men eat soybeans

>A bunch of literal who's writing blog posts that almost no one will read about how we need more women and blacks in movies amounts to a cultural revolution
You give them too much credit

>and thats actually a great thing
>and here is why
>and this and that
when did this start ?

The entire Oscars was about that too though.

There were literally two other "just OK" Tomb Raider movies.

This is very important, I'll even use reddit spacing so you can understand easier.

it's every news aggregate
every paper
every movie
every tv show
and every social media cess pool

You would have to be ignorant to totally discount the effects of media manipulation on a population.

>cultural marxist


they realized complete equality is actually impossible, unnatural, and thus unattainable.

so now we are attempting the equity meme: "equality of outcome" which means no matter how good/bad you do, everyone gets the same result aka 'to each according to his need' aka COMMUNISM.

whats wrong with equity you say?

what is wrong with equality of outcome?

well, when thought of as a nice ideal to strive for, to keep in mind, to encourage for better mankind it doesn't sound all that bad or related to film quality right?

but when people try to institutionalize it, and enforce it, and hold it up as a legal and moral priority it starts to have severe negative consequences.

when there are sometimes legal and other times just socially enforced quotas for women, for races, for sexual orientation, and gender identity it literally forces arbitrary restrictions and worries on production.

be it a community, a co-op farm, government, a corporation, or an entertainment enterprise.

when arbitrary requirements in the name of 'equal representation of various social constructs' is our top priority over the actual quality of your product instead of prioritizing the quality of the product, the quality of the product will SUFFER from lack of prioritization.

>pic related is an example of the counter intuitive, destructive forces of marxism

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It's like Sup Forums wrote the headline ironically

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>You are frustrated but that's a good thing

your response is a a good joke but also a poignantly dead on observation. this shit is probably written this way, at least in part, to demoralize anyone left with any logic perform brain cells.

>>Black girls finally have representation in this POWERFUL movie that doesn't need Batman's help, and that's a good thing!
>>Men on the internet, unsurprisingly, can't handle Catwoman when she's not a toy for Batman, and here's why you should be mad.
>>The old eye candy Catwoman is out, time for a new DIVERSE Catwoman to show the boys how it's done!
>>This new DIVERSE and POWERFUL Catwoman may not be the best, but she's still important and that's a good thing.

jaden smith is slated to star in a transgender Cat Womyn reboot in 2023

>bitching about articles that you didn't even read
And don't give me the clicking excuse, goddamn, how stupid do you need to be to be upset about something you're never going to look at?
There's nothing particularly upsetting about this article unless you honestly believe producers should have knee-jerk reactions to things.
>This movie didn't do well, so we MUST pander to the Chinese with the next one!
If criticism of that mentality upsets you, than have at it.

I understand how deep it goes, but I think cultural revolution is a strong term given that the actual culture isn't changing, they just want the faces of it to be more "diverse".

Terrible headlines had to evolve somehow, "AND IS HE CONNECTED TO AL QAEDA?!" got old

the people who are dumb enough to be manipulated deserve it user
nothing of value is ever lost in these scenarios everyone is freaking out about here.
We as humanity made it this far through thick and thin and all that bullshit and unjust fuckups inbetween.
we will be fine trust me

Too funny

up until this year women have never been in movies ever, i mean like ever


It is a good thing. Finally a shitty movie can flop without anyone being called sexist.

Deal with it, bigoted goy!

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This is patient zero.

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it was rhetorical you dingus. i just hope in my heart it isn't what i feel it is.